In The Beginning & To Fetch Some Wine

The sun is high, and the air is scathing hot. So hot that even demons from hell would prefer to stay indoors.

On such a day two figures can be seen walking in the sand, slowly making their way towards their destination.

One figure tall while the other small, yet the two are making their way merrily as if they were taking a walk in a lush forest with a gentle breeze going. Even the ordinarily heavy and stuffy sand cloaks the two were wearing looked pristine, almost unused if not brand new.

If one were to look closely, they would see that wherever the two walked by a small bit of damp sand follows before immediately being evaporated by the ever present solar beatdown.

"Old man, old man! When are we going to arrive at the next resting spot? My feet are about to fall off here." Cried the small one.

"Boy how about I let you feel the heat eh. Maybe that will take your mind off your damn feet. And I am not old, I'm aged like fine Austern Wine." Snarled the tall one.

"The fuck is Austern Wine?"asked the small one.

"Austern Wine, my boy, is what you are going to be acquiring for me when we get to the next oasis. It is once again time to put to the test all those lessons I've been cramming into your head."

The old man, ah, the aged man stopped for a moment causing the boy to almost slam into his back. He looked back at the young boy through his sand cloak and said

"This time you will be handling the task on your own. It's time for the bird to leave the nest, so to speak. You are already 13 years old, in just a short amount of time it will be your coming of age time and you will really have to leave the nest. Best be prepared for the future to come, boy."

The boy stiffened for a moment, but only a moment indeed. Quickly recovering he replied, "No problem old man." He said confidently. He moved his cloak away from his eyes, revealing a tuft of his light brown hair, and looked at his companion. His dark brown eyes shining with confidence, with only the smallest hint of nervousness contained within.

"I always said I am ready old man. As you said, the only person in the world you can't lie to is yourself."

The old man's eyes turned to crescents; no doubt pleased with his charge. He then glared at the boy, "Good, as it should be. However… enough of old man this old man that! You want me dead already eh?"

The boy laughed, "Okay okay, Cato I got it." He pulled his cloak back on, starting to walk while beckoning Cato. "Let's hurry, you are gonna turn the heat on again right? Better make it quick so I don't turn into a footless puddle".

Cato responded with a snort and promptly took the lead, disabling his ambient temperature reduction.

"Its called being lowkey. A mage in this hellhole raises one too many eyes. If we meet someone out here we can, ah, make them become forgetful rather quickly however in the oasis there is no end to the amount of informants looking to make some quick coin."

The two continued onwards towards their destination, one tall one small.


On the horizon lay a series of makeshift buildings and huts, all surrounding a small yet deep oasis. There is a rickety fence stabbed into the desert, with two openings north and south.

Two guards sitting on old chairs with a small table in between, a nearby tent with another two taking shelter from the scorching sun can be vaguely seen.

Cato and Cyrus make their way to the south gate, both now noticeably covered in sweat and sand. They make their way up, stopping for only a moment when the two guards look up from their game of cards at the newcomers.

Cato reaches into his cloak and flicks two silver onto the outstretched hand of the guard with practiced ease. The guard pockets the silver and goes back to playing his game, possibly deciding that two silver is all they are worth or maybe sensing something unusual about Cato and deciding to not press his luck.

The two continue through the gate and make their way towards the second largest wooden building. Building may be an overstatement as it could be called an oversized two story shed at best, with a small sign hanging over the door with the imperial symbol for rest tacked on, next to some less impressive local script. The two make their way through the currently rather deserted walkways.

Speaking up, Cyrus asks "I remember you saying that in the Empire all city streets are busy during the day instead of the night. That's pretty hard to believe you know, how could they bare the heat?"

"That's because you are forgetting that in the Empire it's not as damn hot as it is out here. Not only that but over there they have civilization, something utterly lacking here." Cato replies as the two make it to the inn.

They walk in through the door and are greeted by a small room, a few tables, a few people sitting at each talking in hushed tones, and a single counter with a man sitting on a stool behind it. Grayish tones and a hint of the smell of sweat summed up their surroundings, unremarkable to say the least.

Walking up to the counter they are greeted by the Innkeeper. He looks at the two closely for a moment, not noticing any special garb or signs and says in a monotone voice

"We are full. 1 gold for the overflow room, else scram."

Cato does not reply and instead reaches into his cloak once more, producing something that is hidden from all except for him and the innkeeper. The innkeeper looks at it, his eyes widening for but a moment but otherwise his facial expression remains stoic.

Sighing he says "… Follow me"

He acts as if he received the promised gold coin, pocketing nothing but empty air. The two follow the innkeeper behind the counter and towards the overflow rooms. He starts to walk past them, quickly checking behind him, then continues on turning the corner. He pulls out a small piece of flat stone, with a symbol of a forgotten language inscribed on it.

Pressing it towards the wall, it lights up for but a moment before the wall slides past revealing a set of stairs leading downwards.

"Do enjoy" Says the innkeeper in the same monotone voice as before "and try not to do anything that could get me killed".

Cato and Cyrus enter the stairwell as the door closes behind them.

(Prologue chapters have been reworked, let me know in the comments if I messed something up and somehow have still not noticed it)