The First Game, The First Night (8)

A clock rhythmically ticking and tocking from one second to the next, a cold and dry air enshrouding all, and a darkness that enveloped everything was all that could be seen, heard, and felt within the room. To Cyrus, whose senses were focused inwardly instead of outward, these details mattered not.

After dutifully placing Minerva down and placating the unsteady Imran, he retired to his room for the night in order to finally give in to his other half and remove the mask. After the usual backlash and contemplation of recent events, Cyrus one again felt the pressure of time as he realized the sheer amount of things he had to do or worry about. Pushing his own personal problems aside, he thought of everything he had received or learned today and realized he had almost overlooked something.

That something was what he was now currently immersing himself in: Glacies' supplied meditation technique. A simple thing it was in theory, but in practice it was far more difficult that one might expect otherwise. Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out…erase all noise, all distractions, and all sense of self and focus on only one thing… breath in, breathe out, breath in, breathe out… then, finally, eliminate even that one last thing and become completely one with the world at large.

"Such a simple thing in concept, difficult in practice, but the results…the results are something I can not even begin to fathom" thought Cyrus as he looked around him, confused as to why he was now in a giant empty plane.

Looking above him, was darkness. No stars twinkling in the sky nor a moon to gently illuminate all below it. Looking around him all he saw was emptiness. The ground was white and made no sound as he stepped on it and as far as the eye could see was much of the same, nothing.

"The meditation technique is supposed to be a way for mages to train their focus whenever they have free time. It does this by removing all the distractions that come with being a human being, to become one with their surroundings and maintain an extremely difficult state of mind. That makes sense, yep. So…why the hell did this happen?" asked Cyrus aloud, as if posing the question to Mundus above.

Not expecting an answer, Cyrus sighed and sat down trying to puzzle out his situation.

"I too am stumped as how this occurred. Although, seeing you here the general idea of what happened is starting to come to me" said a voice.

Surprised at hearing a voice in a place that was seemingly empty just a moment ago, but even more surprised at whose voice he heard, Cyrus jumped up while turning in one quick movement.

"You…? What on Mundus is…?!" said Cyrus, confusion and disbelief shocking him to the core.

"Come now my compatriot, do not let those emotions of yours get in the way. We are the same are we not? Surely such a small thing would not faze you" said the voice, with a mocking tone.

Cyrus looked at who was sitting opposite him, in the same fashion he had been in a moment before. Messy brown hair, dark brown eyes, and tanned skin…all familiar features. Except while his own visage was of a bright young man, optimistic but realistic in action, the one in front of him was coldness itself. Detached, uncaring, lacking of empathy and remorse with eyes that pierced all who dared to look within and a face that reflected either apathy or cruelty.

"So, what is this? A meeting between two different sides of the same coin?" jested Cyrus, as he sat down and began to regain his cool.

"Ah, not your best attempt at a joke that was. But, you are correct" said the newcomer, who was none other than Cyrus' other half.

Shifting his position to a more comfortable one, the grim Cyrus continued

"The meditation technique used was meant to remove all noise and distractions, both within and without. Clearly, it did not account for an oddity like us."

The bright Cyrus nodded in understanding, as his shock was controlled allowing him to cooly analyze the situation.

"This could be considered a blessing in disguise, as in order to properly interact with how I am with the mask on it would require indirect measures. Now, however, a more direct method can be applied. Indeed, a blessing in disguise" analyzed the cheery Cyrus.

"That is correct, it will allow me to correct some of the more foolish behaviors that you display all too often. But, first let me correct you on one thing. As we are right now, it is not "How I am with the mask on." As we are now we are not simply two ends on the same scale but essentially we are closer to what you misled Imran and Minerva to believe, two separate personalities" corrected the cold Cyrus.

"What? But Cato said that it was merely to help me get used to the darker aspects of who I was…" said the normally optimistic Cyrus, starting to fall short as he realized all the numerous inconsistencies with his words.

