Greedy old man




"Call them", Auden shouted after looking at old man with the anxious eyes.

"We can't call woman staff like this" Old man answered in the heavy voice while looking at the time.

"….." Auden looked the old man with uncomfortable face.

"I can't call them, you can give your wife bath by yourself and if you don't want you can just leave here, nothing much will happen …. She will just get some fever", old man announced and went into his room while yawning and as soon as he went there an evil smile appeared on his creative face and he start looking at the scene from the small hole of the door.

Auden was standing there uncomfortably and was looking at Mia who was lying there silently and her beautiful clothes were dirty from her rainbow.

He looked at her and move his hand towards her and then back off.

"I can't touch her, without her permission. It is injustice towards her." He whispered in the heavy voice and step back.