Exam In The Arena (4)

While the two were making full use of the rest period allowing their bodies to rest, but for different reasons of course, the duo was also thinking deeply about recent events.

"The first test was to test our ability to do what is needed and our ability to overcome the inherent rejection of killing other humans. The second was a test of one's judgement, to not be deceived by what is in front of you. There is no discernable pattern other than that all of these are meant to test a specific trait, skillset, or lack thereof. I have a suspicion that perhaps defeating the enemy may not be the most important thing but instead how one approaches each problem. Considering that the amount of information gained from our reactions goes far beyond anything one can tell from mere writing or stress tests... Most likely all the promising candidates are brought to a trial like this to be truly tested… which means that those who make it to the top of the rankings are highly likely to be formidable in one respect or another" mused Cyrus to himself.

On the other hand, Imran was in the process of calming himself down enough for the task at hand. While it was doubtful he would suddenly become completely accustomed to the taking of his own species life, getting himself to a level where he could function in the now was completely doable for one such as himself.

As the break ended once more, the same rhythmic sound of the massive gate being raised made itself known once more. The duo prepared themselves once again as they awaited whatever foe may charge them forward this time.

The Legionnaire began to speak once more, this time even before the gate began to visibly raise, "Bandits that were personally raised by a former noble to harass his rival's supply routes. During the great cleansing that took place 7 years ago they had initially fled to the south, only having been captured recently by a member of the Inquisition. They initially had suffered severe frostbite from the waist down as their capture was a rough one, but they have been cured for the sake of this trial. Their strengths vary from not even on the charts to the equivalent of a veteran Miles. Incidentally, their leader surrendered and even fully cooperated with the Inquisition earning him the right to not be tortured too badly. According to imperial military doctrine his strength should be approaching that of an Immunis" pausing the Legionnaire said, breaking his detached tone for a moment, "Remember, say the word and the test will end with no harm done to yourselves."

His warning, however, was unnecessary. While Cyrus had initially been distracted by the familiar feeling he got from the way the bandits were captured, the moment 'Immunis' left the lips of the Legionnaire both he and Imran immediately began channeling their full magical might.

"Create a sand screen to cover all of them the moment they start to leave the gate. If they reach halfway past the midpoint use all that you can to halt them, if they breach the midpoint completely we give up" spat out Cyrus quickly as he channeled all his will in one go. Imran grunted in agreement, as he was crouched on the ground with both his hands in the earth, focusing all he had as well onto his spell.

Cyrus knew that there was no chance whatsoever for him to win the fight with normal means. While his trap should be able to kill most of the enemy force with little effort, the half-Immunis will have an easy time if he uses the fodder as a distraction. Even worse is if there are multiple Miles in the enemy group as Cyrus still vividly remembered the strength of the Miles that he had watched fight on the battlefield before. While their skill was not as refined as a Legionnaire's, they had enough raw power to allow themselves to exhibit a steady yet powerful flow of strength even with the most basic of techniques.

"This is most likely to test ones' ability to admit defeat, to understand their limits. But… what if one were to overcome their limits?" thought Cyrus, as well as Imran to some degree.

Both of them knew that in order to have even a chance they would have to overcome their limits, making use of everything they had and each had their own crazy idea that they were about to put into action.

For Cyrus, he sheathed his sword and put both his hands in the air with his eyes closed.

While the runes on Imran's gloves began to glow but as to what effect it had, this was unknown.

By this time, the portcullis had opened halfway and unlike before there was no ominously long wait before the enemy was revealed. Immediately human cries and screeches could be heard from the other side of the raising gate, full of madness and fury. Human figures began to walk under the gate, with those that were too tall to walk simply crawled under it. The enemy revealed, one could only see rabid animals that resembled the human form. Completely lacking any hair, teeth, or nails and completely covered in numerous scars. Not only that, but if one were to look closely most of them were missing various toes and fingers as well. As they swarmed through the small opening, suddenly a voice rang out from within the darkness.


The shout displayed its effects immediately as the surging tide of bodies stopped, and instead they slowly began to form sloppy and loose ranks right in front of the opening.

Having been granted more time, the two mages held off on acting and instead took the time to further strengthen their spells and to make sure that the chance of them succeeding reached near perfection.

Eventually all the bandits had left the darkness, with the exception of the authoritative voice from before. With a dramatic fanfare, he showed himself, walking out of the shadows and into the light. As he did the sea of bandits split into two groups allowing their leader to pass, all the while they kowtowed on the ground and wailed in delight. Powerful and confident steps rang out as their leader walked to the front, behind him were 6 strong men fully equipped in leather armor with shortswords at their side.

"My people, the day has finally come" said the voice, most likely the half-Immunis bandit leader.

After a new wave of eerie wailing and crying died down he began to speak once more.

"Long have you suffered under the face of the evil demon god's servants, but that ends TODAY! With my power I have set you free from your chains and have even brought you two sacrifices to satiate your hunger. Two demon spawn, birthed from our most vile and hated of foes, the greater demons themselves! Take your weapons my people, please your god by consuming the flesh of these demon spawn" rang out the voice of the bandit leader, full of assurance as if he believed every word of what he said.

From behind the leader came one last large man, carrying a large chest on his back. He set down the chest in the middle of the normal bandit members and kicked it open, revealing an assortment of weapons. Daggers, maces, clubs, and even various short swords were contained within the case.

"Take your weapons my followers, that I have blessed with my divinity and use them to dice up our enemy so that you may eat them!"

To that more wailing cheers and cries rang out, which would have revealed the fact that not a single one of the bandits had a tongue to a spectator. The bandits rushed for the chest, some even being trampled and killed on the spot, and equipped themselves. They then took their focus at their supposed god for a moment, eyeing the two mages who were in the midst of casting their respective spells with greed and an intense hunger.

"Go my instruments of divine justice, slay them!" commanded the 'god' to which the bandits responded with the loudest and most disgusting noises yet, wetting the ground with their spittle, and began to run madly towards Cyrus and Imran.