Shadows of Midnight : The Vanished Ones

Loneliness sustained me as I tried to understand why I had become the beast everyone my kingdom sought. Now, at sixteen years old, I realized I was not merely ill cursed by the one person I believed loved me more than riches, more than the world deceived by my own father , the King. I crawled out of the towards the trees.

The kingdom appeared different; my had been. My sense of was so acute that I could detect the activities of foxes simultaneously hearing the wind through the trees the animals speaking as if they were human. My eyesight see beyond the into space. The world I knew and was taught about small and false. My mind never have imagined other but they are, beyond the stars,, and more in this vast kingdom. 

I looked at myself, covered in mud and dry dirt, and blood my gown torn , I walked barefoot to the castle, the villagers approached to see if I was alright. I continued to the castle the guards tried to me from entering. When they touched me, they fell across, some just bleed from all wholes from the sight of her glance she walked up the stairs .

Noticed something new about myself I could see everything and every voice clearly, the footsteps and the heat of their bodies the blood in their veins and, where the king was hiding, and the queen and younger sister the princess and brother the crown prince my were held in the darkest part of the castle.

 She went to the dungeon, unlocked the cages, and told my Mother the Queen, to leave with rest of the children, she hugged me tightly and said "Come back to me. Remember the hut, my child. I will be waiting until this day forth."

She continued on to find the king. Her body had grown from the forest her human form 5'6 long brown hair ,pale skin , bright gray eyes now at the height of the trees. She ripped open the door to king's quarters, and the knights drew their swords, approaching the beast before them.

One or of the knights recognized and rings on beast's hands and hesitated at first, but the king called for them to attack the beast she had pounced out onto the center of Kings chambers them, swinging long and claws toward anyone who near her.

The king, in the background, said, My dear daughter, this is the tradition of being a Princess of this kingdom. Please spare me, my dear daughter Jessica Rose." Her hand came up to touch him, but she could hear the archers' bows pulling back. As she stepped forward, she backed up and disappeared for a moment.

The king went to say something, but his head rolled off in front of his body, she killed the rest of the knights as she walked down the stairs towards the outside. Her body slowly back to the princess's form. She grabbed a robe and walked towards the dark forest of Ru Hill.


Between the infected the 1970's and early 1990's ,ten of thousands of people in the infected with HIV and hepatitis c after receiving contaminated blood and blood products . Many of those affected were patients with bleeding disorders ,such as hemophilia, who required blood transfusions or blood products to manage their condition.

Jessica Rose wandered the earth, deciding to dedicate her life to learning more about Lycans, she discovered that some Lycans differ to herself.

Transformations :

Lycans transforms from human to wolf ,often triggered by the full moon, the transformation can be painful and uncontrollable but hers is different she tears her skin off during the full moon but transform on will if needed.

Enhanced Abilities:

in wolf form Lycans possess superhuman strength, speed, agility ,and heightened senses. She has the ability to create a web like veins which are invisible to the eye.


is commonly depicted as a weakness for Lycan's capable of harming or killing them but Jessica-Rose wears silver so that doesn't apply to her.


She attended the best universities and became a renowned Hematologist known for her groundbreaking research.

She attends lectures, visits medical libraries, and even infiltrates research labs at night. Along the way, she has met a diverse group of scientists who have a vampirism disorder (skin sensitive to light, the thirst for human blood no fangs) and patients like Harrison, who has a rare blood disorder called Polycythemia Vera.

This condition causes the bone marrow to produce too many red blood cells, thickening the blood and increasing the risk of blood clots.

Many pharmaceutical have raised the question is the for human kind or Lycan or Vampire .

Her answer has been that it is for everyone who has asked to be cured of their blood diseases. We are in a world of many semi creatures and different kinds of beings, including humans. This cure will not give you supernatural powers, but it will bind the gene within the blood disease. Additionally, each cure is diverse for each species, including humans. That is all for questions for now.

Jessica Rose, a centuries-old werewolf who has lived in the shadows, keeping her true nature a secret, she is conflicted between her urges and a longing for redemption for her young life that had stolen away .

