Glacies Orientation

The sky was clear, the sun shining, and the streets were bustling. Each and every person Cyrus passed had a purpose and a goal, no movement they made was without reason or without importance. To them, each and every action they made was the best and most important one in the world and today Cyrus walked amongst them.

Responsibility, duty, work… this progression of words each contains a different one, yet all are inextricably linked together. Today was the day for responsibility to tie one's place to the world, to tether them to reality and bring them into the fold of society. Today was the day to bear one's duty upon their shoulders and walk up the hill of life, from today to forever onward. Today was the day of work, or at least the first day of many. Cyrus walked, purpose guiding his every step, as he headed towards Glacies Academy in order to commence his much anticipated stay at the Academy.

"My life from this point onwards will become one of proper order, officially binding myself to the structure known as the Empire. No longer roaming from place to place, my future in constant flux" thought Cyrus in reverie.

Each step brought him closer to where Glacies was located within the Inner Sanctum, taking up most of the space not occupied by the Administratum, yet with one quick move he took a short turn to a nearby tea house. Taking a letter from his pocket he checked the location written on it once more, making sure it lined up with where he was, before destroying it with a quick spell.

Pushing open the door, he walked into the small and rather quaint tearoom. The fragrance of the smell of tea gently wafted towards his nose, while the visually aged architecture put the heart and mind at ease making one feel as if they had come home. Although Cyrus had no definite home prior to this, it was still a soothing feeling to say the least. Scanning the room with a flick of the eyes, he located where his two newly minted allies were waiting. One wearing fine clothes of exquisite make with tidy hair combed back whilst leaning back in their chair and sipping tea while the other was wearing a man's short tunic and trousers with long flowing pitch black hair, that was currently tied in a simple ponytail, whom was leaning forward lazily on one hand. Quick was Cyrus' approach and quick was the recognition that flashed in the eyes of Imran who waved towards him with a practiced smile.

"Welcome Cyrus, come sit" said Imran, pointing towards the seat across from him.

Taking his seat while smiling and nodding towards Imran in greeting, he said

"Hello Imran and good morning to you. Although, truth be told, I had trouble sleeping due to my immense level of anticipation I had for this day so rather than morning it is more like a lengthy extension to the night"

"I can share that sentiment, today is the first day of where we decide our fates with our own hands, I… wait what?!" started Imran, before his brain caught up with his consciousness allowing him to notice the absurdity of the situation.

"Cyrus? You… are different today" said a shocked Imran.

"What could you mean, I am me and me is I. Last time we met I was Cyrus and today I am still he, so what could be different I wonder?" said Cyrus, playfully feigning ignorance while trying to shove down the nervousness that was overcoming him.

From beside Cyrus a splendidly cold voice sounded out,

"Different is an understatement. If you had told me you were his twin brother I would have believed it, although, it would seem even the twin carries the same bad habits. Lacking in manners and tact, ignoring the one at your side in deference for the one in front."

Cyrus turned towards the girl by his side, Minerva, whom he had unconsciously relegated to nothingness as if it were habit.

"While it is possible I have a long lost twin whom I have yet to meet or have knowledge about, I do not believe that to be the case today. As for my manners, well, I shall display my benevolent side and ignore that" said Cyrus, quickly pulling a page out of Fauves book to avoid breaking his nerve.

An eyebrow was raised by Minerva at that remark, finally as off put by the current Cyrus as Imran was.

"The way you speak has changed, no longer curt and to the point as if every word was worth its weight in gold. You are not looking at others like they are dead to you as well as you spoke several sentences without sarcasm or an icy tone… oh and your mask is gone" said Imran in rapid fire, ending with a mumble about how Mundus seems to have broken tradition by bestowing multiple gifts…

"It seems to me that only now is he wearing a mask" said Minerva, a hint of annoyance in her voice.

Cyrus thought for a moment, before borrowing the words of his mentor but adding his own twist:

"All humans wear a mask, one way or the other. To shield themselves, to fool themselves, to gain the advantage, or to do what must be done. I am no different, but, today I thought I would take the chance to show my newfound allies my other side. All that is important is that last time I was Cyrus and today I still am he"

He then produced a coin from his pocket and flicked it onto the table, where it landed on its side whilst spinning slowly.

"Two sides of the same coin. Whether you look at once face or at one tails, the coin has not changed but merely the side of it that which you see."

The two took in all that Cyrus had said and thought over it, both coming to different conclusions.

"I for one am a fan of the you of today. While I see big-, er, Minerva as a close sister I would prefer to not have two" said Imran with a smile, pleased with the outcome.

"While it may be more pleasant to most, to me it just makes me want to puke. A gentle demeanor and a bright smile, bah. Who knows what insidious thoughts lay behind a smile" said Minerva, her annoyance growing as she was convinced that today's Cyrus was the mask and not the other way around.

"Take away that which you will, I do not control your thoughts after all. Just know that both are me, so do not be too surprised in the future. I have no choice in the matter as well, it is simply the reality" said Cyrus as he unhooked his mask from his belt and began to don it once more.

Upon hearing that he had no choice, Imran jumped to conclusions and looked at Cyrus with a tinge of pity while Minerva had no obvious reaction. Alas, Cyrus was too busy rejoicing over having overcome this hurdle so easily.

"This was a decent outcome, although I seem to have trodden onto something forbidden to Minerva. Who knows what, but only time will reveal that" thought Cyrus as he unwound in relaxation, while unhooking the mask at his side.

As the mask went on, the familiar sensation of his very sense of self warping from one end to the other was felt once more.

"While I may not agree with everything my other half does, this current plan is a good one. The longer we are not joined as one the more possible problems that could occur, on both our parts... such as inadvertently causing these two to think I have some kind of extreme trauma that split our personality." thought the masked Cyrus.

Imran and Minerva watched Cyrus as he put the mask on, one closely and the other out of the corner of their eyes. Imran's earlier joy deflated as an all too familiar icy sensation washed over him when Cyrus looked upon him, while Minerva's secretly clenched fist at her side was released.

"Aw, back so soon?" bemoaned Imran in jest, while Minerva merely stifled a yawn.

"Indeed. Now, with that out of the way. Let us get to business." asked Cyrus.