The First Game, The Second Day (5)

The sounds of human chatter could be heard, each individual speaking doing so not so much in a loud fashion, as their nerves were taut and tension high, but like hundreds of raindrops coming together as the sound coalesced and went from mere drops to a torrent of volume. In the center of all this, or rather in the corner, was Cyrus. Sitting down next to Imran and Minerva, who flanked him on either side, he ate slowly the food that had been served for breakfast while considering the specifics of the next 'event'.

Not long after the three had finished eating, not having much to do in that time other than think and glance around at the various people who looked upon them from time to time…or perhaps towards the chest next to them, the sound of a gong rang out within the hall. Sounding as if the ring was bouncing off each arch of the sprawling ceiling or the dark tinted glass windows on the walls, the sound echoed in each and every person's ear followed by the words:


The speaker spoke softly, as if they were talking to someone directly next to them and not a large hall's worth of students yet the sound reached each and every person without fail.

"As written on the memos everyone received, today's event shall begin. Beforehand, a short explanation of Glacies' labyrinth is in order… In short, it is an underground construction created by a mutual friend of the academy. A maze, perhaps, but most importantly it is a marvel of engineering as well as our signature training grounds. A closed environment that we can change to suit our needs, altering the layout and subtracting and adding obstacles: this is where you will be going today."

As the voice ceased, a man could be seen walking towards the front of the hall towards the windows where all the food had been served just mere moments ago. Wherever he passed, the students would make way whilst looking upon his visage in awe…or terror.

The man was none other than Professor Asinus who had been speaking mere moments before. Neat and tidy short hair, a well fitted and maintained green robe as well as one half of a pair of glasses lay on his eye, he walked slowly to the head of the hall before turning and speaking once more. Scanning the various tables full of scattered groups of varying sizes he said,

"It looks like most of you have already gathered into groups, how convenient" said Asinus, his tone not belaying any type of joy.

"This test is not one that is allowed to be taken alone. Each one of you must partner with at least one other. There is no limit on the amount you can group up with as well, however, after six in number…you will find that the obstacles you face will be increased in difficulty, number…or perhaps both."

As his words rang out, a slight shuffle of the students could be observed. As those without groups awkwardly looked around, no doubt balancing the desire to participate against the fear of others that had been created just a day before.

"It is as if the academy is plunging the students into a bath of cold water, only to bring them out into the sun moments later…followed by the inevitable plunge once more. Such rigor is more akin to a military organization rather than a place of learning…the earlier deductions only grow in weight and plausibility" thought Cyrus.

After the shuffle of students was over, of which Asinus made no move to stop, he clapped his hands once and waited. Mere moments later, a large group of rough looking men filed into the hall from the massive entryway, that instead of a door or gate it was akin to a large gaping maw that allowed mass quantities of people to be spewed inwards or outwards. The men, who emanated a wild feeling whilst marching forth in complete unison, walked in and lined up behind Asinus without so much a word.

"The veterans" whispered Minerva.

As if confirming Minerva's statement, Asinus began speaking once more

"These men behind me are veterans of our Empire's military: The Hammer of the Emperor. Each and everyone of them have survived unimaginable battles, of such intensity that each of them could go down in legend if written down properly. Their job will be to guide you in the labyrinth as well as save you should…some kind of accident was to happen. Do note that if they do intervene, your journey will be regarded as over along with a fee of Fidem. When you are ready, head up here with your group to be assigned a guide."

With these words said, there was a moment where no one moved…as if they were afraid to be the first. This tension was broken as fast as it had come, however, as a familiar white-haired figure followed by two others stood up and walked to the front of the hall. As if that individual was the final crack that broke the dam, the rest of the students began to surge forth each in their own groups. All the groups had six or under, none wanting to experience the added difficulty, except for one odd one out. This group was led by yet another familiar figure to Cyrus, Titus. Looking like he was the shepherd leading his lost sheep once more, he led his group to the front hall with confident steps…although he was merely vaguely noted by Cyrus before his existence faded into the same obscurity of disregard that most found themselves in when it came to how he viewed the world in his current masked state.

Eventually the trio themselves stood up, one lugging a large chest while the other two stepped freely, and made their way to the front as well. Passing by the various groups of students that were now being led out, each with their guides at the front with the students obediently following behind, Cyrus and co. walked up to the head of the hall as well where they waited to be assigned a guide.

While they were waiting, Cyrus looked upon Professor Asinus with a curious eye.

"This master magus is a member of the infamous House Asinus, quite a high position for one bearing such a scorned name when it comes to the commoners. Is the perception of his house better in the higher social classes or is there more to his story…" wondered Cyrus as a guide stepped forth and looked over the three.

Their guide was a well-built aged man, perhaps in his late fifties, with greying short blonde hair and a thick but finely maintained beard. His eyes were sharp and his stature left no room for questions; this was a military man through and through. His eyes swept from individual to individual, slightly pausing on Imran who looked somewhat comical with him heaving a chest around. Abruptly he spoke,

"I am Caesar, my official rank in the military is of no concern but know I am a veteran of many battles. Follow me, and remember: Push yourself to the limit before retreating, it is better to live so that you may fight a hundred more battles than to die and be useless forevermore" said Caesar curtly, before walking past the trio and making his way to a destination that could only be full of many difficulties for the three.