She has been researching blood submersion for humans, Orc, Dwarf goblins, elves, cent, half - dragon human, Giants, halflings, merfolk, fair, trolls, angels, demons, nymphs, lizard, her species all blood.


She had met a young doctor named Cian Jounger, who was researching.

Aplastic Anemia. This condition occurs when the bone stops producing enough new blood cells, leading to fatigue, infections, and uncontrolled bleeding.

Factor XIII deficiency: this is a rare clotting disorder where the blood lacks enough factor XIII protein, leading problems with clotting and spontaneous bleeding

The two young women became close through but Cian liked Jessica Rose from the start before starting working a the lab she had met her years before ....

realized that she had started to develop feelings she had never experienced in her 5000 years of being alive. Just an accidental touch of fingers turned her face red like a cherry, and she began to feel overheated in her presence.

Who she was underneath began to resurface at times, Cian would just move and it would stop. She was confused by the sensations she was towards a she hadn't felt like this with her other co-workers.

When she got, home she spoke to mother Zofia about feelings her mother told her she had fallen in love she asked has the other side of you try to resurface and Jessica-Rose answered yes many times she Yes your in love but the other side wont hurt who you fallen for as long as there not human which I have a feeling they are not. She stared at her mom for awhile and then said what do you mean? Zofia said sit down and I will tell you the story of how we became what we are now .

You're late father thought he invoked the werewolf into you but the truth is that he didn't it belongs to my family tree not his he was merely human and wanted power.

Let me explain this first . Long ago before time stood still there was a King who name was Lycaon. He loved he's kingdom and he's wife and daughter's, son very much he was praised as a God but God's don't like humans to rise above their glory so one day .

Zeus, the god of the time, decided to punish the king. He led one of the princesses into the forest where wolves lived, the king being a loving father, rushed to her rescue. This part is sad and scary, listen very carefully, the king ran into the forest of wolves and thought he saw his daughter being eaten by of the wolves.

He pulled his to sword out , many wolves attacked him instead, the wolves bit him and the young princess go, she was scared as she sat in place watching the wolves attack her father.

His began ache as he the cries his youngest daughter, his legs cracked, and ribs began to stretch in agony from the pain, his hands began stretching as well, and his nails fell to the to ground before him, his hair began to appear all over his body. His face stretched into the nose of a wolf.

As he breathed his last human breath, he said, "Zofia run, away so won't you Remember what I... I... I..." Howling, how, and the loving King Lycaon became werewolf. But I didn't listen to my father, and knights came as he bit into my legs. "I'm sorry, dear child. I never thought that you would have my curse live on my child.

Years later, as I was learning about my abilities, I saw Zeus walking like an old man, he didn't realize I was there at first, but afterwards, when he approached me the werewolf side.

He spoke to me and me it was he had done this to a wise king who was praised as a god But since that has gone, kingdom which wouldn't sing praises to the gods has not spoken words for long time, Tears fell down his face as sighed long and hard.

Only true love truly see you for who you are and love you. Some will take advantage your new abilities, but they will burn in the end. And like that, he was gone.

"Does that help you with the feeling have? She answered, " yes and no," but I understand the meaning behind it They hugged each other. She walked towards the bathroom. Her sister Analia Kateri said, "Dinner will be done in a few moments." Her brother Talon Kiran rushed in, looking at his new shoes, he walked into their mother, who was tidying up the table for dinner.

Jessica-Rose, in the bathroom, took her hair down, which had been in a bun all day, and had. She thought about what her mom said and then started thinking about Cian's lips and hands. Her yelled up to her, Dinner's ready!" as she out of her trance of. In dreams, she dreamt that she had met Cian before this time.

On her journey self hate she had met child like her dreams, she spoke to her a language unknown to her, but it seemed to have a great impact. The child said, "We are one, earth, the wind, the sky I met here for dreams time. I walk hand hand you free this everlasting light."

The child moved closer to her and kissed her. The alarm went off, and she had fallen out of her onto floor. Her was woken by the noise. Upside, she looked at the clock and jumped up, for she was three hours late for work, and the lab had called fourteen times in day.

