
Once the Mooncalves returned to their burrow, Magnus's group started shoveling their dung into Hagrid's bucket. Magnus used magic to levitate it into the bucket. He's not going to touch dung without his dragonhide gloves. Once they were done, they set upon the journey back to the castle. The twins walked in the front while Hagrid and Magnus walked behind.

"Hey Magnus," Hagrid called out to him softly.

"What is it Hagrid?" Magnus enquired.

"You know about the thing you asked? Well I got the items from the unicorns in exchange for their favorite food, but the centaurs are a whole another matter. They want to meet you before deciding if you are worthy. They're all weird like that. They'd be going about the moon all the time," Hagrid told him.

"Hmm? Alright. When do we meet?" Magnus asked.

"Next half-moon they said. I'm assuming that is next Friday night. You might want to meet before the curfew though. Don't want you breaking the rules now. Dumbledore wouldn't like that," Hagrid offered his opinion.

"Ok Hagrid, thank you."

The next day, news spread all around the castle that the Weasley twins and Magnus defeated six werewolves in the Forbidden forest. As soon as Magnus heard this absurd rumor, he knew it was the work of Fred and George. And the way they defeated it is through the use of Prickly bombs and Super-dung bombs which are now 10 percent off. There was a clamor among the younger students and to the surprise of Magnus, there are people who actually believed it. Magnus met the twins at breakfast and a new item was added to the sale. The antidote to the Prickly bombs is also available now at 10 percent off. It was made by Magnus of course and he would get a share of the sale. There was no antidote for removing the smell of the dung bombs though. If you are hit, then you are just unlucky.

The next few days, students found themselves either scratching or stinking to nine hells. The sales made a nice profit of 50 galleons and that was just in one week. Magnus got a third of the profit while Jordan got 5 galleons for marketing. The rest went to Fred and George. Unfortunately, they had to stop the sales as they now became prohibited items, courtesy of Mr. Filch. The twins lay low for a while, but Magnus knew they were just waiting for a new chance.

As discussed with Hagrid, Magnus sneaked out of the castle Friday evening to meet up with the centaurs. He met Hagrid at the entrance of the Forbidden Forest and they both went in search of the centaurs. They made small talk as they went in a different direction this time compared to their last venture. They spotted the occasional creature in the forest that ran away as soon as they came close, no doubt intimidated by Hagrid.

Hagrid and Magnus stopped as they could hear hoof sounds coming towards their way. Soon, they saw two centaurs enter their vision. Half-horse and half-human, it was the first time Magnus saw a centaur. They were about seven feet tall, one had black hair while the other blonde.

"Bane, Firenze. This is Magnus," Hagrid called out in greeting and introduced.

"Hagrid," they acknowledged him.

"Hello," Magnus too greeted them politely.

"Is this the child that dares ask us of our hair?" the centaur called Bane asked aggressively. His grip tightened over his bow as he looked down at Magnus.

"Hush, Bane. Do not scare the child. Well met, Gifted One. The stars alluded to your coming," Firenze spoke friendly.

'Gifted one? Did they divine about me? Centaurs are famed to be good at Divination. But what's wrong with the other one. Why is he so mad?' Magnus wondered.

"Well met, sons of Ixion," Magnus returned the greeting.

"Ah, you know of our history? Not many wizards bother to pay attention to that," Firenze spoke in an impressed yet calm tone.

"My ancestors were from Greece. They did leave behind some information," Magnus explained.

"Hmph, I see no gift on him. What would his ancestors know about out great history? Probably more wizard nonsense," Bane snorted from the side.

"Hmm, and I see no manners in you," Magnus calmly replied. Even his patience was being tested by listening to Bane. What was his problem?

"You dare disrespect the centaurs, man-child? We have seen the future of your kind. There is nothing but war and destruction for you," Bane raised his front legs in anger.

"The greatest detriment of a diviner is hubris. Hubris that makes you think you can represent the centaurs as a whole and that you can see the future for certain," Magnus replied with a raised eye. He didn't want a confrontation, but he wasn't scared of one. Hagrid on the side was shuffling on his feet nervously. He didn't want any confrontation with the centaurs.

"Well said, young one. None can see the future for certain. There are only glimpses that we can try to interpret," Firenze replied smoothly. He gestured towards Bane to calm down and continued, "Yet you can't deny that what we saw wouldn't come. Mars is becoming brighter day by day. A war will soon be on the horizon and blood shall be spilt."

"Mars's brightness waxes and wanes. It has always been that way and it shall be so in the future. It is our actions that affect our future, not the planets or the stars. They offer but a glimpse at probabilities. It is up to us how we interpret," Magnus answered. His Lv3 Divination wasn't in vain.

"Ah, a fellow Diviner. You see the signs, yet you do not worry?" Firenze asked curiously.

"I stay away from trying to see the future. Seeing too much will not do anything good. Both your actions and inactions are equally likely to bring about what you fear would happen. I would rather take action in the present than look at a possible future and become worried," Magnus replied.

"Such wisdom at such a young age. Tell me Magnus, what would you do with our hair," Firenze praised him and asked.

"It is useful for creating a divination focus. It's a family recipe," Magnus answered. No one needs to know that the knowledge was obtained through the interface.

"Then we must discuss the Art when we have time. Here Magnus, we find you worthy," Firenze offered Magnus a lock of his hair from the tail. It was blonde just like Firenze's hair. Magnus received it and placed it carefully in his sling bag. 'I really need a pouch with an undetectable extension charm,' Magnus thought. The sling bag is now almost full and it also doesn't offer much weight reduction.

"Very well then. Till next time Magnus, Hagrid. May the stars watch upon you," Firenze wished them as he and Bane galloped away towards where they came.

"And you too," Magnus called back.

"Too much star and moon talk from these lot. They never talk straight or polite. Firenze is one of the exceptions. Come now, let's be on our way. It's almost curfew time," Hagrid urged him to return. The duo walked faster than when they came and Magnus reached the castle just in time. He quickly returned to the Ravenclaw tower and lay on his bed as he thought excitedly,' The ingredients are all almost here. I can make the focus tomorrow once I get the last one.' Most of the Divination spells he learned after leveling-up required this focus to cast them. This will add great versatility to his repertoire. He looked at his interface quickly before going to sleep. The meeting with the centaurs also gave him some points meaning that was an impactful event. What that impact is, he didn't know yet.

[Magnus Webb

Title: Seer Descendant

Traits: Beast Blood (Magic), Blood Curse (inactive), Beast Blood (Deformation)

Body: 3

Mind: 16

Magic: 20

Impact Points: 1263

School: Divination Lv3 (10%), Healing Lv3 (10%), Charms Lv3 (20%), Transfiguration Lv3 (20%), DADA Lv3 (10%), Potions Lv3 (80%), Herbology Lv3 (80%), Astronomy Lv3 (10%), Magical Theory Lv3 (10%), Mind Arts Lv2 (30%), Care of Magical Creatures Lv1(80%), Runes Lv1(60%)

Skills: Wand Magic Lv3 (30%), Wandless Magic Lv3 (10%)]