It was Magnus's first time travelling through the Floo Network and he came to understand why his predecessors chose not to install one in their house. He was the second to go after Mrs. Weasley and he fell right onto her as soon as he was out. He had a doubt she suspected his landing as she caught him deftly as he popped out. Then she cleaned the soot on him and consoled him that it was the same for everyone the first time. Mr. Weasley won't be joining them as he was busy with work. It was just Mrs. Weasley and the twins with her other son, Charlie, watching over the kids at home. Their oldest, Bill, was apparently working in Egypt.
It wasn't the first time that Magnus visited Diagon Alley, but he could barely remember the details. He came with his parents years ago to visit their workplace. Diagon Alley was bustling with people and a sight to see. It was still early so there wasn't much foot traffic according to Mrs. Weasley. They set about shopping supplies as per the school letter.
They decided to get their robes first at "Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions" as they would be ready by the time their shopping was done. "Ah Molly, another batch eh?" Madam Malkin made small talk politely as she measured the twins. She was a squat woman dressed in mauve and seemed like a nice lady.
Magnus was fascinated by all the options they offered with their clothes. Clothes that shrink or expand as per your size, self-cleaning robes, all-weather robes, they have them all. It's just their price that turned Magnus away from them. 'I'll get them someday,' he promised himself. Who needs to do laundry when your clothes can clean themselves?
When it was Magnus's turn," Nice to meet you Ms. Malkin. I am Magnus," he greeted her politely.
"Nice to meet you too Magnus. And that's a Mrs.," Madam Malkin smiled kindly at him as she set about doing his job.
"You don't look like a Mrs., Ms. Malkin," Magnus said cheekily.
"Such a charmer, but no discounts for you" Madam Malkin said with a pink tinge on her cheeks.
"It's alright Ms. Malkin, I'll pay in full to support your work," Magnus said with an honest face. At his words, she gave a mild smile. 'Alright she's smiling. Let's see how this goes,' Magnus practiced in his head.
"How do you do all these enchantments Ms. Malkin?" he asked her with an innocent face.
"Now that would be telling dear. Wouldn't want to lose my business, now would I?" Ms. Malkin said with a smile. But, looking at the sad face Magnus was trying to pull, she seemed to have decided something as she leaned close to his ears and whispered," Although, if you are really interested, I recall reading a book called "Fit for a Queen by Hilda Stitchcock". Now off you go. Your robes will be ready in one hour," she quickly pushed him out of the shop. 'At least I got something,' Magnus thought satisfied.
Soon, they finished checking off their supply list one by one. Cauldron, brass scales, phials, writing supplies and a telescope. Magnus was disappointed with the Apothecary store when they wouldn't sell him any potion ingredients beyond the first year, even then he had to persuade them. Apparently, it would be a different story from the second year. They just didn't want any first year to blow themselves up. Magnus wondered how many kids blew themselves up for this to be a rule. Those that did agree to sell only quoted high prices that he couldn't afford right now. He quickly learned the disadvantages of looking like a 11-year-old and he couldn't wait to brew a certain potion he found in the "Wonderous Widow's Cures". 'I'll find a way soon,' he promised himself. Things could have gone much easier if there was an adult nearby, but he didn't want Mrs. Weasley to find out.
The only things remaining on the list were books and their wands. The Weasleys didn't talk about purchasing a pet as they already had a family owl, Errol. Moreover Mrs. Weasley wasn't willing to risk pets with the twins much to their chagrin. Magnus too didn't feel the need to buy one. While the owl was tempting to buy, it could always be intercepted and not very secure. 'Seems like the family paranoia is rubbing off on me,' he thought wryly. He decided to forego one for now. He could always get one later. Besides, he wanted to research if there were better ways to send messages through magic. The idea of using owls seemed lame to him when he could use magic. It would also save him some money. Owls did not come cheap.
They stopped at "Flourish and Blotts" for their books. Magnus checked the books for any differences from the ones he had, but there were none. Apparently, the school textbooks do not update very often. So, he decided to get the books that weren't in his library both for the curriculum and otherwise while the Weasleys got theirs. Mrs. Weasley seemed content to let go of Magnus by himself while she kept an eye out on the twins. She already caught them twice trying to sneak into "Gambol and Japes" joke shop.
Magnus quickly found the book suggested by Madam Malkin. It seemed old and unpopular as he only found one copy unlike the other books, but that was fine by him as long as it had anything useful. He quickly selected the books of his choice and went to the counter to check out. The man at the counter took one look at Magnus and started removing books one after the other from his pile. In the end he was only left with the Hogwarts books, the one suggested by Madam Malkin and a herbology book that went into details about the saplings he got from Newt. "Come back when you are older," was the only explanation the man gave him with a knowing smile. Magnus already knew something like this might happen after the apothecary shop, but he still had to try his luck. In the end he just shrugged his shoulders.
The Weasley's too were done with theirs soon. When it came time for payment, Mrs. Weasley didn't accept Magnus's money and paid for it by herself. Only then did she explain about the fund set up by the Ministry for him till he turned an adult or if a relative claimed him, whichever was the earliest. While it wasn't much, it would cover for about half of his school supplies every year. Soon, they were off to Ollivander's for their wands. 'Since 382 B.C? They might have knowledge beyond what most wizards have then,' Magnus guessed. They soon entered the dusty looking shop and found face to face with a silver-eyed old man waiting as if he was expecting them.
