THE TRIPLETS: Fortune, Treasure, Arizela

In the future powers and magical abilities are forbidden on the new Earth called Paleolithic.

Paleolithic a planet that has inhabitant by old caveman that have lived many years keeping there old teachings.

A new age Neanderthals in the old world they are caveman but in this world they rule.

Many of soliders dress in animal hides and are armed with specialized rocks and cattle bone clubs ,spears,or sticks with rocks tied to them.

And are portrayed as unintelligent easy frightened, and aggressive but in this world

With Dinosmin (dinosaur miniature) and clubs but in many ways they have grown very intelligent when it comes keeping themselves young.

The old ways have rules while living in Paleolithic

1. No Magical or Powers abilities

2. Humans only

3. A doctor schedule every 3 months

4. Outside the wall is forbidden

Before the move to Paleolithic Jessimay and Casonya were in bed making love their bed Casonya said don't bite so hard Jessimay just continue.

Casonya moaned as ray of light shined and time stopped around them both Jessimay looked and saw their daughters with her brother Dylan. Casonya said in a different language the future has changed.

Jessimay kissed her wife on the lips and they continued their love making to 9am then two of three of the triplets came in their parents room Treasure said Mommies!!

Izela won't get out of bed she's still sleeping Fortune said she's talking in her sleep about not being with us,being taught strange things we're only 5 right Mama we aren't 18 yet.

Casonya said I will go see What's up Arizela you get breakfast started we will be down in a moment love they kissed the girls tried to split them apart but they were successful in smooching.

Casonya went into the girls room we're Arizela was toss and turning in her sleep screaming out for Floral No don't leave stay here Floral!!

She sat up and walked towards the door and started chanting words her Mom touched her but she was taken into the world her daughter was dreaming about she saw Arizela grown up and walking with a young boy and girl.

They walk to a cemetery and bow down and put flowers down when she looked further she saw her daughter name Treasure Mass loving Mother and Daughter and Sister.

Casonya went to scream but the little boy ran over and whispered in ear and with that it took them back to the bedroom of the triplets finally Arizela woken up.

Casonya and Arizela looked at each other's eyes and her Mom said you see the distance of the futures eye it will change nothing remains the same I promise you that.

Arizela said No Mom no matter how I try to change it she always kills her tears ran down her face.

Casonya wiped the tears from Arizela face and took her hand and walked downstairs towards the kitchen we're the three were sitting at table eating bunny pancakes.

Treasure said to Izela you wake up late hurry up eat bunncakes and we can go watch old cartoons Fortune said well Buggings bunny.

What we are watching right Mommies?

Jessimay answered Yes and we still have to pack for moving don't forget to pack up you're stuff girls after Bugs Bunny they screamed.

The phone rang on the other end of it Dylan saying he had something for her and the girls.

Before they move to Saturn the new Earth Jessimay said is Kyle and Nikaya coming with you he answered Yes they're coming with of course Essie.

I will see you in a hour tops Nikaya can't fly quite yet so car time is best bye Essie,then Jessimay said Guess Who's coming over in a hour girls?

Fortune said Uncle Dylan and Kyle and the Treasure interrupted and said our cousin Nikaya the 2 girls got loud but Arizela stayed quite.

For in the cartoons she could see where she will be at the age of seven and ten years old her powers she inherited will destroy more then herself but anyone she touched.

At 12pm the door opened up and there stood Uncle Kyle with boxes and bags in his hands holding his jacket was Nikaya and holding her little Hello kitty knapsack in her little brown hands.

Nikaya let go when she saw Fortune and Treasure she was looking for Arizela for she has always felt a deep connection between the two.

Nikaya suddenly screamed No don't disappear and grabbed Arizela arm and Fortune held onto to as well Fortune yelled for Treasure they disappeared.

Leaving Treasure and the Mommies and Uncle's standing in shock, the three disappeared they fell in water.

Fortune tried talking but water filled her mouth Nikaya grabbed them and swam underwater to land.

Fortune yelled for Help but Nikaya said don't worry once your sister wakes up we will get out of here let's get some sticks and make a fire too keep warm.

Fortune just looked at her cousin like Who are you really?

Then she asked her Nikaya Why she's so different? Her cousin answered cause I am half siren and human and you're sister is something ancient as well .

Fortune so am I and Nikaya screamed No you're not !

You're different you and Treasure smell different then Arizela You might look them same but you're not even close to being the same.

Arizela woke up during the screaming and said we should go before it's too late Fortune pushed down her sister in angry which took them back to the house.

Time was frozen and the older Arizela held the younger version of herself and said it will be tough but remember we will see them again.

First they have to lose you to find you , they're true selves will be revealed for hiding themselves has set offset events.

Younger Arizela said if I must endure this and find her Older Arizela said they won't find you in this country in this dimensional time.

You're language won't be the same also and remember one thing real true love won't die not even in history make sure its True love you will feel it in you're bones.

Time went back to normal and the girls were standing holding each hand of Nikaya ,Casonya asked Why they were wet?

Fortune said well Izela dropped us in water and Nikaya swam to Island Uncle Kyle said you can swim so proud of you.

They had moved to Paleolithic and were adjusting too they're new lives been there for two years.

One day on the way too school the girls were playing ahead when Fortune and Treasure screamed,Jessimay realized what was happening she ran towards the car which had just taken Arizela.

Jessimay couldn't use her powers for it was forbidden in the place they were now living ,Casonya felt like something had been ripped out her and fell while at work.

Jessimay so much agony that she opened the dimensional (egress) gateway which give the getaway for the kidnappers.

In the back of Casonya mind she always felt guilty for she knew beforehand that this was her daughter fate but couldn't share that with Jessimay.

Jessimay and Casonya left soon afterwards in search for their missing daughter Dylan and Kyle were responsible for Fortune and Treasure well their parents were gone.

Nikaya stayed in her room crying about the solution but told her cousins that she will meet Arizela again Treasure hit her in angry but then time stood still.

As the older version of Arizela appeared she said to her sister's" We will meet again " In highschool, in the years 1920s this is a test for you as well for the power of three has become of two so get stronger Dear sisters!

For a war is amongst us but heed my words Nikaya will lead you when the time is right I might not remember you I must leave time went back to normal.