Time to study

The first morning of the new term saw Magnus standing outside Prof. Flitwick's office. He had been called there early in the morning. The rest of the student body isn't awake yet as there was still some time before breakfast and the commencement of classes. Magnus had an inkling as to what it was about so he waited patiently. He knocked on the door

"Come in," came Prof. Flitwick's voice.

Magnus entered the room and saw Prof. Flitwick and Prof. McGonagall sitting in the office. He saw the stack of class schedules on the desk.

"Good morning Mr. Webb. I hope you had a good vacation?" Prof. Flitwick greeted him cheerfully.

"Good morning to you too Prof. Flitwick, Prof. McGonagall. The vacation was very productive," Magnus gave a greeting of his own with a smile.

"Very good. We called you here to talk about your class schedule this year Mr. Webb. Last semester you have picked three of the four electives offered for this year. Are you sure you still want to go ahead with it? I'm asking because there will be a clash in schedules as some of these classes are held at the same time," Prof. Flitwick pointed out kindly.

Magnus knew he might have a clash of schedules back when he picked his electives. Since there were fewer students in his year, some of the electives might be clubbed together for all of the houses. He did it anyway because his divination result told him it would be beneficial to do so. He wanted to see what would happen when someone picked too many subjects like him. Will they just prevent him from taking too many classes or will they offer an alternative? There should be something else going on based on his divination result. He also almost picked Muggle Studies but then again he knew enough about muggles due to living among them. Thus, he felt there was no need to learn the subject. Besides, if getting an O in the subject in the N.E.W.T.s meant you would be at the level of Mr. Weasley, then he highly doubted the contents of the subject.

He picked Divination because he wanted to see how the traditional Divination taught at Hogwarts differed from his own. The professor for the subject, Sybill Trelawney, might be a Seer descendant like him as her great-great-grandmother Cassandra Trelawney was a famous Seer. He wanted to observe some of her methods and see how he fares against her. He already had prior knowledge about Care of Magical Creatures from Newt's book so he might as well pick it for any easy grade. The same situation applied to Arithmancy and Ancient Runes classes. He learned enough on his own. Now he wanted to see how these subjects are taught here. If they are more advanced, then he would get to learn more. If they aren't up to the mark, then he can get an easy grade.

"I'm sure I can handle it professor," Magnus replied confidently. Prof. Flitwick seemed to have expected this reply as he gave Prof. McGonagall an "I told you so" look. Prof. McGonagall just shook her head at him.

"Usually, we discourage students from picking more subjects than they can handle Mr. Webb. But we both think you can handle it. Very well then, follow me. I'll see you later Filius," Prof. McGonagall said as she bid goodbye to Prof. Flitwick and gestured for Magnus to follow her. Prof. Flitwick gave Magnus a nod and handed him his schedule and said, "Go ahead Mr. Webb. I'm sure you would manage well."

Magnus followed Prof. McGonagall as she moved quickly through the corridors with a grace that belied her looks. 'Probably comes with being an Animagus. Too bad I can't try being one,' Magnus shook his head.

"I take it you did some studying on advanced Transfiguration in your vacation Mr. Webb?" Prof. McGonagall asked as they walked side by side. The corridors were practically deserted at this time.

"Of course, professor. But nothing reckless I assure you," Magnus replied with a smile. He knew she'd get mad if she heard students practiced transfiguration that is way too advanced for them and got hurt. She always advocated caution and patience when learning transfiguration. There's no way he'll tell her he did anything otherwise.

"Good. You've always been very responsible Mr. Webb. I advise you to keep doing so unlike your other friends," she shook her head in annoyance when she mentioned his friends. Magnus knew exactly which friends of his she was talking about. Fred and George have a way of leaving an impression like that.

"I'm surprised you haven't asked me to help you with the Animagus transformation Mr. Webb. Most students in a similar position would have asked by now," she enquired.

"I would have loved to professor. But Newt Scamander suggested to wait a while before attempting any human transfiguration. A hidden condition left behind because of what happened," Magnus explained.

"I see. I didn't know you knew Mr. Scamander," McGonagall stated.

"We were acquainted just before I started school. Apparently, Headmaster Dumbledore wanted to make sure there were no side-effects from the events in Egypt. So, he asked Mr. Scamander to take a look as he is very experienced," Magnus further explained. It's not like there's any sensitive information to be kept secret here so he told her. Besides, McGonagall has good intentions and he trusted her at least that much.

"Did he now?" Prof. McGonagall said with narrowed eyes as they reached her office soon. It was located on the first-floor corridor to the right of the serpentine staircase leading to the third floor. The room was a small study with a large fireplace. The Training Grounds and the Quidditch pitch could be seen from the windows. Magnus knew she liked quidditch and was once part of the Gryffindor team herself based on the records in the Trophy Room.

"Please be seated Mr. Webb." Prof. McGonagall said as she took a seat herself. "A situation like yours doesn't usually happen Mr. Webb but it has happened before. We only allow it for students who have proven themselves to be role models who are both intelligent and hardworking while also being very responsible," Prof. McGonagall said as she reached into her desk to take out something. It was an object resembling a time-piece with an hourglass embedded in the form of a necklace.

"This here is a time-turner Mr. Webb. It can be used to essentially go back in time for a few hours. This can be used to attend your classes with clashing schedules. Both Prof. Dumbledore and I had to write letters to the Ministry in order to get this approved on your behalf. I didn't think they would give it this easily but your academic records and the recent award have greatly contributed to the approval. I trust you would use this carefully and responsibly. And not a word of this to anyone. Especially not to the Weasley twins. We don't need them causing havoc through time. Do you understand?" Prof. McGonagall asked strictly.

"I do professor," Magnus replied slightly shocked at the turn of events.

"Now a few instructions and precautions. This should only be used for attending classes and nothing else. You cannot use a time-turner to go back in time for more than five hours at once. That is the safest time you can travel back without any repercussions. I suggest you keep the time of travel under that limit. You shouldn't meet your own self when you go back and also do not change anything that might affect history. That would have disastrous consequences. Never talk about this to anyone else. No discussions, nothing. Time-turners are delicate instruments that the Department of Mysteries has very little in stock. Take good care of it and make sure that it isn't damaged, there's no way to repair one. If there's any sign of misuse then it'll be confiscated immediately. If you have any problems with it, approach either me or Headmaster Dumbledore. No other professor knows anything about this, not even Prof. Flitwick. He probably has a clue, but he'll not say anything. Now do you understand?" Prof. McGonagall stressed.

"Yes, professor. I'll use it responsibly," Magnus promised.

"Good, now here are a few documents you have to sign showing that you have received it and are going to use it responsibly," McGonagall put forth few parchments that Magnus signed after reading carefully. After reiterating the need to be careful once again, Prof. McGonagall let him go. Magnus felt hungry and it was time to for breakfast so he walked towards the Great Hall after securing the time-turner properly. He was still in somewhat of a shock.

[Impact Points+100]

'They gave me an object to go back in time just so I could attend more classes. This-this- what is this logic? They give children the power to go back in time?' Magnus was dumbfounded but also excited at the turn of events. He thought there would be something special waiting for him based on his divination but this was something else. All he could now think of is what all he could accomplish using the time-turner and more importantly, how he could make one of his own.