"Ah, the Weasleys always a pleasure. Molly Weasley, chestnut with unicorn hair, 11 inches, feels like I sold it to you just yesterday. These must be your sons then. And welcome to you too young man. Let's try some wands shall we," Mr. Ollivander said gleefully.
"Nice to see you too Garrick. I'll just stand to the side and let the children try," Mrs. Weasley said as she sat on a stool nearby. Her hands were full of supplies which she levitated around carefully.
The twins started first. Magnus didn't know which one is which yet, but he figured he would over time. Whichever wand they touched seemed to cause sparkles and firecrackers out of their wands. In the end Mr. Ollivander gave them the wands which gave the tamest looking sparkles. One got English oak wood and the other Fir, both with unicorn hair as core.
"Aww, but we liked the explosive ones," the twins whined together.
"Now, now, it's the wand that chooses the wizard young Weasleys, not the other way around," Mr. Ollivander said cryptically.
"Does that mean that wands are sentient?" Magnus asked interested.
"An interesting proposition Mr.?" Ollivander gave a pause.
"Magnus Webb," Magnus offered.
"Mr. Webb, I did try to find that out myself but wandlore is a deep subject and even I haven't learned enough. Are you interested in wandlore Mr. Webb?" Ollivander questioned.
"Yes, sir. It seems very interesting," Magnus admitted. 'Maybe I can make my own wand if I learn enough?' he fancied a thought.
"An idea which most witches and wizards don't share regretfully. How about this Mr. Webb? Come to me in a few years if you still share the same thought. Maybe I might share some tips," Ollivander offered.
Magnus tried his first wand only for it to start spewing water. Mr. Ollivander pulled it back immediately. The next grew a thorny vine. The third gave sparkles. Mr. Ollivander grew more excited each time the wand was rejected. It continued on till the seventh wand. When Magnus held the wand, he felt a sense of warmth through his body and the wand seemed to glow.
"Ah a fit. Black walnut, dragon heartstring core, 13 inches in length. Not the easiest to master but I'm sure you would manage Mr. Webb. After all it chose you for a reason," Mr. Ollivander seemed to hint at something.
Magnus nodded his head as if he understood something not to ruin the old man's excitement. He paid the 7 galleon fee and moved out along with the Weasleys. Magnus saw that Mrs. Weasley was having some difficulty maneuvering their luggage and suggested, "Mrs. Weasley, how about we buy a trunk to put all those in?"
"Alright dear. But do keep in mind that some of them could be very expensive," she reminded him worriedly. Magnus understood her worries. He figured out by now that the Weasleys weren't a wealthy family as she bought second hand goods whenever she could for the twins. The twins didn't seem to mind as they understood their family situation. Magnus didn't look down on them for their lack of wealth, he wasn't much better and he wouldn't have Mrs. Weasley to take care of him always. The recent events in his life made him matured enough to understand some things.
They entered the shop selling trunks and other storage items and Magnus was taken aback by the range of items offered. Since he got the sling bag, he wanted something that was bigger and better. While the bag did have an extension charm it was limited to book sized objects and smaller. He could only store a small bookshelf worth of books in it. They were all kinds of storage options, from trunks to pouches and backpacks, both magical and otherwise.
Magnus and the twins made a beeline towards the magical trunks section where they displayed their best item on a pedestal. It was a black trunk that could apparently store a house worth of items.
"Wicked" the twins remarked as their thoughts turned to all kinds of things they could store in it.
Magnus was no better. Imagine a portable house that you could take anywhere. Newt's suitcase had a profound effect on him. But their thoughts halted when they saw the price. '200 galleons? That's more than all I have! Why don't you go rob a bank? Newt was right, it's better to learn the charm myself,' Magnus firmly decided.
The three went back to Mrs. Weasley who already had three trunks laid out in front of her in standard Hogwarts fashion based on the logo they displayed. Magnus supposed this was as good as he can get for now. The standard trunks did come with a minor extension charm and a featherweight charm. While not much, it would do till he had more funds.
They transferred their luggage to their respective trunks and it became much easier to carry them as Mrs. Weasley shrunk them to fit into their pockets. The twins looked longingly towards "Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor" and Magnus followed. Before Mrs. Weasley disagreed as she usually did, Magnus said," How about some ice cream Mrs. Weasley? My treat for taking care of me?" He gave what he thought was a charming smile for better effect.
"Let us appreciate your hard work mum" the twins agreed as they nodded their head.
"Oh alright. It wouldn't hurt I suppose," Mrs. Weasley relented with a small smile.
The twins had a rainbow looking ice cream while Magnus stuck to vanilla with chocolate and strawberry sparkles for Mrs. Weasley. They all sighed in pleasure as they took their first bite. Soon, they finished in silence and when leaving they packed some for the other Weasley kids. In the end the twins seemingly nodded their heads in agreement and told their mother, "Let's keep him mom."