She rushed to work, hair out but dressed. As she walked in, some doctors were surprised by her hair, but Cian walked up to and "I like it down. I figured you were with patients." I clocked you in already you have no more worries and Cian walked past her face felt flushed she walked to her station.

As she fixed her hair in a bun the day seemed to go long for her thoughts were on Cian she slapped herself on her cheeks and said to herself get it together we are at work no time for those thoughts right now .

Two weeks had since day, and Cian was missing from work with no phone calls Jessica-Rose got anxious that something had to her, so she called phone every day until one day someone. The woman explained that Cian been kidnapped.

Her voice sounded scared as she explained that she was Cian's twin sister, Iyana, and when she found her, she would call back, a few days passed, and Iyana called Jessica-Rose every, keeping her on situation at hand.

Jessica-Rose felt she was getting closer Cian. Iyana even invited her over to hotel. Jessica-R arrived at the hotel which looked like a mansion. Iyana her at the door, she had gifts for her first visit. Iyana said, Come in, don't mind the noise.

The nephews and nieces have just returned from school so they will down in a few." I'm Jessica-Rose Lycaon. I work with Cian Jessica Rose said. Iyana replied, "You must like her a lot," and Jessica-Rose blushed.

Janus-Chevy preparing to rescue her She walked into room and introduced herself too herself, "I'm Ianuari, but everyone Janus-Chevy. I'm going to get my sister and your girlfriend back, so no worries Just then Jessica-Rose asked. "Do you know who took her?" Isyah replied, "We have an idea who it is. There's more us than meets the eye Doctor. 

I'm the eldest sister, Isyah (pronounced Isaiah) Jacey is third oldest and will be going to rescue Cian Jessica -Rose confused by herself and they all answered Yes she good plus Cian will be with her .

A portal opened and Eliyah said to Jacey, "Bring our sister home." Iyana held Sunday-James' hand the portal. They in a circle like modern witches surrounding the portal, or of abilities flying around them There no chanting just the synchronized of their bodies, something unusual to humans.

Lucy, Tomi, and Xiang also held hands behind their wives, Jessica-Rose joined the three women supporting the sisters The children stood behind their mothers as Jacey leaped into portal. When returned they were on the second floor of hotel. Jessica-Rose couldn't contain herself when she saw Cian.

She ran towards and jumped her, causing them to fall on the floor. The laughed. J.R. let her hair down, which covered the onlookers. They kissed Cian's arms rose above them and she pulled J.R. into her body. The, glancing at each other lovingly, found missing part of their hearts. 

That night J.R. and Cian spent time talking, Cian showed her abilities she took her outside for she can make the dirt into earth elements which can look like people or creatures Cian can manipulate rocks, soil, plants. 

Her creatures are resilient to the earth she can also has healing and intuition ,with water magic includes control over liquids, ice, sometimes the weather she turned herself into two elements at the same time wielding each ability like juggling bowling balls

Then J. R. said "I have something to show you as. well" Cian transformed her human form, and J.R. said, "Please stand back If you're scared let me know I won't be able speak to you." Cian took a few steps back, and then J.R. turned into a werewolf.

She sniffed around then laid down Cian didn't hesitate at all she walked up and started playing with her fur. She looked into her eyes and said, "I can see you there, Jessica-Rose. You're gorgeous in both forms." Cian kissed the large werewolf. I love both sides of you."

The children looked through the window and said, "The doctor is a dog, mom." Eliyah and Tomi walked towards the window and saw a wolf with Cian. Then they saw transform into Jessica-Rose. The woman smiled at the children, "No worries, kids. Soon, Aunty Cian will be married."

Several months later, while working in the lab, a baby was brought into Cian's lab. Doctor Dentin said, " child is a crossbreed between elements and Canis lupus familiars." In her arms, the baby had fur and water orbs.

Doctor Dentin said that the baby was found under a mud storm. She passed the baby to Dr. Jounger, and the child became human. The child snuggled into Cian. Dr. Dentin said, "We should call child services." Cian replied, "Don't bother, I will raise him or her. Those services are for humans, not non beings."

