
Elsa was the receptionist of the famous Madam Primpernelle's Beautifying Potions in the prime area of Diagon Alley. It was a coveted position to many a maiden but Elsa was able to bag it due to her innocent charm. "The key to becoming a good receptionist here is to not be ugly yet also not be more beautiful than your customers," was what Mrs. Primpernelle would always say. Elsa matched those characteristics and thus here she was.

"It's another boring day," Elsa was disappointed. The shop sees more customers during the holidays but there were also dry days like this. Seeing no customer in sight, she idly turned the pages of the latest Witch Weekly. She gave a dreamy sigh when she saw the face of Gilderoy Lockhart in one of the pages. Which witch doesn't like a handsome yet talented wizard? Wizards like Lockhart are a rarity in the wizarding world. Most talented and powerful wizards are just old men. She went into daydreaming when a chime broke her reverie indicating a new customer.

Elsa looked up in mild annoyance but her thoughts were forgotten when she saw her new customer. She thought it was Gilderoy Lockhart for a moment, but this man was more roguish handsome than Gilderoy's foppish handsome. He had golden-blonde hair and wore black robes with purple highlights which were clearly not cheap but also weren't gaudy. His green eyes held her attention as soon as she looked at them. She couldn't extricate her eyes even if she wanted to and she didn't want to.

"Hello miss," the man extended his hand in greeting. Elsa offered her hand absentmindedly. When he took her hands into his, she felt a pleasant shock travel through her body. She almost thought he would kiss her hand like those lords in the stories, but he just gave her a charming smile that made her heart flutter.

'Good, its working,' Magnus thought in glee. A mild dose of the mind arts and the massage technique that he learned long ago put the lady where he wanted her. Usually Magnus wouldn't act this way but today he left his scruples at home. He had a mission to accomplish.

"Hello, I'm Elsa. How may I help you?" the lady introduced herself.

"Nice to meet you, Elsa. I'm Emrys. Morpheus Emrys, detective wizard and a bounty hunter. I'm on a secretive task you see and I need your help," Magnus introduced himself as he cringed on the inside. Bond made it sound so simple in the movies! But he carried on like nothing happened. He had an image to maintain. Elsa on the other hand was even more impressed. He was just like those adventurous wizards in the stories. She read about them even in Lockhart's books.

"I understand. How can I help you?" Elsa answered in a low and secretive tone as she looked around to make sure no one else was listening in.

Magnus nodded at her. He was right in his assumption. Most witches read Lockhart's books. That made his work much easier. He just has to make up a story similar to those in the books and they'll easily accept it due to the familiarity. He first thought of copying from the Harry Potter story books that were equally famous, but he found those stories more outlandish than Lockhart's. He then continued, "I'm working on a case that requires me to know about one Selene Webb. I heard she worked here before. Can you tell me about her? Who she met and what did she do last time she was here? Don't worry this is official business, nothing against the ministry protocols."

"Oh Selene? Poor woman. She didn't work here for long but she made good Skin-shine potions. Don't let the rumors about her family get to you. Both she and her husband were nice people. It's a shame what happened to her," Elsa said solemnly. She told Magnus everything she knew about Selene and what she did before the days leading to her visit to Egypt. Magnus left the shop with plenty of information about his mother he didn't know before. He visited the place where his father worked before, Jigsaw Painters, and fished for information.

There was one common information that matched from both places. His parents used to meet one Mundungus Fletcher from time to time. Mundungus was a wizard of the shady kind. He often dealt with the black market and was an information broker of sorts. It was probably Mundungus who gave his parents information about the Bloodthorn flower in Egypt. Magnus didn't know if Mundungus was in cahoots with those hags, but even if he's not, he should know something.

Most of the people in Diagon Alley didn't know the exact whereabouts of Mundungus except that he occasionally visits the Knockturn Alley. While they may not be able to find him, Magnus had his ways of doing so. He made a quick divination with his crystal focus to lead him to Mundungus. It showed that the man wasn't near any of the Alleys at the moment. 'Alright, I might need to go home to do the complex divination. I hope you aren't involved with the hags Mundungus. You'll be very sorry if you are.' Magnus quickly floo-ed himself back home. He had a person to track.

A short figure with bandy legs could be seen running away from a group of what appeared to be ministry wizards. He would occasionally apparate and disapparate trying to throw them off. After running into the Knockturn alley and navigating multiple twisting and turning roads, he finally lost his tails. 'Damn, who leaked the sale's location to the effing ministry? There's no bloody trust in the world anymore. It must be that Borgin. Bloody old fella. I didn't even steal from you! What're ye so pissed off about? It's not like you never stole. You just do it in a nice shop,' the man complained in his head. He heard distant footsteps coming close and pulled out a powder of some sort before dabbing himself with it.

"Damn it, we lost him. That sneaky Fletcher always skulking around breaking the rules. He just doesn't give us a break. He almost got Old John in the back with some nasty hex. We should let the Aurors deal with him," one man spoke in annoyance.

"That wouldn't work. This guy is too smart. He only breaks rules that aren't serious enough for the Aurors to take notice of. If not Mad-eye Moody would have long sent him to Azkaban. This guy is just born to be an annoyance. Let's go, maybe the other team found his tracks," another man spoke before the sound of footsteps fading away filled the remote alley.

'Hehe, no one can catch Mundungus Fletcher. I'm too smart,' Mundungus came out of his hiding from between two dilapidated buildings. The space he squeezed in was so small that most would assume no one would fit in. That's exactly what he bet on. The powder on him would throw off any tracking spells on him. He paid a pretty price for it and it was all worth it. He was planning to have a drink at Old Tom's place, under disguise of course. He was about to turn back when he heard a cold voice that sent chills up his spine.

"Hello, Mundungus. I've been waiting for you."