Long ago there were Giants call Alphas and Omegas and Betas these Giants lived in the land ruling over the lands.

They were born when the Solar system was created a cord of many dull colors connect the Giants Alphas we're as big as the giaffes and could be taller depending on the power.

Giants that are Betas are smaller like a serbian tigers in height and Omegas are in between elephants and bear heights.

The Giants of A,O,B where placed everywhere in the solar systems and Planets and Stars and Earths not like are own.

The cords looked like huge metal antennas sticking out of backs gathering information from the elements around them.

Not all giants are equal some are Omega, Betas the strongest of them is the Alpha their has never been one that has had all elements inside of them.

To regain their power due to a new changes they gathered in a huddle altogether to regain their powers.

If there is rain and meteor showers the Giants stand under the darken sky no matter what Solar System they are living in.

Before apes and evolved into humans when the humans started to take over the lands.

Giants disguised themselves as humans lived within the human world they're body not made the same as human's inside.

Their bodies was made with core of cords of colors no heart that beats they had never discovered love but they do have families with same color cords.

Alphas,Betas, Omega giants are connected through colorful cords which connect them to old Earth and the new Earth and solar systems.

Colors such as yellowish brown cord insect's, the cords are green for tree's, the animals, blue and black and yellow cords connect the sky and stars, but is not supposed to be connected to human soul's.

The cords come out of Giants back invisible to human eyes which Human's have life strings dealing with health love and children.(Main Color red string of true love)

There's is one Giant who is connected to a human soul and connected too a human's heart.

Not one not knowing that one is an Omega, Beta, Alpha mix and the other is fully human with no abilities to control that you children that will be born.

1920's a young child who is blind felt a large cord when she was walking outside she pulled the cord and walked towards the cord.

She could feel the different threads and strains in the cord when she got close to the end of the cord she put her hand out towards the cord and felt a large leg.

Startled she held the cord tightly but soon calmed down from the feeling between the threads of the cord.

The little girl slowly walked back to where she was in the distance she could hear her mother and father calling her name Lila.

Lila stopped and found the end of the cord strain and tied too her hair tightly and then answered her mother.

I am here walking forward to the voices she felt a small tug and the released in her hair she could feel the large cord


Two female strangers walk in the clinic one depositing bone marrow and the other collecting bone marrow for insemination.

One year later a young woman in her late 20s is fixing violins in the back of the store she owns the store and teaches violins and cellos too students of all ages.

Upstairs is her apartment she has two huge bedrooms and huge living area and large bathroom and kitchen.

This young woman is in disguise she is Alpha,Omega,Beta giant who has been living as a human for 400 years and sum.

The bell rang and the door opened open up and a voice said Hello, Atlas are you in here?

Atlas doesn't here the voice, she has music playing in the background the tap on the shoulders startled her causing the bow string.

To hit her in face left cheek Eclair said thats definitely going to leave a mark.

Atlas body healed right up and Eclair said you can't dont that you're trying to be human.

At least have a scratch on your face from the bow string on her face under her left eye there was a scratch mark.

Her sister soon put a bandaid on her cheek the door bell rang as the door opened up there was Atlas first student for the day a 11 year old boy named Wyatt had started two weeks prior.

His Mother said Ms.Scotbak are you in Atlas stood up and said "Yes yes" I'm here I was just fixing the violins in the back.

Its 8:30am Eclair said Good Morning Mrs.Lang and patted Wyatt head as she walked out the store.

On the other side of town a young woman and child are walking she tells the toddler that later on today she will get her a toy if she is good at daycare the toddler smiles and then nods her head.

The young woman drops of the toddler and starts her way too work she works with animals in a shop for with missing limbs.

She makes new limps out of artificial organic substance that what she specializes in.

At the daycare the young toddlers are taken for outside exercise and walk to the park on the way back, it started raining and one toddler stood still in the rain the other toddlers walked ahead.

The teacher was counting everyone in a realized that Adalana wasn't part of her count at the same time the young toddler realized that the others were gone.

Adalana ran past many shops but suddenly felt a tug and walked in the shop with wooden guitars.

Wyatt was playing the violin as the young toddler walked in and Atlas's shadow looked amazing as she connected string of colors to song.

Wyatt said Teacher there's a little kid here Atlas turned around and bent down and said Where did you come from?

Wyatt said the uniform jacket is the daycare not far from here Wyatt started packing up as his father came in and said Let's go buddy Wyatt ran out the shop.

Atlas got her jacket and umbrella and picked up the young child she turned towards the door and turned the sign to closed and locked the door.

Walking with the young child a woman ran by calling out too someone when Atlas arrived at the daycare.

The police where there at scene and a officer stopped Atlas and asked What is your purpose here?

Are you a parent?

The young child in her arms had fallen asleep she answered No I am not a Parent.

I have found a young child in my violin shop her jacket is this daycare uniform.

The officer pulled his gun out and yelled give me the child she closed the umbrella and and handed the young child to him another officer said put your hands behind your back Atlas did as said.

Wyatt's mother in the crowd said What are you doing to my sons teacher she would never kidnap a child right she should be with another student until my son comes back after school.

The young woman can back running and said Adalana!! Adalan.. the officer handed over the toddler but she ran towards Atlas and said you play wooden guitars I want to play.

The teacher was and young women was shocked that she spoke for she had not spoken since birth.

The officer in charge uncuffed Atlas and said it was a mistake but next time try calling the daycare.

Atlas said I will have to get a phone then.

