Between watching movies and laughing Bekah and Dani hadn't seen anything but a string of love for each other.

They would dance together and singing songs together the love is based on friendship.

They don't want to be together in a romantic way but later on have talked about being in a four person relationship together.

Alot people laughed about the relationship ideas but they didn't care about what other people thought by highschool.

Rebekah and Dani we're in polygamy we're two other people one guy, one girl from other school.

Dani would tell Rebekah that she had many women in her past life but never married but remember that she had children.

Rebekah said that she was a evil King who murdered many people and Dragons in her past life that made Dani remember something time had paused.

Dani was pulled into a vortex of memories.

1st Memory was jumbled up it showed a King, children, a man on a dirt farm blood all around him.


Memory showed her a woman with six arms but she wasn't born that way she saw how she was created.

A man had three girl's one was alive and others were dead laying beside the other living child.

It took all night but he had created something unmanageable.


Memory showed her six people a slayed prince a deformed princess crying over his body.

Two Prince's trying to protect the dead King from what was coming after them.

Dani time vortex stopped and she was angry with Rebekah and started a fight with her didn't know.

The two lovers didn't know Why they shouted at each other then suddenly Dani ran out and she left her standing there crying.

At home she asked Arizela if she knew about the history of the Dragon King she said Yes Dani said tell me everything about it.

Arizela said they're was three Prince's and one of the Prince was in love with governing country Princess since they we're young they we're promised to marry.

When they we're older years had gone by and the two engagement party and announcement was on its way the Prince Azriel and Princess Onìmay holding hands.

As another Princess walked up and demanded that she was marrying the Prince Azriel instead.

Prince Azriel moved the Princess which embarrassed her and walked down with his bride to be.

On the day of their marriage a maid came into the King and Queen chamber's throw something on the Princess Onìmay face burning her badly leaving her disfigured.

Prince Azriel still married the Princess who her loved and adored so much which made them Queen and King of their Realm.

They had two children together before he was killed by the Princess from governing country who decided to kill the now Queen but her husband stepped in and was killed instead.

Leaving the kingdom in apparel having his brother's who also King's at the time to defend the kingdom.

Arizela said we're the descendants of the Dragon King and other special descendants.

Dani said who the King reborn do you who it is ?

Also the Ananda Family is the governing country that killed the our descendants King Azriel .

Then Dani said do they know what they're family did too ours?

Izzy said No they have no Idea and keep it too yourselves until I find out more.

Arizela said if he was reborn he would be in on of us in this world and he would searching for his Queen and for the betrayal and there's more I haven't researched all the information.

Dani said we can't discuss this with Ysabel or Cecilia and Rebekah they are our enemies so we should try to act as normal around them.

A ring at the door stopped they're conversations and Arizela answered the door it was Rebekah she walked in and then screamed for Dani come out now! Treasure we need to talk.

Dani came out the kitchen with a water in hand and apple What's the screaming about Bekah!!!

Let's go to my room and talk Dani looked at her sister Arizela said am going to the library in the city see you two later and walked out the door.

In Treasure's room Bekah sat on the bed and asked Why did she yell at her like that? We were talking about what we thought our past life's were about?

You didn't have to be so serious Dani stood up and hugged Bekah and said I was just hungry Sorry my love they kissed but in the back of Rebekah's mind she felt something wrong.

They're strings changing,the kiss felt different then the other ones she had received she didn't say anything about it but she felt in her touch her finger tips felt rough.

Rebekah pulled away looking at Treasure her eyes had darkened her face had changed in Rebekah eye's.

Rebekah stood up and said I think we should have a break from each other for a while Dani looked puzzled as Bekah walked out of her room and downstairs she yelled up See you later Dani !

Bekah bumped into Arizela and her sister on the way out as they we're coming in she said too Izzy a least you haven't changed your eyes still as pretty as ever, you're strings hasn't changed either .

I wonder Why as she lean in close too her body she smelled her and said Oh there you are and walked away Ysabel walked up too Bekah and said What's that all about ?

Treasure outside on the roof of the house could hear through her string the conversation of Bekah and Sabel (Ysabel).

Rebekah replied Well sister Treasure knows my truth and Cecilia will reveal hers as which Power of three will win this time King Azriel has been reborn in Arizela.

He hasnt awoken as yet and her memories haven't connected too his but when it does we will have hell too pay and you're precious love you have now won't save you.