Dr. Dentin replied, "We go through the system her; can't just keep her we must report her to the authorities, is protocol." Another doctor entered and, said "Dr. Jounger is right. Child services treat non-human beings like prisoners don't care properly for them.

It's better that of us who are of the same species, raise her to the best of our abilities." Dr. Dentin asked, "Have you experienced this yourself?" Dr. Alief responded, "Yes though I might look human, I am part a different species altogether.

I was abused starved in the care of humans. When a doctor came in, he would do experiments those of us weren't human, trying to figure out why we were different from human race. It a cruel environment."

They agreed that she would live among the different species in the lab, learning from them as. Dr. Alief concurred that Dr. Jounger should take her for a week and then pass her on to the other species doctors until the child herself can pick her new family in lab. There 20 species, not including humans counterparts.

As long as the species is close to the species, they could take in. Dr. Dentin, angry with this decision, left the room as she walked away, she murmured something to herself which the camera heard, and she was called to the of her to the office, Dr. Mesgrace stated that this is a safe environment for everyone. It is true that child services are extremely cruel non-human beings.

There is no need for you to say that you would kill them, but if you never experienced pain your colleagues have, you won't understand. So take these when leave and experience the feelings we have, and maybe that will help your understanding.

The day ended, and Dr. Jounger picked up the baby who was cooing in the office with Dr. Mesgrace. He said, "I changed her and fed her Make sure to take care of this special bundle." Dr Jounger replied "Of course, I will let no befall her,. Thank you for this opportunity.

I will make sure bring her in tomorrow." Dr. Mesgrace said, "No, you will be with her for a week. You can return her, and then she will be reassigned to Dr. Lycaon. You are the only ones I know who are Elements Walkers and Dr. Lycaon is of Canis Clan. Also, I'm a Felidae , troll descendant, so you know."

Dr. Jounger asked if she could name her, and he responded, "Yes a child without a name no child at all. What do you have in?" Dr. Jounger replied, "I was thinking Akiyah or Daanis Bryanna," but he didn't look impressed.

Then she turned and said, "I will let you know I pick a good one," and left the office. She signed out and was heading outside when her sister drove up. I said, "Reading your mind is so easy. Oh my goodness, I don't have a car seat!" "How?

You panic, sis, I got. Plus, your girlfriend called said there be an addition to the family. I thought she was pregnant, but I guess this was it She laughed as Cian put the baby the car seat. She also just looked at sister like, "Wow, you just don't know." A smirk came on her face. Iyana looked puzzled at her.

In the car, the two talked and Cian said they wanted to discuss something with the family later on, but should they stop and get some for her? Iyana said, "You haven't named her," and Cian replied, ". What you think she looks like, London or Margaret?" Just then, she said "Her name is Lilith-Grace Zion Jounger.

That's your name, precious one." She smiled, Iyana said that gas, not a smile. The three left the car and headed into the grocery store to look for wolf milk, human bought milk , deer milk two cans of that, formula.

They also got some specialized bottles for her. They picked some clothes but not too many for they could use ones they at home. She got a teddy bear and some blankets, and they left the store, loaded in the car, and drove home

At home, Iyana told Cian to take the baby in while she took out the stuff they bought. She headed upstairs to her room, Lilith-Grace on the bed, undressed her, and changed her diaper. The two laid on the bed, the little one playing with her hair.

The door opened, and standing in the doorway was Jessica-Rose, just looking in on them. She called Cian's name, but she didn't respond, so she walked up slowly and saw they were both asleep.

When Cian turned, the baby woke up crying, so Jessica-Rose picked her up and put her in a basket. She looked around the room and found pampers, baby vests, and a note stating the baby's name was Lilith-Grace. However, she wanted to call her Zion and would rearrange her name when registering her.

Jessica-Rose changed her diaper and clothes to a sleeper and took her downstairs to feed her. Iyana said, "You've met your daughter." Jessica-Rose smiled and that she is a deer with elemental orbs. Iyana asked, "Not a wolf?" She said, "No, I can smell her.

