Chapter 4.1(Edited)

As Yuuta and Aki finally get back at the Convenient Store they were greeted by a familiar face it was Urd the Court Magician and King Herald Bronzelite VII clad in Golden Armor with his Elite Knights with him.

All there attention was on Yuuta and Aki to see what were they doing this deep in the Forest Kalcium. Yuuta puts Aki on the ground so she could walk and grabs her hand and cautiously walks toward the Convenient Store; Yuuta was about to open the Convenient Store and The King shouted "You golem! call your master here!", Yuuta nodded in agreement. He let Aki go inside first and he faced the king, "Golem! call your master the owner of this mystical shop in the forest." shouted King Herald. Yuuta pointed at himself, "Your the owner?" ask the king; Yuuta nodded in agreement. The King got of his horse and goes to Yuuta; "I'am King Herald Bronzelite VII, The King if the nearby kingdom its a pleasure meet your acquaintance" said the King as he reaches his hand outward and Yuuta shook hands with the King and let them in the Convenient Store.

Yuuta and Aki went to the Counter and observed the others; the king looks like he was in his 50's he has a brown hazelnut like hair with a scar in his right cheek with a shape of Aegis.

"It seems that they were just curious about the Convenient Store in the middle of the woods, maybe that Urd guy brought them?" where the thoughts that was in Yuuta's head.

He looked down on the Counter to see that Aki was trembling in fear her eyes shut while holding Yuuta's waist tightly; He puts his wooden hands on top of her head and gently strokes her hair to calm her down.

Yuuta looks over the fridges and it seems that some of the knights were having trouble opening the fridge.

The knights noticed Yuuta go to where they were and one of them said "Sir Golem, Can you help us with this magical item holder"; He just opened the fridge and a cold breeze just passed the knights even though they were wearing armor they still felt the cold breeze from the fridge.

Yuuta points at the Cola and makes a drinking gesture. "This is a drink Sir Golem?" He nodded in agreement, The Knight next to him grabbed a can of Cola and Yuuta gestured the knight to follow him.

At the Counter, Yuuta pointed at the sign that says "Pay as you Leave". "I much is this drink then?" ask the knight. Yuuta pointed at the Cola and the Knight looked at it and saw a taped tagged that says "15 Silvers" the grabbed the right amount and payed Yuuta. "Sir Golem? How do you drink this?" ask the Knight; Yuuta reaches his hand outwards and the Knight gave the Cola to Yuuta.

He points at the pop-tab and shows the Knight how to open it and a the satisfying Ksshhh!

when you open a Cola Can was heard through out the Store; He gave the Cola back to the Knight and made a drinking gesture.

The knight slowly drinks it; "Aaagghh" screamed the knight all other knights unsheaths their swords. "Put your swords away!" commanded the king and went to the knight who drank the Cola "Are you alright?" ask the King; "*Cough* Y-yes you Majesty, This drink Cola was on another level it was delicious!, I screamed because of the bubbles that explodes in your throat as you drink it". The knight finished the Cola and asked to buy 7 Cans. The others joined in and wanted to buy Colas too. The King grabbed the Cola and thought "a beverage that is both painful and delicious at the same time what a remarkable drink".

In the end of the day the three of the fridges where completely empty and only quarter of the chips were bought and the total amount of money he got was 6 Gold and 9 Silver; Which Leveled him up to LvL: 45