The Experiments To Discover The Unknown (3)

Having finished the first round of experimentation, which was quite informative, it also opened the door to many more questions that all needed careful testing.

"It's a shame there is only one free day a week…but I did read that eventually I will be able to forgo some of the practical exams eventually for a cost in Fidem. Although I will still need to maintain my rank to get the benefits from it as well as the stipend of Fidem that also comes with it. I do wonder how much that the stipend is, they have yet to give it out even to this day…" pondered Cyrus as he walked up the winding stairs to the main floor of the underground abode.

Emerging from the stairwell, he was greeted by the sight of Imran and Minerva. Both of them were sitting in the lounge-esque area of the main floor, one reading intently and the other writing equally so.

Looking up from their respective work, they greeted Cyrus with a nod before looking back down.

"It seems I am not the only one busy with improvement, I suppose they are studying something to do with the classes of today and yesterday."

"One of the labs is closed off, there is an undead chained up in there that may or may not revert back to an inanimate state come morning. The assistants should leave a note there but do be careful regardless if you decide to go wondering about" said Cyrus, stifling a yawn as he made way to his room.

"Eh, undead. You really are going to make that your main topic of study? It was pretty effective in the exam, that I know from experience. Though there should be a reason why it is not widespread, the usage of it that is. Just a few reasons that come to mind would be the inability to control them, how they tend to create more undead when set loose, and the tendency for it to eventually erupt into a small scale natural disaster much like a sudden wave of Brutum appearing out of seemingly nowhere" remarked Imran.

Pausing his steps, he turned slightly before giving a look of reassurance to Imran,

"Do not worry, I know of these pitfalls. My goal is to see if I can find workarounds for them, making it so that they can be properly utilized. Perhaps nothing will come of it, but I will find that out for sure with my experimentation. If it leads nowhere, I will simply drop it and focus my Mors domain research onto more practical things. Even so, I will also be simultaneously making progress in my Vita domain so I will not be wasting too much time even if it fails in the end."

"Hmm, if you say so" finished Imran, starting to write once more.

Bidding the two goodnights, although only one of them responded as the other was essentially deaf to all outside stimuli while reading, Cyrus entered his room and fell onto his bed.

"I wonder what Minerva was reading, it had no cover and she was reading it in such a fashion that the contents were hidden from sight. How suspicious…" thought Cyrus, as he drifted off to sleep.


In a place that existed not without but within, one of pitch-black skies and snow-white lands, a sinister looking fellow sat in contemplation.

Every now and then he would make an odd gesture, which caused a ripple of something to emanate from him and into the space around him. Sometimes this power would disappear with a pop, other times it would just slowly fade away.

"One day I will get the hang of this" remarked the cruel looking fellow, who was none other than the dark half of Cyrus.

He closed his eyes, going through all that he had seen through the eyes of his counterpart today.

"The experiments today clearly revealed that it is possible for the soul to effect the real world, but so far there are only two methods of doing so that is known. The first is to die and then be exposed to a vast amount of death essence, which is not exactly something I wish to partake of. The second would be what the night dwellers did, which seems to be a method unique to them. Both the night dwellers and the 'demon' that the Inquisitor from the Labyrinth fought appear to be connected by their apparent worship of this 'true god', whatever that is. Perhaps they are even one and the same, but regardless I am definitely also connected to the night dwellers at the very least. Which means, I may be able to mimic what they did…"

He once again started up the process of trying to extend his power into the outside world, remembering carefully what he had experienced when possessed by the night dwellers.

"While I want to directly access the power I gained from them, it seems my partner is experiencing some changes for the worse. For starters, the ability I have to affect him is only usable when he wishes for it to be so. Secondly, it seems his views on human life is changing rapidly. Its not that he has changed what he believes, but more like he has suddenly become even more blind to that which is not important to him. How odd, and here I thought I was the one who was like that. Even if I do think my way of thinking is more correct, if we are both exactly the same then that would be disastrous. Not even mentioning what that would result in if we were to combine two personalities that are equally skewed to one end, we would also lose our combat capability towards that insatiable greed…and whatever lies on the other end of it that is constantly pulling at our soul" analyzed the dark half, all the while trying to extend his soul power from the world within to the world without.

Several more minutes passed, which was perhaps hours in the outside world, but it mattered little to him other than the fact that his guesswork was extremely inefficient.

"I might be able to eventually succeed like this, but it would waste time I could otherwise use on more important pursuits. Which only leaves the option of unleashing my suppression of the night dwellers influence, allowing it to fully integrate with me again. I should be able to withstand it longer than the last time, which is not saying much but it does give me a window of opportunity."

As he was about to do just as he had planned, a thought occurred to him which caused a small chuckle to escape his lips.

"I remember my counterpart saying that when I believe something to be correct, I chase it blindly while disregarding the cost. I should heed his advice, and not forget what is at stake here…. Yep, I understand the possible ramifications and consequences of my actions. Now let us do what I wish despite them."

He then immediately unleashed his full prowess, including that which he did not have complete control over yet. A black mist erupted from his very own shadow, as it distorted and twisted in extremely inhuman ways. The mist slowly built up, until it coiled around the dark half acting like chains attempting to drag him into the abyss.

"There it is again, that greed, that calling, and that entity…whatever it is, it can see me and calls for me. So sweet is the sound of its call, one that makes me feel as if my home was there all along and I can reach it if only I cease my pointless struggle and fall into its embrace…Hah, what a joke. Like hell I am going to allow something else but ME to control my actions, settle down whatever you are" spat the dark half, as he once again tried the same method he had created to try to effect the real world.

This time, however, he also added the methods of the night dwellers and used their power in addition to his own.


In Cyrus' room, the owner slept peacefully on his bed. Due to how tired he was his sleep was exceedingly deep, so deep that he did not even notice the black mist that erupted from his body and hovered next to his bed.

The mist twisted and turned, writhing in every single direction at once until it ceased suddenly. It then slowly took the shadowy shape of a man, one of the same build and height of Cyrus. It was, of course, none other than the dark half that had broken through with great effort.

"The call is even worse out here, good grief. I need to hurry" thought the dark half, as he reached for the mask.

Fiddling with the strap for a bit longer than he would have liked, he then put the mask on Cyrus for a moment. He felt the rest of his consciousness move from the world within to the coach's seat of their shared body, an odd feeling to say the least, and then took the mask off again once more.

"Now for the finishing touch" thought the dark half triumphantly.

Using his own mist like a weapon, using its all consuming nature specifically, he carved out a series of words onto the usually sturdy desk.

"Meet me in the world within – The better half"

Pleased with his work, while also almost being taken completely over by that which constantly tore at his reason and rationality, he then slowly diffused back into the two's shared body once more.

Expertly transferring that which was pulling and tugging at his greed and obsession to the still sleeping bright half, he was annoyed at how easy something that put him in dire straits was dealt with by his counterpart.

"He did not even wake up, just stirred slightly and waved his hand as if it were nothing but an annoying fly…ugh whatever, everyone has their talents I suppose."