Magnus liked being in Hogwarts. There's something about the place that put him at ease. The easy access to the huge library did help in that regard. He fell into a routine once again. Most of his evenings were dedicated to the library except for two which were spent learning from Madam Pomfrey. Daytime during the weekends were spent helping out in the medical wing and the rest of the time was him experimenting on potions, trying out spells or just playing around with his friends. Despite him spending a lot of his time learning, he did not forget to spend time with his friends both within Ravenclaw and Gryffindor.
His relationship with Hufflepuffs was limited to friendly acquaintances as he didn't interact with them much beyond the classes they shared. His relationship with the Slytherins was neither too hot nor cold. Especially since Montague and Warrington tried to hex him on two occasions for being better than them at classes. Needless to say, they didn't end up well. The first time ended with them dancing uncontrollably and crashing into Prof. Snape. If they were from any other house, they would have lost points to oblivion. Still, Magnus heard that they ended up scrubbing toilets for two weeks. He even got 2 impact points for that.
The second time had Pucey joining them in their attempt to hex him. Strength in numbers they probably thought. They even chose the weekend to ambush him in a corridor. Alas, their spells were dodged and they found themselves in a corridor filled with smoke. A smart person might have tried to blow away the smoke or at least stop casting spells to avoid hitting wayward targets. But instead, they panicked and started throwing around whatever spells they knew. By the time the smoke cleared, they not only hit each other but also other students who were close by and found Prof. McGonagall staring down at them. They ended up with several detentions and a trip to the medical wing.
Yet their suffering didn't end there. Waiting for them in the medical wing with a smiling face was Magnus. Madam Pomfrey put him in charge of healing the less serious cases and this was one of them. The Slytherin trio tried to protest but found they couldn't open their mouths. A courtesy of wandless magic that Magnus learned from Mr. King's book recently. Magnus treated them silently from beginning to the end. After that incident the Slytherins kept a respectable distance from him. There were only so many spells that the first-years knew and these weird occurrences whenever they confronted Magnus scared them. Not to mention that he was the one that heals them afterwards. And you do not want healers on your bad side no matter what.
[Impact Points+2]
Not all Slytherins were like that though. He did have a friendly relationship with Isabel, the girl whose clothes he dried before the sorting ceremony. While she's friendly usually, she does get weird whenever there are other Slytherins around. Magnus chalked it up to weird Slytherin customs. They all seemed to have some appearances to maintain.
Magnus was searching for an abandoned classroom on the third floor. The previous room he used in the second floor met with an accident. His experimental potion blew up when it reached the end of brewing. He only escaped by transfiguring the nearby bench into a makeshift shield. 'I still don't understand what went wrong. It should be a beneficial potion and there are no ingredients that could possibly cause an explosion. Huh, guess I don't know as much as I thought I did. At least my Potions level made some progress,' he consoled himself. The room couldn't be cleaned completely no matter how many scouring charms he cast and he didn't know the banishment charm yet. Weird mushrooms started sprouting in the places the potion spilt and he decided to lock the room tightly and scram from there. He did leave a warning on the door. At least he stuck to cheap and easily available ingredients so he didn't lose much money. He did successfully brew some new potions and while [Identify] did show their functions, he's yet to test them.
The first abandoned classroom he found had too many cobwebs for him to clean so he gave up. The second one had a senior boy and a girl doing things he wasn't supposed to see so that was a pass too. ''Jeez, this is the third time already! Can't these couples find some other place?' Magnus was annoyed. If he could use divination to find an appropriate room, he already would, but the technique requires silver that he currently doesn't have. Finally, he found one classroom in good shape. It was at the end of the hallway and not many people came to this side of the floor. He locked the door and threw in a Silencing charm for the sake of privacy. He specifically learned this charm in order to curb Roger's snoring.
He then unshrunk his cauldron and took out his potion supplies. Just as he finished cleaning his cauldron, he heard, "Wotcher."
"Bloody hell!" Magnus jumped in surprise as he cursed. A girl slowly came into focus from his left as if she appeared out of thin air. A senior Hufflepuff from the looks of her robes and her stature. But that's not what caught his attention. It was her pink hair, that seemed to shift between blue and pink.
"Who are you and why are you here?" Magnus regained his composure and questioned her.
"I should be the one asking that firstie, I was here first. Who are you and what are you doing here on a weekend?" the girl questioned back.
"Fair enough. I am Magnus Webb, nice to meet you," Magnus introduced himself. No point arguing with a senior student.
"Well Magnus, I'm Nymphadora Tonks. Tonks if you want to remain intact. If I hear ever hear you calling-" Whatever the girl wanted to say was lost as she tripped on something and fell forward on his cauldron.
"Merlin's beard! Bloody carpets tripping me!" Tonks cursed as she tried to get up but failed. Magnus controlled his laughing and quickly helped her get up and made her sit on a nearby bench.
"Ow, ow…" Tonks yelped in pain as she touched her forehead. A nasty bruise was forming where she hit the edge of the cauldron.
"Here let me look at it. I'm a doctor, eh a healer," Magnus corrected himself.
"A doctor? So, you are a muggleborn then? Yes, I know what a doctor is, don't look at me like that. My dad's a muggleborn so I grew up on that side," Tonks explained.
"Finally, someone who understands. Not a muggleborn though, just grew up among them. Now just hold on a moment," Magnus waved his wand over her bruise and slowly it faded away. The skin went back to normal with no trace of it being hurt.
"There you go, it's all healed," Magnus flashed her a smile. Tonks checked her wound and found it no longer there. She was surprised that someone so young could use healing magic. Even most of her classmates don't know any healing spells and she's a sixth year. Those that knew only knew that one Episkey which is limited in its effects. But the boy used some other spell. This sparked her interest. Him trying to act all serious while looking cute made her want to tease him. His healing did make her recall something.
"Thank you. Wait, you are that Webb? The healing kid everyone is talking about?"
[Impact Points+5]
"Wait what? Who's talking about me? And I'm not a kid, I just haven't grown up yet," Magnus defended himself.
"At least among the sixth years. You did heal a bunch of them before yeh? You were all the talk some time ago. Mr-I-haven't-grown-up," Tonks teased him. Tonks's words annoyed Magnus. He didn't like to be teased, at least not by a girl he just met. So, he decided to return the favor.
"And what about it Ms. Tripper. You realize there's no carpet here to trip you?" Magnus teased back. Tonks looked confused for a moment before she looked at the floor. There really was no carpet in the room. 'Not again! What the hell did I trip on? It's like I have two left feet,' Tonks was annoyed and the teasing look that Magnus had on his face didn't help her mood.
"Come her you! Let me thank you properly for saving my face," Tonks pulled him to her and gave him a noogie.