The First Underground Meeting

Many quiet days had passed since Cyrus' meeting with his two allies. The days were filled with exploring his inner psyche, training with the Legionaries, and furthering his magical prowess. With his entrance to Glacies just a few days away, one might assume that a future student would be preparing carefully for what would undoubtedly be the place where their future fate in the Empire is decided. Cyrus, however, was instead dressed once more as a pompous arrogant noble followed by a bald and scarred man who appeared to be almost comically vicious.

The two were seated in the back room of one of the many 'underground' pubs that Cyrus had found, seemingly absentmindedly awaiting something. The room was dark, with the only light being from a crystal Cyrus was holding, but even in the areas untouched by the darkness only dull brown tones were found. With only the occasional stain or bit of mildew breaking the unending chain of dullness. The two were seated in the center of the room, one sitting upright whilst reading from a book and one leaning back in their chair with their feet on the table.

Clearly bored, as evidenced by the lazy throwing of several sharp objects into the air and catching them, Fauve decided to break the silence.

"While I do enjoy being free of a burial by paperwork, I am still curious as to what you hope to achieve here. If you need information, just do some quick Venator work to earn your worth in their ranks and tada! You will have access to whatever you want, only limited by your rank in the wonderful system of course. As even if you know the great me personally, one of the top members beloved by all, our rules are ironclad and our community tightly bound like the links between chains" said Fauve in an overly dramatic tone.

"I am very aware of the benefits, but I cannot spread myself too thin. Eventually I plan on getting involved with the Venators to some degree, but right now I have other priorities" said Cyrus.

Fauve nodded approvingly of his rational as was about to speak once more before he was interrupted.

"Although I do need to learn more about the guilds apparent problem with a certain organization within the Empire, one who holds a frightening amount of power. One that may or may not view me somewhat unfavorably after indirectly being the main cause of a sudden loss of face and leverage in the political arena…" said Cyrus as he stared at Fauve with narrow eyes.

In response Fauve merely looked at the ceiling, awkwardly whistling. Looking from the corner of his eye, he saw Cyrus continuing to stare at him looking rather unenthused.

With a somewhat forced laugh Fauve said,

"Kiddo relax, they won't find trouble with you. No offense but you are a nobody right now, its pointless to even bother with you even if a small mishap occurred as you were not directly involved..."

"Perhaps" stated Cyrus. "But...while it seemed to be a mere conflict between two different factions. It was obvious to Miss Venandi that the real motivations were anything but, not to mention I who was at the scene."

This question caused Fauve to nearly miss the catch of his knife that was thrown into the air, almost falling off the chair he was on.

Fauve looked at Cyrus, with his usual demeanor slowly draining away… or perhaps his façade being removed, he said grimly

"I know Cato has tried to not get you involved with his own messes and all of us who followed him also agree to this idea as well. One day you may know the circumstances surrounding all of us, but that day is not today or anywhere near it. Cato values you greatly and I and the others have come to like you as well, we do not wish to see you get involved with things that you cannot deal with."

"Saying that only increases my curiosity though… but responding to my question by referring to Cato's 'messes'" thought Cyrus, pleased with his discovery.

Outwardly, however, he said

"I know. I cannot lie and say it is not annoying though, to not be made aware of such important details."

"In due time you will come to know many things, but not from me until you are a bit less useless" said Fauve as the air of seriousness drained from him, being replace by his usual relaxed and carefree demeanor.

"Now, it seems those that you are waiting for are approaching" ended Fauve.

Moments later, as predicted, muffled footsteps of multiple people could be heard approaching the rickety doorway to the room the two were in. As the sounds approached and eventually reached the door, Cyrus straightened his back and put his book away, while taking great care to arrange his facial expressions to that of one of utter arrogance.

Looking at the door, he awaited his much anticipating guests.