The distant Cyrus let forth a derisive laughter, "Fool, see what blind trust grants you. Such an obvious fact right before your eyes, yet you blinded yourself to it. Have you not even considered how strange our situation is? Why a powerful mage exiled from his home, no doubt mired in bitterness and regret, decided to randomly raise a child that had snuck into his home? Why a random mask, that not even Cato's closest associates knew about, appeared so suddenly right before parting with Cato? Bah, what a fool"

Each word became a weapon which wounded the bright Cyrus, his light fading as doubt and suspicion fell upon him.

"Hold on, I admit that I completely overlooked a few things. But you are insinuating that the reasoning behind our mentor's actions are one of malicious intent? What was his game then, since you think yourself so superior? Do tell, out with it. He had access to us at a young age, we both know how easy it to manipulate even a grown adult not to mention a child. Instead of careful guidance would he not brainwash us? Instead of not telling us of his past, would he not make use of it to make use of emotion to push us towards one side or the other? All the warnings of not getting involved, even telling his closest friends to not outwardly associate with us in the event we get pulled into something we do not fully understand or even desire…would that not have been pointless?" countered the passionate Cyrus, his light growing in intensity once again.

"Indeed, the truth is not completely clear. Perhaps he picked us up out of kindness, perhaps he did it because he saw our peculiarity and wished to make use of it. We are both looking at the same events but the conclusion is different. Clearly, this means that we lack the information to make the final decision… although I still lean towards my interpretation. Nevertheless, I will not allow petty feelings of kinship and affection get in the way of my judgement. If the facts fall either way, I will acknowledge it. Can you say the same? That if the truth comes out that Cato is not what he appears to be, can you forsake the bond to save yourself?" countered the cold Cyrus.

"I.." started the normally confident Cyrus…faltering as he tried to imagine him being able to do what must be done.

"Hesitation. That is how you will die" said the guarded Cyrus.

To which, the normally talkative Cyrus had nothing to say for he knew he was truly hesitant. His mind told him one thing, that if all the facts fall in one area then he must act, but his heart said another.

"Oh what a flawed counterpart you are…" sighed the pessimistic Cyrus, seeing that his partner could not respond without hypocrisy dripping from each word.

Seeing an opening, the sanguine Cyrus retorted

"You are not without flaws either. What is with that obsession that so easily causes you to completely freeze? When I take the mask off and experience it for myself for a moment, I can liken it to the blow of an infant. To you? Hah, it is as if Gabriel himself is beating down on you."

The stern Cyrus looked at his counterpart, his eyes narrowing in an intense glare before relaxing once more.

"Point taken. I will amend my earlier words, 'we' are flawed. In fact that is what I believe is the truth behind the mask. It allows both of us to grow with the other so that we cover one another's flaws…flaws that could prove deadly if left unchecked. Essentially, it allows both of us to grow closer to one another the more we use it. Evidence of this is how you learned to affect me, which I have also learned as well… just not displayed… as well as how we are suddenly able to convene with one another, although perhaps we could have always done so if we had this technique. Either way, I have a suggestion" stated the dark Cyrus.

Seeing the truth in his words, and agreeing with it, the hopeful Cyrus nodded and signaled him to continue.

"We should assign a day where you are in control completely and a day where I am in control completely, changing between the other every other day. This is only natural given my previous conjecture of how the mask is bringing us closer together, even allowing us to meet like this. We still have some rather deadly flaws, so if a situation occurs the other will have to intervene" stated the uninviting Cyrus.

"That sounds fair, but I will not allow your insanity to go too far" said the empathetic Cyrus.

"And I will not allow your pointless drivel to get us killed" retorted the apathetic Cyrus before continuing,

"Now, we have a lot more to discuss…" before being interrupted by a buzzing sound.

The two looked around, trying to identify the source of the sound as it grew louder and louder.

"The chimes of a clock…" noted the two.

"It seems that time is not in sync with the outside world" began the dark Cyrus.

"We… have been asleep this entire time then" ended the bright Cyrus.

The two looked at one another, aware that even when apart they are still much the same… just like two sides of the same coin.