The End, The Beginning (3)

The two sat across from one another as they always do when starting a lesson, yet, unlike all the previous this one shall be the final one between mentor and student.

"Listen well Cyrus, you will be finally entering the grand stage… the empire itself. Furthermore, I can not join you on this journey which means you will start out on your own. As to why this is, we must discuss the current divide in the empire itself between two major factions: The noble houses and the common families.

"When I had just exited the empire and came to the wasteland, the noble houses had just suffered a major political and military defeat by the common families. Not only that, but the imperial power which had always been neutral in the conflict for eons before had finally moved to action in which they chose not the noble houses but rather the common families" stated Cato, rather grimly.

"Which means that you were of a noble house then. It would make little sense otherwise as to how a powerful mage like yourself is down here in the middle of nowhere" remarked Cyrus matter of fact-ly.

"Indeed, I was of a noble house. I was a member of one of the major ones, of whom had participated in armed conflict with the major common families. Now, I may say common families but it is not like they are without power or outclassed by the nobles by any fashion.

"The only major difference between the two is that the noble houses had been around for far longer, which meant that their reach was far and their power deep and immeasurable at times. Still, what with the two sides almost in an effective war with one another imperial authority could not let such a situation happen for long. Thus, they sent their agents into both sides of the conflict to decide who to support to overall victory.

"Once they had gathered enough intel they decided to support the weaker faction, the common houses, as they were most likely easier to control. Thus, with the help of the empire itself the noble houses found themselves easily suppressed by their long time enemies. Drastic action they took next, but still expected by the imperial authority that they would do so.

"They all met together in one grand meeting, featuring all the major noble house leaders and their most trusted men, in order to plan one grand assault to make sure they were the winners at the end of the day… no matter the cost. Insane as they were, they planned to strategically weaken each cities defenses over time so that more and more common families would be called to the defense and perhaps they would even be lucky enough to cause a few commoner settlements to vanish to the empires enemies."

Cyrus went wide eyed to Cato's explanation, as the seemingly magnificent and all powerful empire that he had envisioned since he was young was quite literally crumbling with each passing word of Cato's. Now more than ever he understood why his mentor would call the empire a den of snakes.

"To sacrifice their own people, their own territory, just so that they could win in the end? Of a petty conflict for power and control… by Mundus what wretched individuals. If such people retained power I wonder how long it would be until the empire became another wastelands" thought Cyrus while Cato was pausing for a drink.

"Such a plan raised more than one eyebrow among even the hardliners at the meeting, and thus a plot within a plot was formed. One of the more respectable leaders, a powerful mage with close ties to many noble households, decided that they had gone too far this time and led in his imperial colleagues to one of the meetings. The conclusion: a slaughter. After that day, the empire had far fewer grand noble houses and their dastardly plans were forever broken" finished Cato, with great effort.

"That mage, he was you, was he not?" said Cyrus as more of a statement than a question.

"The pieces are all there, the story obvious. A powerful mage not allowed back into imperial borders, his access of hideouts left right and center, a grand rebellion, and a traitor amongst their ranks. Not only that, but only one occupation in the empire would even be in a position to so easily take down such a large gathering of no doubt powerful and cautious men."

"Not only that, but you were a member of the Inquisition as well… Or perhaps you were made an honorary member after your busting of the nobles?" reasoned Cyrus out loud, not needing Cato to answer what he was already sure of.

Cato gave a somewhat sad smile, "Correct as always my student. What I had always envisioned the empire to be, a place of order amidst a world of chaotic evil, was in diametric opposition to what the nobility was standing for. It was hard for me of course, people who I had worked with day in and day out…people that I had known since I was a boy… I had to betray them all for the good of not just the empire but for the good of the world.

"After I had led the inquisition to their easy victory, I was made an honorary member. Even so, I was once a great member of their just now recently deceased enemies. I was constantly eyed with suspicion and doubt, no matter what I did or where I went.

"Coupled with my guilt in betraying many who had been lifelong friends and allies, I simply requested an effective self-imposed exile. In exchange, I became warden of the wasteland allowing myself free autonomy in my actions so long as I acted in the interest of the empire. My days were then filled with aimlessly slaying monstrous foes, deposing Sultans with ill intent, and securing imperial trade routes. That was, until I met you of course."

Having finished his story, it was as if Cato had released a heavy burden from his shoulders. His face eased up and his tension visibly released, leaning back in his chair he collected himself and said to Cyrus.

"Now, do not be too concerned with my personal story. I have not raised you to foolishly raise my flag and clear my name or some nonsense like that." He stated matter of fact-ly, as he noticed Cyrus' face scowling heavily at the mention of Cato's untimely exit from the empire.

"I had waited so long until telling you so that you would not be influenced by what happened to me too heavily, so that you could develop your own goals and world view on your own. I would not have even told you if I could have helped it, but you needed to know the current major political divide the empire no doubt still has.

"I do not know the specifics of what happened after as it has been a few years since then, and I have also been purposefully ignoring the happenstances of the conflict. Alas, I can imagine that it has not yet fully healed and you will no doubt run into a few political issues related to this divide. Not all the nobles were deposed that fateful night after all, only the most radical of ones and some of the more powerful." Cato then put away his drink, got up from his chair and walked over to his student. Arms raised he gave him a powerful hug.

"Now, you know all that you need to make it in the empire." He then broke the hug and handed Cyrus the same jeweled sack that he had once used to store all his wine. "All your things are contained within, with a few extra toys I included to help you pass the trip into the heartlands of the empire."

Cyrus hugged his mentor once more, before stepping back and giving him a deep bow.

"Thank you for everything mentor, I will never forget what you have done. I will surely return once I have become a full-fledged mage, to show that I have not made waste of your teachings"

"Bah, hurry along boy. Don't stick around to witness an old man's tears, show some respect for the one who raised you for all these years!" He then quite literally kicked Cyrus out the door, who noticed that under Cato's eyes a small layer of frost was formed.

"Old man…you really used ice magic to stop yourself from crying..." Thought Cyrus with a saddened laugh, as he too used his own magic to erase the tears before they fell.

Step by step, Cyrus walked through the long corridor to outside the small encampment to where he detected Gabriel along with a few others who were almost as impressive in stature as he was.

"This marks the end of one part of my life I suppose, of safely passing the days under the wings of an eccentric yet caring elder. Now for the beginning of a new chapter of my story, I can only wonder as to what it will hold though…" Mused Cyrus as he walked towards Gabriel and his other seemingly superhuman subordinates, ready to finally head towards the true empire itself.