Her hair is different. I have seen them before on my travels. Her body will grow faster than a hybrid werewolf, for we all age differently. She will be a baby for three weeks, then a toddler in a month.

Her antlers won't appear until she is in her teens or adulthood, depending on her growth in her body and mind." Iyana said, "The water is boiled. How many scoops?" "Two, it says here." The bottle was made, tested on their skin, fed to her.

Then Jessica-Rose said Iyana, "We have to talk to the family about the new additions coming into the family. We also don't want to marry yet, for we are too excited about the news we have tell everyone.

Cian woke up looked for the baby. She thought to herself maybe Iyana had come and taken the. As she walked down the stairs, she saw Jessica-Rose speaking with Iyana, her twin sister who looked completely different from her.

Cian had dark brown shaved in the back and long on top hair, grey eyes, and was quite tall. Iyana, on the other hand, brown skin with green eyes and looked more Eastern Indian than Native Indian. Cian reflected on how different her family members looked from each other, but they were still family.

They essentially had all the races in one family: Thai, Korean, West Indian, Native Indian, East Indian and Trinidadian, all from her mom and dad who also looked like different races.

Cian looked at her family, which had grown larger over the years,, "Wow, we started off with Mom and Dad, and us children came. Who would have known that we would become this big over the years, and the threat could destroy us." 

"Iyana, are you coming in, or are going to stand there all half baked?" 

Cian walked in and said, "Hello, lovely ladies." Zion's eyes went to Cian's body as she stared, drinking her bottle She saw orbs around Cian change as she kissed Jessica-Rose and her sister Iyana hugged her. 

Iyana "Well, ladies, I have to go. My life duty calls. I will see you ladies, you my lovely niece, later."

She had special to show her in one of upstairs. As Jessica Rose, Cian, and the baby went upstairs, the walls changed colors to vibrant pinks and oranges. When they got to room, Jessica-Rose said, "Close your eyes, I will hold Zion." She closed her eyes as she held her hand and walked her to the door. Then she said, "Open them now," and when she opened her eyes, she saw a waterfall, birds flying around, and a wall that looked a forest with enchanted forest canopy. He hung sheer curtains from the and adorned them fairy lights to create a soft, dreamy glow. He added plush leaf-shaped pillows and a tree-inspired bookshelf. He painted glow-the-dark constellations that up when the lights go out and a rotating star projector to cast moving celestial patterns across the walls.

Her brother Talon emerged from the closet and said, "I will have everything by next week. Thank you for this; now my nieces and nephews will see my work for free. I will be setting up a cozy reading nook teepee and a colorful ball pit downstairs for the older children, a magical unicorn dream." The door opened, and it was Zofia. She, "Oh, a little one has arrived already. You two go rest while I get to know this bundle of joy." She took Zion and left the new mothers standing there in awe. Her brother said, "You better go have some time to yourself before the children come back." They walked away each other in their room.

In the bedroom, the gentle glow of the setting sun cast a warm across the room bathing everything in a soft, light. Jessica Rose stood by window, her gaze lost on the horizon, where the sun kissed the sea. The was filled with the sweet of blooming, and a gentle breeze stirred the sheer curtains, making them dance like silk. Cian entered the room quietly, her eyes locking onto Jessica Rose silhouette. She moved closer, her footsteps silent on the floor. As she reached her she wrapped her arms around her waist, pulling her close.

She turned to face her, her eyes sparkling love and anticipation. "You know I could stay here forever with you," she murmured her voice with emotion. Jessica Rose smiled, her heart swelling with affection. " sounds perfect," she replied, her barely above a whisper leaned in, her lips gently against hers.

The world around them seemed to fade away leaving only two of them in a moment of pure, unadulterated love. Their kiss deepened, a dance tenderness and desire that spoke volumes without words Cian said, "Let's make this moment count." Jessica-Rose nodded, her eyes glistening with of joy. "Every single moment," she echoed.

Cian licked her flower, her moans became louder as she climaxed to ecstasy their bodies rubbing in rhythmed motion the energy around lite up there room it was bright blooming light.