Diving Into An Icy Lake

Some minor testing went on for awhile longer, but minor it was as Cyrus was both magically and physically drained at this point.

"The strength of the bones is dependent on the level of the controlling soul. It seems that bone is for some reason an excellent vessel for all things soul related, in terms of how an undead uses it that is" noted down Cyrus, finishing up the last of his tests for the day.

Leaving Ares to his own devices in his lab, which he sealed once more as well as leaving a warning to not enter on the door, he left for his room once more after grabbing a few items that had arrived with his others supplies.

Checking his new personal time keeping device, a small cylinder of copper and iron make that kept track of only hours and not minutes, he saw that it was well into the evening having just passed the time that dinner would usually be served.

"Food will have to be off until tomorrow then, but it is too early to sleep. Optimal usage of time is required in all regards, thus it seems some late night organization is at hand. A lot of ground was made today, all of which must be carefully compiled so that nothing was wasted.

Such was the plan that was made when Cyrus finished ascending the stairs, reaching the main floor of his underground lair. Yet, much the same as he had seen when first descending, his companion Minerva was still there but this time instead of reading she was jotting down notes with fervor.

An earlier event coming to his mind, a few plans were rearranged on the spot to make way for an interesting idea that had been pushed away earlier due to time constraints.

Sitting down on the couch across from Minerva, he stretched a bit and kicked his legs back on the table.

The racket he created through his actions alerted and annoyed the one across from him, who stopped writing for a moment and glared at him.

"Good evening to you as well. The morning you and night you are quite different, hmm. Should I record this as another quirk of your personality? An addendum to the long list I already have running: Hostile to all by default, reactionary hatred and distrust of men in particular, greatly dislikes those who seem superficial at first, stubborn and defiant, insane at times, under great stress, lacks the ability to taste food, and an avid reader of 'unique' novels" said the masked Cyrus lazily.

Each word he spoke drew the ire of Minerva, visibly racking up her level of frustration which all but dissipated upon the last thing in the rather long list mentioned.

"A lot of attention has been paid to me it seems, am I so addicting?" asked Minerva.

"Clever deflection, if I were an idiot that is. I mentioned a lot of things of which all require a serious discussion you know. We are allies are we not, shouldn't allies confide in one another to some degree so basic understanding can be had? Not to mention that for the duration of our stay in the Academy you are stuck with me so it would seem, let's get along then yeah?"

Minerva simply scoffed,

"You do not believe the words that you speak, not a single drop of it. Perhaps your other personality might, but the current you would sooner make a mockery of such thinking."

"See, we already know one another so well. Alas, since you do not wish to speak about the more pressing topics I guess we should start with something easy. To break the ice, or so I have heard the saying go."

"In my younger years I was interested in all types of knowledge you see. Whether it was based in reality or in fiction, I consumed it all. Once upon a time I chanced upon a genre known as romantic novels. Although I consumed few in number, as such stories were sparse in my homeland, it was interesting for a bit and helped me understand the very basics of human relations. One time, however, I specifically ran across a sub-genre of romance novel called ero-"

The sound of a sabre being drawn from its scabbard stopped Cyrus in his tracks, as a completely cold Minerva eyed him dead on. Her entire person screamed, "say another word and you are dead" but Cyrus saw through the frosty exterior.

Standing up and walking around the table to approach his conversation partner close up, a preferred tactic of both halves of the whole it seems, he tapped on the drawn sabre chuckling in mockery all the while.

"I may not know much about well adjusted 'normal' individuals, but I have met all sorts of broken-down individuals in my short life. The wasteland, its name is not for show you know? Think of anything that you have valued, value currently, or might value in the future. If you took any random person, one after the other, off the streets of an oasis town you would find those who had lost all of those and more throughout their lives. So broken they were…. such was the natural course of things. Your case is not too foreign to me thanks to my experiences, creating a thick wall between you and the world whenever a conflict arises."

"So, you can read me like a book then?" asked Minerva, her tone icy.

"That should be obvious by now should it not? I can read you as easily as I can those tasteful novels you like to consume" said Cyrus, dodging a small thrust by Minerva.

"Though I could do without the sudden sword lesson, I am quite tired you see. Accidentally skewering your ally in his own home, that would not look too good would it?" mocked Cyrus as he allowed himself to fall on the couch that was now next to him.

"You are just like an annoying fly you know that?" muttered Minerva who reluctantly sheathed her sabre and sat down as well.

"How rude, I am sure I am far more pleasant than that. We seem to be hitting it off well wouldn't you say? You have only tried to kill me, what, three or four times? As expected of the most well-adjusted person I know" said Cyrus, while exaggeratedly clapping his hands.

Minerva simply put her head in her hands while sighing in exasperation.

"Yeah, yeah I get it. Do you want me to give you my entire life story or something? We have only known one another for so long, are you not in a bit of a rush?"

"I see, you want to wait until I save you from some kind of perilous situation or take a mortal blow for you right? How easy women are, just engage in reckless self-sacrificial behavior and you can make them topple like a deck of cards" concluded Cyrus.

"No just…more time, you know to become familiar with one another" began Minerva, becoming less confident in her answer as she went along.

"Sounds like a waste of time, especially when I have no care for hiding things about myself only to slowly reveal them. Ask and you shall receive, any answer you so desire. After that I imagine all that is left is to prove with action the strength of my words, is that not far more efficient than the roundabout method you are talking about? Its better for us if we get this out of the way sooner than later for there will be many group events throughout our stay in the Academy. Having a member of the team be an unstable bottle read to explode at any time would be more than just a small liability. Not only that but through you I believe I can get Imran fully on board as well, so you would even be helping him out in the end" explained Cyrus, emulating a devil whispering away his sweet persuasions.

"I will admit that the you now appears to be honest to a fault, not out of virtue but instead out of a lack of care of what anyone thinks. The key word is appears…everyone has things that they hide. As proof, why don't you tell me about that funny little mask you always wear and why it changes your personality. Or how you came to know a powerful Venator, are so interested in the war of Nobilis, and how are you also connected to a member of the Legionaries? Can't say huh?" said Minerva coldly.

"Hold it, do not speak for me girl. I have no need to boast or brag, what I say is nothing but the truth if I say it is so. If you wish to know everything, you may know everything. Just know that the price of knowing is not low" explained Cyrus, still maintaining a light tone all the while despite the content of his words.

"Price?" muttered Minerva, before coming to her own understanding of the vague wording.

"You will tell me everything about yourself?"

"Of course, everything. Nothing held back at all" assured Cyrus.

The two sat in silence for a while more, one torn between giving in and holding out for longer while the other simply enjoyed the show.

"I…understand. But I will gauge the weight of what you have to reveal against my own situation, I will not be shafted and give more for less" said Minerva definitively.

"Of course, I understand. Though since we are sharing some rather sensitive things, I believe a change of scenery is in order."

Cyrus then stood up and began walking back down the stairs to the lower level, with Minerva following behind him quickly. His steps were somewhat unsteady, due to how tired he was from the intense sparring, but normally he should have been able to easily conceal this.

The two stopped outside Cyrus' lab, which he opened and allowed Minerva to walk in while closing the door behind them.

His mouth curved upwards in a wicked grin he thought,

"What an easy prey, walking into the trap on their own accord."