The young woman introduce herself I'm Rieya and this is my daughter Adalana Lovable.

Atlas said its nice to met you both but I must go.

I have another lesson drop by anytime between 830am and 6pm if you want too see the wooden guitars again she turned and walked away.

3:30pm had come and Atlas had many students had come and gone but Atlas felt uneasy a high pitch noise came and Atlas form started come undone.

Atlas closed the door and wobbled to the back of the shop she didn't scream but she could feel her cords and strings pulling she felt the door open up and footsteps coming near to her.

She tried collect herself when she looked again she could see a child she said its okay Adalana is here now its okay.

Atlas looked at herself she saw she was in human again she suddenly sat up the voice unfamiliar said You should take it easy do you remember.

What happened too you?

Atlas said just a headache thanks again as she stood up said you're the young woman and child from earlier.

Adalana tugged on Atlas pants as she knelt down to pick up the small child and said with a shaky voice What is it you want?

The door opened standing at the door was a woman she started yelling at Rieya Where have you been?

And who's is this holding your child?

The other woman walked further in the shop and the little one whispered time for me to be silent as a mouse I know your my next mom not her.

Rieya embarrassed by the yelling grabbed her daughter out of Atlas's hands and walked outside the door pulling the other woman through door it slowly closed.

At that time Eclair was outside watching the young couple yelling outside she walked up and asked them to moved away from her sister shop and home.

Rieya apologized and started walking away slowly but she could her Eclair say to Atlas.

Hello Attie, Who's the kid you were holding ?

Atlas in a daze replied Adalana is the toddler who saw colors when I was teaching.

She got misplaced earlier I just helped her get back to her mom.

Eclair said keep out trouble Attie I'm going to started dinner you should close for now unless you have another class it is 530pm.

Early on in the day Eclair had been watching her sister from afar without any humans around her noticing.

Eclair had become Omega Giant her cords and magenta red,magenta green and magenta yellow.

(Eclair is her human name.)

Globe is invisible to other giant's Beta and Alpha around her but can give a high pitch noise if you corner her

The cords have to do with the animals and birds in the human world she takes care of the zoo animals thats her job.

On the other side of town Rieya and Adalana have arrived at a small house when she opens the door.

Her Grandfather and Grandmother are sitting down on the stairs like two little kids whispering secrets and laughing.

They see their Granddaughter Harry Lovable said Hello little pea,

How was your day at school?

Did you play?

Did you sing?

Adalana walked upstairs stamping her feet in angry she looked down and used a hand motion of violin.

Rieya went to speak but Wendy started yelling Grandma said thats enough its family time can you leave with your loud mouth and shut the door on her and locked the door.

Grandma said come down What happened today?

You start first Adalana glowed and showed in different colors with her cords how her day and night went until Wendy came she showed her Grandparents Atlas.

And then started crying her Grandma held her tight and said Don't worry am glad you found her your next mom.

Morning started as usual this time Atlas went for walk near the daycare and then too a flower shop were she ran into Grandma Lovable who ran the flower shop.

Atlas asked about Sunflowers and Spiderlilies the store manger said Spiderlilies are out of season right now Atlas sighed in disappointment she took the 12 stock of Sunflowers instead.

A women walked in and said Ms. Lovable can I possible get 2 of each color roses as Atlas was walking out she wasn't paying attention and walked into another person.

Rieya said Oh Sorry,Atlas said Oh It's you Rieya answered Yes its me in the same sentence asked Atlas How are you today?

The wooden guitar teacher.

Grandma Lovable walked briskly towards Atlas and looked her up and down,then she took the bouquet of Sunflowers out of her hands and gave them too her daughter.

Grandma took Atlas's hands and held them tightly Atlas felt an unusual shock and was taken too the time of Lila and Alauna in that time frame.

Atlas saw How the first Alpha Giant became some what human and How Lila Song Lovable loved the Alpha outcast.

Atlas pulled her hand away and ran out of the flower shop towards the opposite direction of her home and shop.

When she settled down she stood on a hill with a big tree Atlas fell down and memories of the past life flowed each cord in a flame changing the core of her body.

Walking back slowly she realized that she left the flowers and that her two sister's Eclair and Chauncey would be still waiting for.

So she went to another flower shop and bought the Sunflowers and Spiderlilies she hurried back to her violin shop.

Her sister's where standing outside said its about time Chauncey is the oldest of three they're triplets in this world.

In their world they're Beta Omega Alpha which is hidden within them.

The car door opened up and the three walked in sat down Shannon said we are leaving now the car drove off heading too a destination.

At the Lovable Flower shop Grandma said that maybe she isn't ready for the truth of herself.

Her husband Harry said the connection between the two have not been made strong enough she will come back and she will love them both for now her core heart yearns for what she lost.

Harry has always believe his Mother in law stories for Why would the blind woman lie about her love for a giant who she loved and gave more love then what was expected.

Outside of the Earth's core the car stopped Shannon said its time Ladies Chauncey stepped out her human from fell apart her cords flew every which way her focus was off Shannon said now Ĺatitude control your cords.

Globe stepped out and her cords connect to Latitude and drew them down the core of the Earth's atmosphere connecting to what was made in the beginning.

Atlas comes out the spiderlilies and sunflowers flowed down as fireflies go in the distance.

Atlas cords shot out towards the lights her cords flowed different then her sister's before her.

The colors in her cords are multicolored like the original on Earth it looks like meteor shower or northern lights in the sky.