Chapter 4.3

In the Forest of Kalcium a man wearing a brown cloak with a big backpack, Light green hair its color is comparable to a cabbage with light grey eyes like stones on a shallow water of a river. This man's name is Lloyd Timberwood.

"Well lets cross this place out in the map, The only place I haven't been to is the middle of the forest." Lloyd said as he head to the middle of the forest.

He's been wandering around the forest in search for the 'Shop that sells rare goods'; He reached the middle of the forest as the sunsets. He was shocked to see a shop in the middle of the forest it was other-worldly it was about to reach night; yet the light that illuminates from the store was as bright as day.

He went inside and saw the King talking to a Wooden Golem, he tries to go unnoticed and went to one of the aisles; He took a deep breath and see what the shop sells; He didn't recognize any of the items the shop was selling Potato Chips? Instant Noodles? Cup Ramen? what are these items he said. He decided to take three of each and check the other items; He reached the fridge and tries to open it, it took sometime but he figured out how to open the fridge. A fantastic invention he said to himself if I get a master craftsman to make this we could sell more unique items; He also took three iced coffee and three Cola.

"Do I go to the Golem to pay for this?" he said, He went to the Golem and put the items he bought in the Counter and the Golem was using some sort of invention that he never seen before and some sort of green text appeared behind the invention that showed how much he owed; 2 Gold and 75 Silver.

He went back to Bronzelite Kingdom and looks like he's going to a huge building and with an emblem on top of the door that looks like a pouch with coins in front of it. He went in and ignored everyone and went up the stairs. He entered a room in the end of the hallway and a woman in the middle of the room sitting in front of a desk writing something.

"Ma'am the rumors were true" he said; "and your evidence?" said the woman ignoring him and continues sorting some files; "right here!" he said as he puts his backpack down and pulls out a bag of Potato Chip and an ice coffee; "try this Ma'am" he presents it to her and she was a bit skeptical about the items he gave to her. "Well, it looks unique..." she said.

"Ice Coffee?, Lets try this first" she said; she opened and drinks it. She kept drinking it and didn't notice that she finished it already; "Do you have another Ice Coffee?" she ask Lloyd; He pulls out another Ice Coffee in his backpack and gave it to her; She looked at the Potato Chip and its flavor was Wasabi. She used the pen she was using and stabbed the Potato Chip it made a small hole and she stretched it open and tasted the Potato Chip its was like painful bliss the spiciness of the wasabi and how tiny needles poke your tongue as you try to savor the wasabi flavor; in her mind it was a flavor out of this world.

"Lloyd.." she said; "What is it Ma'am?", "Hire some Adventurers..." she said, "For What?" he asked, "We're going to go into this Shop in the middle of the forest" she said "This going to be the most biggest investment The Merchant Guild has made in a long time!"