To Reconcile, To Plan

One day turned to the next, with the dark half taking full control once more as he walked up the stairs of his underground abode and out into the morning sunshine.

His thoughts were interrupted as his hand shot to the handle of his sword, for two familiar figures were waiting for him at the exit.

Leaning on the left wall was the only person who would wear the gear of the Scouts instead of his uniform. Though the uniform itself was used as a kind of fashion statement tied around his waist: Gellert.

Leaning on the right wall was a man with silver hair and a peaceful exterior, but Cyrus knew that deep within was a deep fury just waiting to erupt: Caliban.

Still in a stance ready to fight to the death at any moment, Cyrus watched as the two's eyes opened and looked at him then at the one opposite of themselves.

"By all means, go first." said Gellert, jutting his chin towards the pin on Caliban's chest in reference to his superior rank.

"Cyrus," said Caliban slowly and smoothly, "our battle was what it was, I was defeated due to my own weakness and your cunning. Next time, the result will be different."

He then walked away, having waited for who knows how long just to say that.

"Short and sweet, I guess" said Gellert as he watched Caliban walk into the distance, shrugging all the while.

"But I also have much the same sentiment, it was a good fight. Over the past day I reflected over it very carefully and saw that I had been led by the nose the entire time. Unable to show my true potential, well, I am more used to fighting monsters than humans.

"I am not here for that though. I am here because I could not figure out one detail no matter how hard or long I thought about the end when you eliminated me...did I do something to draw your ire? I am not one for making enemies if I can help it, despite how I may act at times."

"Oh? You did not do anything to me directly." replied Cyrus with a smirk, "but you did defeat one of my companions so I had to help vent their frustration by causing you a little pain. It is not every day that you get the chance to kill someone in such a brutal fashion, but not actually kill them. The pain of an excruciating death without the death part, what an amazing experience."

Gellert's mouth opened slightly, clearly surprised that he was given such treatment due to having won a previous fight.

"Quite the caring ally, I see now."

He then leaned in towards Cyrus slightly, his calm serenity fading fast as it was replaced by a fiery passion.

"But next time, just as Caliban said, the result WILL be different."

Then he too walked away, steam visibly coming from his body as the morning mist that touched him was evaporated instantly.

'I guess I gave them a lot to think about'


"Another day, another lesson. What a joy, oh how I love wasting my time on mostly failures."

Greeting the class with his normal cheer and jeer, Caligo lazily sat on an actual chair that had been pre-placed in the front of the room.

"Last time we had our non domain focused lesson I believe I taught you lot about the strengthening of sense. A useful thing it is, sense. Especially for us Mors domain users as the strength of our sense will directly affect how strong the spells that we cast are.

"Today I will teach you bottom feeders how to cast a spell when you are under pressure. Not just psychological or physical pressure, but one of a superior spellcaster looking directly at your soul and making you keenly aware of how weak you actually are.

"Of course if you were to ever fight someone who is a rank or two above you, eh, you are probably dead for sure. But at least with this training you will be able to fight back and not die like the maggots that you are.

"Though if you are with others then you might actually survive, as combination spellcasting can be extremely powerful and have the ability to transcend ranks if done properly.

"That aside, cast the most intricate spell that you know and try to maintain it. For an added challenge, you must also attempt to cover its tracks at the same time.

"I will pressure you physically, mentally, and also magically all at the same time.

"The longer you last each go, the higher the chance of you not instantly dying if you meet someone superior on the battlefield."

Of course, Caligo did not bother with the looks of self pity or even thinly veiled hatred that some of his students had on their mugs. Well, maybe it was mostly because he could not see them.

And so the class continued, with several wails and screams sounding out as Caligo gleefully did his best to torture all his students in the name of learning.


After the class had ended, Cyrus steadied his aching head from the over the top 'teaching' methods of Caligo. He made sure to leave with the rest of the pack, blending in the crowd of black robes as he coerced several of them to head to where he wanted to go: The Vita Department.

When he arrived there he let the several students that he was holding hostage go, generously cutting the wire that was around all of their necks and watching them scamper off like rats with a sadistic grin.

Passing through the massive doors, ignoring the annoying and overly nosy mages within, he made it to Minerva's room and once again entered without knocking or announcing his presence.

He was greeted by the sight of Minerva, still in her bed but looking far better than before, and Imran who looked far worse than ever before despite having been resting in the sick bay for as long as Minerva had.

'Though I think the fault of Imran's lack of recovery is mostly mine...ah, its for a good cause.'

Still, he confidently strode into the room and sat on Minerva's bed, right in between her and Imran, as there was nowhere else for him to sit.

"So, having a good chat? Discussing some important things I hope."

"Just finished actually." said Imran who looked like he had gotten closure on his father's mysterious death at long last....though his father was still alive and well.

"Yeah, I was made aware of a certain someone vaguely alluding to something that should have been kept secret," said a pouting Minerva who reached over and whalloped Cyrus a good one, "but it worked out in the end."

She then leaned over and pulled him into a half hug and whispered, "Thank you."

Cyrus was not allowed the time to consider the amazingly soft and tender voice that had come from the famous ice queen, for Imran bowed deeply in the next moment.

"I now know how right you were, I was an idiot. I was so focused on respecting a distance that should have never been there in the first place, not even caring to wonder why it existed."

Imran broke the bow, smiling slightly as he was clearly uncomfortable with the serious mood.

"The investment that I made when bringing you in has now paid off in full, a testament to my skill as a merchant. But still, thank you. If I had lived my entire life without knowing the truth...I would have regretted it forever even in my grave and in the world beyond."

Pulling himself out of the Minerva induced lull, Cyrus quickly caught on to what the two were were talking about despite the fact that they were cleverly dancing around the specifics.

"So you informed him about that bastard...ah, Asmon Belliwhatsit"

"Asmod Bellicus," corrected Minerva, "and I did. I told him that the main reason for me leaving my family was not my harsh parents but because I was forced to engage someone who was less than stellar."

"Abusive parents, beyond terrible in fact," corrected Cyrus, "and that was what you told him. The full story, right?"

Minerva, having understood the hidden meaning had a contemplative look before replying,

"Yep, the full story in short. A few details are best left kept between us, right?"

The last part of what she said was said silently, mouthed towards Cyrus and hidden from Imran by Minerva cleverly using Cyrus' body to break his line of sight.

"Fine, but eventually you will need to tell him," mouthed Cyrus silently.

Then he leaned back slightly, reestablishing the line of sight between Minerva and Imran, and addressed everyone in the room with a clap of his hands.

"So, now that we all know. Let us start our first group planning session on how to permanently be rid of this detestable fellow."