Preparation For The Academy (2)

The duo was now outside the population zone, having easily shaken the pursuers from the underground tavern with ease who were no doubt curious to learn more of their sudden visitors, and began heading towards Cyrus' second objective.

"While information from a motely crew of casual law breakers may not be of the highest quality, it is an essential first step in setting up a wide net. Even the most inconspicuous piece of intelligence can turn out to be worth far more than what it initially seems" thought Cyrus, recalling his teachings from Cato that he now knew to most likely be adapted from how the Inquisition operates. "Not to mention it is from their mouths that I will be able to truly see how the Empire operates in the eyes of those it rules over. Instead of merely viewing it from my lofty position as an up and coming mage."

As he was heading to his second destination, however, he ended up inadvertently passing by the forging district which caused him to remember some rather important information.

"My sword, I almost forgot about it. I remember Caligo having an intense reaction towards it when he had looked at it with those odd eyes of his. It would do me well to have a spare one for me to use in non-life-threatening situations."

With that thought in mind, he diverted from his original plan and instead decided to visit the many forgeries that worked endlessly throughout the day and night. Billowing smoke rising into the air, the sound of metal being smashed and shaped, along with the yells of workers every which where… these were the sounds that eventually smashed into Cyrus as he walked towards the forgeries.

From Cyrus' research, he knew that this district was split into three major parts: The Arcane Forgeries, The Mercantile Forgeries, and the Strategic Forgeries of the military. The divisions highlighted which group of blacksmiths were contracted to work with who, with very little free workers who took on any request between them. Thinking quickly, Cyrus decided to head towards the first group as he decided to see if he could make use of one of his rather neglected presents from Cato's retinue. Passing through the district, somewhat sticking out due to how he was still dressed from his previous task, the two headed towards one of the larger smiths that were contracted by the Legionaries which was evident for all as the classic two swords crossed underneath a skull was seen on the entrance.

Before entering, Cyrus pulled out the necklace that held the token that Gabriel had given him, with the hope that this would be enough to at least purchase something premade at the very least, and entered the shop. The interior of the shop was a stark contrast with its exterior, where you could easily hear the deafening work being done behind the building, as it was both quiet and clean. All around one could see an array of signature and varied weapons of all types within display cases on the wall, with those with similar design but not as high quality below them on racks. Behind the counter was also a single longsword that was of evident quality when compared to even the swords in the display cases on the main floor, with this one even having runes engraved on it. The room was not full of nothing but various swords though, as behind the counter in the back of the room was a man sitting on a stool while absent mindedly polishing a sword. Behind him were two people who Cyrus assumed to be guards who were looking at him rather vigilantly… or more importantly the person behind him.

"Perhaps we should have changed from these clothes first. I suppose at first glance we could be mistaken for trouble makers…" thought Cyrus in fleeting as he walked up to the counter and cleared his throat.

The man behind the counter merely glanced at him before flat out ignoring him, until one of his guards walked up behind him and tapped him on the shoulder while whispering something in his ear.

This something, of course, was something that Cyrus was easily able to pick up and understand as being something along the lines of 'look at his necklace'.

Proving him correct, the shopkeeper glanced at his necklace before finally paying attention to Cyrus and saying.

"Well, well… I can't say I have seen a friend of the Legionaries approach me dressed like you two are, looking like a young master and his hired thug."

Cyrus smiled sheepishly while saying, "We all have our circumstances when it comes to certain things in life" completely brushing off the questioning tone of the shopkeeper.

In response the shop keep merely snorted in return and asked,

"What can I do for you friend."

"I want to buy a quality premade from you, I know I could get this anywhere but I figured a smith trusted by the Legionaries to forge their weapons would be the best choice when it comes to quality" stated Cyrus plainly.

"Right you are, no force in the Empire understands weaponry quite like they do which in turn means that they have strict requirements for the tools of war they use" said the shopkeeper, with a hint of pride. "With that token you can purchase from here even though you are not a member of the Legionaries, feel free to browse the premades in the showroom and choose one you like"

As Cyrus was walking away one of the guards called out,

"Hold on, could you turn the token around so we could see the back of it. Need to make sure it has its identification on it."

Cyrus easily complied, showing the other side of it to the guard who Cyrus guessed was most likely closely affiliated with the Legionaries one way or another… perhaps even a junior member.

As he did, however, the two guards and shop keep did not utter another word. Worried for a moment, Cyrus looked at the gift Gabriel had given him wondering if perhaps he had accidentally damaged it somehow. Much to his relief the token looked the same as always, which prompted some confusion as he looked upon the frozen trio in front of him. Eventually the three gathered their wits before they all gave a quick salute with the utmost respect,

"A friend of an Honoris, how shocking… you are more than free to choose any sword you want, for free even. You can also request a sword to be custom made to suit your needs using materials and craftsmanship only inferior to that of the ones made for high ranking members of the Legionaries" ended the shop keeper with deference.

"Having dealt with so many powerful people in such a short amount of time I had forgotten how amazing they are to normal people it would seem… Now that I think about it Gabriel was kind of a big deal, having only been one rank below the highest order of Legionaries the Finalum. This gift of his is more useful than I thought then, what a pleasant surprise" thought Cyrus as he processed what just happened.

"I am flattered, but I am not anyone special yet just one who happened to have a lucky encounter early in my life. I believe I will just take you up on your offer for a premade for now, I only need a spare for my main weapon after all" said Cyrus after thinking the offer through, not wanting his spare to inadvertently be a masterpiece as well.

"If that is what you want, but at least come into the back and choose from the stock we have set aside. The quality is of the best for our mass produced models that usually get sent right to the local warrior temples and the monastery located right here in the capitol" said the shop keep, still with a tone and body language that was extremely servile in nature.

Cyrus, not wanting to make things difficult for the man, agreed to the request and went along to the back to choose a sword that was similar to his own in make. This was not the most difficult of tasks after all, as what he normally used appeared to be a rather inconspicuous short sword that you could find anywhere at first glance. As curious as he was, however, Cyrus decided to take advantage of the suddenly extremely receptive blacksmith and began asking various questions pertaining to the make of various weapons and their optimal uses. His off the cuff question though caused the man's eyes to light up, as he pulled Cyrus into his own personal office to blather on and on about various blacksmithing methods, the most effective way to maintain various weapons, as well as some insider information on pricing and the like only a seller of weapons like him would know.

It was late into the day by the time Cyrus had finally broken free from the man, bewildered at the intense passion shown but still pleased at having gained a lot more information than he bargained for as evidenced by the stack of new notes that resided in his storage.

Looking at the sky that was starting to turn from day to night, he looked at Fauve and said

"Thanks for accompanying me today, even though we did not complete all our goals in one go."

Fauve looked at Cyrus, now having removed his comical bandit-esque mask he was wearing the entire time and said

"Don't worry about it, I will do anything to get out of working for Lily. She did say that I had to uphold my duty to you, bahahah, which means as long as I am helping you out I can avoid her for as long as I want"

Cyrus nodded, having expected the reply as that was why he was so easily able to get a man of Fauve's talent as his hired help.

"Although I do not believe he is merely helping me out because of that. I suppose I have grown on him? A mix of somewhat liking me, not wanting to work for Lily, and perhaps his own amusement… Although I am not really sure what to call our relationship" wondered Cyrus as the two returned to their lodges for the day.

"I still completed my primary goal of starting my information network. With a few more visits to various dens around the city I should be able to begin learning of the inner workings of all the factions that reside here. I will need to keep a close eye out for opportunities to possibly turn these opportunistic men merely looking for some extra coin into loyal followers" mused Cyrus as he began the usual late-night research on his various magical abilities.