Glacies Orientation (6)

Cyrus was led, along with the other students, through the long halls of the Academy towards a large and empty lecture hall. The hall itself had around 100 seats, with a massive rectangular window opposite the entry way and the usual magical lighting that could be found everywhere within the domain of powerful mages. The seats were tiered like stairs, so those in the back could still easily see past those in the front.

"As impressive as this hall is, it seems that we do not even fill half of these seats. Not many are following the path of Mors… although that fact does call into question as to what exactly decides what options one can choose from when deciding their domain of magic" thought Cyrus in passing as he inspected the people around him as they filed into the lecture hall.

While the group that was with him were clearly wearing various clothing, of different makes and quality, with a variety of hairstyles and even footwear there was still some commonalities between them all.

"The…mood I would say. It is as if every person here is an individual on a track, some further along than others. Varying levels of caution, disregard, and isolation can be seen in all of these people. These qualities would even describe me quite accurately if I was not but one half of a whole. Does personality play a role in what type of magic one can use? A plausible theory, but I will need to see the other classes to be sure."

Continuing to look around, Cyrus wanted to see if anyone of particular importance jumped out at him as he took the seat closest to the door. After scaring off a few competitors for the seat with an amplified death essence infused sense, he tried to locate any possible threats in the class.

"There are four people who are ranked ahead of me, I must find these individuals and figure out ways to crush them quickly. While I personally dislike drawing trouble to myself, if I want to properly unlock the secrets of magic I need many things…a place of experimentation, test subjects to experiment on, helpers who can put down any accidental abomination I may create, and an immense amount of raw materials. All of which seem to be conveniently up for purchase using Glacies' currency, what a dastardly and effective system they have created."

Continuing his scan, not a single person really stood out in the class. Well, one person did stand out who took his seat in the front of the class. A student of similar height to Cyrus and of lean build, his movements indicated he had trained to a certain standard but nothing unusual. What made him stand out was how at peace he seemed to be, not showing any obvious traits that seem to be associated with the Mors domain. That, and his hair was white as snow for some reason or another.

"An oddity, curious indeed but not what I am looking for. Perhaps when I am bored enough I will see what his deal is" thought Cyrus as Caligo came back into the room followed by a few of his lackeys whom were carrying boxes.

"All right you lot, time for the last part of this orientation. First, I will distribute your supplies that Glacies provides to everyone. These will be all the freebies that you get, after this everything that you earn while in Glacies will be of your own accord and purchased through Fidem" said Caligo, snapping his fingers twice as he finished.

Understanding the signal immediately, the lackeys frantically moved about from student to student and began to hand out the 'supplies' that Caligo had mentioned.

Receiving his, Cyrus inspected each item.

"Depending on what we receive at the start, that will determine how important Fidem will be as well as the expected difficulty of this new way of conducting the Academy" thought Cyrus as he opened the sealed package that he was handed.

The first thing that he pulled out was a large mage robe that was common for all mages. Black in color, to signify the Mors domain, and with Glacies' symbol sewn onto it. The spot for the rank of the mage was noticeably empty, as only the Tower and its many Eyes can award these ranks.

"Hoh, it even has a simple rune ascribed on it. I have absolutely no idea what it does though, but it is nothing too special if its on something everyone gets. The costs of 300 decent rune items would definitely be too much, that much can be ascertained from how Imran spent most of his savings on just a pair of gloves" mused Cyrus as he pulled out the next items.

Next was a bound book titled, "Fidem, and everything that can be purchased with it." That had an official looking tubed document tied to it. Opening the document, it read

"Official directive from the headmaster's office,

The holder of this contract is awarded 100 Fidem by right of Glacies Academy. After one week of operation, directly succeeding the Opening Ceremony/Orientation, the holder is able to turn this into the Contracts and Clauses Department of Glacies that is overseen by Judicar Iuris. This directive is void if damaged in any way shape or form or if this directive leaves Academy grounds."

Cyrus saw this and looked around carefully, contemplating the implications of this directive, as he tried to store the directive in his familiar jeweled sack.

"What the. It cant be stored?" thought Cyrus in shock, as he tried to locate the reason.

Scanning it with his sense, looking for any particular reason of magical nature that is causing the disruption, he detected traces of something from within the tube that the entire document was bound to. He was about to pry it open but the words he had just read came to mind once more.

"So this is their game" thought Cyrus, as a low chuckle resounded within his throat.

"It does not say anyone in specific can redeem it, but that anyone can. It says that it can only be redeemed after one week of time passes and finally, it states that it cannot be damaged which stops one from tampering with the anti-storage measures taken. Not to mention that it cannot leave the grounds of the Academy…the 'game' has already begun."

Cyrus put the directive back in its tube before storing it one of his hidden inner pockets next to some flying knives , small bottles of self-made poison and some Venator trade secrets he had been made aware of by Fauve. Out of the corner of his eye he saw many others doing much the same, hiding their directives whilst looking cautiously around.

Having his sense at the ready, he brought out the last few items from his package. These too were also books, one a small thick one and the other a thin large one that resembled a loose assembly of documents. The former being the rules and regulations for Glacies along with the Academy's meditation technique with the latter being the schedule for the year highlighting exams, breaks, festivals and public expositions.

"These are the only freebies we get…I am beginning to see the full picture that Glacies has constructed for us" thought Cyrus.

Only giving each a cursory glance before storing it all away for later, Cyrus brought the small part of his attention that was occupied back to his surroundings.

The students around him all had a variety of reactions, that ended up mirroring one another. Some were glancing around them in caution, while others feigned lack of interest and merely looked upon Caligo. The only outlier was the white-haired student once more, who merely had his eyes closed with the directive sitting on the table in front of him in the open.

Some time passed in this strange state, where no one said anything whilst also simultaneously all in a state of alertness. Especially those who knew what was at stake, those who read the tantalizing and greed inducing items and services for hire that the Fidem book detailed.

A single clap resounded throughout the room, causing everyone to reactively look towards the sound due to their high tension.

"I see everyone has understood Glacies' intentions, as expected of the freaks found in the Mors domain. Trust me, I know best" said Caligo with a smirk.

"Now, I have some exciting news for you all. Ah, I meant exciting news for me and two of you but terrible news for the rest" said Caligo excitedly as he waved his lackeys out of the room.

"Starting now, none of you will be allowed per say to leave Academy grounds. You can still technically leave if you want, but as you know you will lose that directive for good. Not only that but there will be a few special happenings going on this week that will never happen again, with opportunities that you may find most helpful to your future. If you so choose to leave, you will not be allowed back in until this week has passed."

Caligo then pointed towards the exit while saying,

"The fun will begin shortly, but for now everyone go and change into your robes. You are not permitted to…indulge yourselves just yet. You are welcome to try, but that only if you believe yourself to be my match of course. My title of Master could be for show, you never know."

With that, everyone filed out of the room once more. This time, however, everyone maintained a certain distance from the other even with the warnings of Caligo.