On The Approach, Arrival

As foretold by Gabriel, the group had finally arrived at the southern capitol after a long and fairly eventful journey. Specifically they had arrived a mile away from it, but the scale of the city could be seen from the distance due to its massive size. Regardless of Cyrus' awe of the scale of the city, the inevitable parting had come once again.

"The past month has seen more partings of people I have become close to than ever before in my life, although any number is greater than none. Still, I can not say I like the feeling" thought Cyrus as he watched Cato's old retinue bid him goodbye each in their own way.

Gabriel merely saluted him, having said all he needed to say before.

The three brothers urged him to check out the entertainment districts, giving him suggestions on where to go.

While Adara simply hugged him while saying,

"While we may part for now, we will keep an eye and ear out for your exploits. At the end of every year a festival is put on to showcase the talents of the Empire. Even though it is just one of the four regional capitols, exceptional stories of the younger generation's feats will travel around among the upper rungs of society. I expect to hear something about you!"

"I will try my best" said Cyrus with certainty, although inwardly he was wondering if it would be worth the trouble.

"I have yet to gain enough information to learn if the benefits outweigh the costs of being put in the spotlight. If my time in the wasteland has taught me anything, everything has a price." Thought Cyrus inwardly as Adara finally released him.

Then, the group parted from Cyrus whilst waving goodbye. He knew that they were all heading to resume their duties on the eastern front, in hopes to earn merits by assisting in quelling the aftereffects of the recent full-scale stampede.

Now it was just Cyrus and Fauve, who clasped him on the back while saying

"All right brat, just you and me. Luckily the great me has plenty of free time when compared to them, always busy chasing after the next enemy to quash for merits."

"Now that I think about it, why are you so free anyways?" asked Cyrus genuinely curious, as his understanding of the Venators job is one of extreme time consumption.

"Well as a Venator once you reach a certain rank you can forgo all the annoying field work and simply work on request. Each of us at the upper ranks has a specialty and when a problem occurs that aligns with it we are specifically requested." Fauve then showed him a ring on his finger with a rather large gem on it.

"See this? This is a communication type crystal that will light up like the sun when my services are needed. Specially made by one of the Empires few Archmagis. Now, enough mulling about we have places to be!" With that he mounted his horse and took off, causing Cyrus to quickly do the same. Quick as they were, they arrived within city limits in mere minutes as they pushed their horses to the limit.