The next day Mrs. Weasley came as expected and left only after a round of cooking and cleaning. While Magnus was very grateful for her help, he also felt that he couldn't expect her to take care of him all the time. So, he decided to learn how to cook and clean from her as soon as possible. He wanted to meet and talk to his aunt once again, but he has to fall asleep on his bed for that to happen. It wasn't until after lunch that he fell asleep while reading the Wonderous Widow's Cures that he got to meet her again.
"Hello Aunt Viola," he greeted her with a forced smile. The revelations of yesterday while very informative also left him with a sense of impending doom. His aunt seemed to understand his thoughts as she replied," Hello again Magnus. I admit that the information from yesterday might be very disconcerting child, but you don't have to worry that much. There is still time and I am here to teach you and prepare you."
"When you last visited me in the hospital, what I passed on to your mind is our inheritance, at least what's left of it. Though I did add a bit of myself to it in order to teach you magic. That is how we teach when there's not much time. While not the most preferable method, we have to make do with what we have," Viola said.
"But why wait till now aunt. Why couldn't you teach me when you were alive?" Magnus exclaimed. 'It would have saved us so much time and I wouldn't have been so useless in Egypt. Maybe I could have saved them,' he thought in anguish.
"I know that look Magnus. Do no blame yourself for what happened. Even if you were trained from an earlier age, there's not much you could do against adult dark wizards. Your parents while not exceptional, did have a decent training and look what happened. We did want to teach you magic earlier child. But you never exhibited any signs that you possessed magic until recently. Your first bout of accidental magic happened only a few months ago. By then I was already in the hospital and your parents were busy with many things. So, it could only be done this way. Even this was just an insurance that I left behind in case your parents weren't able to teach you for some reason," Viola clarified.
Magnus couldn't say anything in return. They thought he was squib until recently. It made some sense, why teach a squib magic? Yet, that still didn't leave him feeling any better.
"Enough about this Magnus, we shall talk about this later. We do not have much time together. I can only last so long. I will teach you all that I can about our magic and our family. Is that understood?" Viola asked.
"Yes ma'am," Magnus replied obediently.
"Good. I expect that you got your Hogwarts admittance letter yes?" she enquired.
"Yes. I don't know when it did though. Mum and dad never told me. I found the letter in your study today," he replied confused.
"They were probably too caught up in going to Egypt. They would have eventually told you no doubt. Since you have already been to my study, the bookcase to the right of room will contain all the books that are left in our family. They might not match what we had in our heyday, but they should help you in the beginning. I got some other books on a bargain which will be of some help so make use of them. My wand should be in the drawer of my desk. While it wouldn't fit you well, it should help you practice until you get your own wand. Do not worry about getting caught for underage magic. They cannot trace my wand and the house is a registered wizard house, so it'll cover your magic for now. I do not know if they'll remove that in the future, you know now that we are all gone," Viola advised.
"Alright Aunt Viola," Magnus replied somewhat excited. He didn't know that underage magic was a thing, he only knew that he shouldn't do magic in front of the muggles. He was glad he didn't do any experiments in the house. Not to mention, he'll get to use his aunt's wand. It may not be his but it's still something.
"Now the magic I'll teach you first is Divination and Healing. First, Divination because that is what we are good at. While the seer blood in our body is diluted and we cannot make any prophecies, we still excel at divination. It is what has kept us alive, so I expect you to learn it very well. Second, Healing because of a peculiar trait of our family. You see we heal slower than others and healing magic from other wizards doesn't work well on us. Only your own healing magic will work best on you. While potions brewed by others do work, again their efficacy isn't just the same as those brewed by yourself. So, it is best to avoid injuries as much as possible and learn healing magic well. This is a tradeoff for having the gift of the seer," Viola further explained.
"Then what about other forms of magic aunt Viola?" Magnus questioned.
"I didn't write them down in my diary Magnus. Mind you I'm not the best at them and you'll be better off learning from your teachers when you go to Hogwarts. I might look like I���m still alive due to the way I talk, but make no mistake Magnus. I'm long gone. This is what I've left in my diary, I'm just more than a memory because of the magic involved. I cannot impart to you knowledge outside of what I've written. While the magic you do in this place isn't real, it'll still give you an idea of how to do it. I expect you to practice well on your own afterwards using my wand. But, do no go overboard and try things beyond your capabilities. Magic can be harmful if you aren't careful. Now let us get on with the lessons," Viola said and she went into a strict teaching mode.
"We'll start with Divination today. Divination is the magic which attempts foresight. It's an attempt because it can be very imprecise in the hands of the ungifted. It's better in the hands of seer descendants, but real foresight is only possible for those with the gift of True Seeing. Today we'll talk about its advantages and disadvantages and the methods of divination…."