Experiment success?

"Did it succeed?" mumbled a voice in the background

"I'm not sure, he seems to have passed out from shock." replied another voice far clearer than the other. Bernard hearing this began opening his eyes. Fuzzy images appeared in his mind as if he just an observer, but it soon became clearer and he felt more in control.

"He opened his eyes!" proclaimed the first voice he heard. He could now see that this was a young man in a lag coat with messy brown hair and a pair of glasses.

"It clearly succeeded, I said so from the start. You just wouldn't listen." The second voice that Bernard heard earlier came from this older, yet clean cut grey haired man also wearing a lab coat.

"Hey! You thought he was dead too!" Shouted the younger man who was clearly getting aggrivated.

"sure sure." the older man shrugged off the aaccusation. Bernard took this chance to look around, noticing the two men behind a glass barrier that completely surrounded him. He looked down at himself, he was a completely naked hairy man. He had atleast a few blueish black hairs growing on every part of his lower body, including his cock.

While he was observing the scientists argued in the background, saying things like "You're the laziest person I know! There is no way you even took the time to predict the outcome of the experiment!" or "Just because your brain is useless doesn't mean mine is!" Just when Bernard decides to stand up do the scientists calm down.

"So how is it Bernard, is the experiment a success?" asked the older scientist with a massive grin on his face.

"..." Bernard says nothing and the scientists patiently wait for his response.

"..." More silence.

"Bernard I know you are a man of few words, but this is important." continued the older scientist without any interruption in between speaking.

"..." Silence

"Haha see I told you it failed!" exclaimed the younger scientist happily.

"Bernard we are getting you out of there, to see what happened." Bernard understood everything they were saying, but for some reason he couldn't bring himself to respond.

The two scientists put on radiation suits, and readied up preparing to push a big red button.(Don't do this at home. I will die if you do because I have a great fear of red buttons being pressed.)


Bernard looks around as the glass wall surrounding him raise up into the ceiling, that closes behind it. As this happens a great force pushes out of the previously enclosed space. Both scientists get thrown to the floor, and Bernard feeling a great loss of energy passes out onto the floor.