A place I used to call home..

RIGGER WARNING: ABOUT ABORTION (I am sorry if it makes anyone uncomfortable)

My dad gave me a harsh slap on my face. My stepmother and half-sisters were eyeing me with mocking disdain. There was a crowd surrounding us, and all I felt was shame and embarrassment.

Do you know where we are?

We are outside an abortion hospital...


It has been a week since Rihanna, and I discovered out I was pregnant.

"Are you sure, Sasha? Maybe you should think about this more? It's a human being inside you, you can't just end its life, and it's your child." Rihanna reasoned.

We were at the University making our designs.

I shook my head furiously. "Do you have any idea how traditional my dad is? Especially my old relatives! My dad would kill me, and the rest mock me endlessly," I said bitterly. I looked at the ceiling for a moment and replied again, "I know I am not ready to be a mom,"-I gestured at my whole body-" I am wild, fun, and I am reckless. I am not mature enough to be a mom. Plus, my family will eat this child alive. They will only see it as a result of a wrong choice," I said and then sighed.

I was going through turmoil. I am not ready to have a child, but is it not my decision that led me into this? The child is not to blame for my poor decision especially, one that did not use precaution.

Rihanna's eyes softened and soon after embraced me.

"I'll be with you one step of the way," she murmured to me softly.

"Thank you," I said with a glance and then pinched my nose. I made a decision.


After our classes were over, Rihanna accompanied me to an abortion clinic.

I looked at the big building and could see women going in and out.

"Are you sure you should do this?"

I nodded, my figure shaking a little. "Yes. L-lets go in already." I said and entered the building. I felt knots forming in my stomach, and my heart pounded against my chest. I contemplated if I should do this...for a moment.

There were lots of different expressions on the women's faces. Some were nervous, some were scared, some had determination, and others had a worry.

' I wondered what category I fit in," I thought grimly.

"Excuse me, miss, it's time for your appointment." called out a nurse.

Rihanna patted my shoulder.

I gulped down, what felt like knots, down my throat. I followed the nurse and noticed that women who went through the abortion. Their expressions were diverse: Sadness, regret, relief, and some even happy at the thought of the baby gone.

"Wait here, I will get everything prepared," the nurse said and left. I leaned on the wall and massaged my temple.

"Am I doing the right thing?" I mumbled.

"No, you are not doing the right thing," a woman voice said. I turned around and met a woman older than me.

Her skin was dark of complexion but seemed pale, sickly.

Her deep-set hazel eyes seemed solemn and filled with emotion, regret. Her black hair flowed down her waist and was ruffled, showing a lack of care. My eyes caught the attention of her hand pressed on her stomach.

"Why are you telling me this if you just aborted your baby right now?" I asked curiously. To me, it's more logical to take a piece of advice from someone who followed it. It's like telling someone not to smoke because it's bad for their lungs, yet they smoke themselves.

"I know, I know, and I regret it so much" she looked at a wall in a daze. She seemed lucid. She suddenly grabbed both my shoulders, and tears burst from her eyes.

" What I did right now was the worst thing I have ever done, and now that I realize I took away a life, my baby's life, I regret it," she cried, covering her face. She was in the regret category. A nurse saw this and helped her to go to the bathroom.

I heard the words of comfort sent by the nurse and the women's reply, which resonated in me.

"Even if you regret it, it was still your choice. Soon this will be a sad memory but still a memory."

"You don't understand. A memory like this someone can never forget, " the women miserably cried. My heart ached for her. She can't undo what has been done.

The sound of her cries grew distant until it was gone. I looked at my stomach.

Something-Someone was inside there.

I stopped behind a door. A trail of sweat trickled down my forehead, across my cheek, and finally dropped once it reached my chin.

I made a decision once more.


"You didn't do it?" Rihanna asked, hope in her eyes.

"No," I whispered.

"Sasha Amelia Johnson!" a loud voice shouted. I froze, fear pricking inside me. I felt like a storm was coming, and I would get strike by lightning.

"F-father," I stuttered fearfully. He appeared in my vision with my stepfamily not too far behind him. Bystanders began to show their curiosity by watching to see how this would unfold. I hoped no one recognized me, but that was wishful thinking.

My father stood in front of me. I swallowed a lump down my throat.

"Father I-"

Before I could react, a hand connected with my face, which caused my head to whip to the side. My cheek throbbed with pain.

"You insolent girl! I never thought you would be just like your mother!" he yelled with a red face.

A crowd started to form.

At the corner of my eyes, I saw the happiness glowing from my stepfamily.

I gazed at my father, hurt, and confused. My eyes widen at the mention of my mother. I wondered what it meant, but I was brought back to the pain on my cheek.

My father never laid a hand on me.

He never was this angry at me.

He never insulted me.

And finally, he never showed me the look of anger and disappointment.

"I told you, honey. You spoiled Sasha too much now look. Your daughter has been sleeping around with boys and got herself pregnant," my stepmother said in an accusing tone.

"You have no idea how many times I caught her doing indecent things with a boy!" stepped in Amanda.

I sent the two an icy glare along with Rihanna. I turned to my father and tried to explain.

"Father, don't listen to them! I can explain," I said, pleading.

The crowd started to use their phones to film. Society was harsh. They filmed things they thought were funny or intriguing, but at the expense of others. They will never know how one video on the internet can ruin someone's life.

"Sir, I know that-" Rihanna said but was interrupted.

"Silence!" yelled Father with rage. He pointed at Rihanna.

"You, I don't want to see you step foot in my house!"-he gestured at the limo to my stepfamily-"Get in," he ordered.

My stepmother wanted to stay, so she tried to refute but was responded by an icy glare.

"And you!" he yelled, causing me to recoil.

"Father, please I-"

"Shut up! Pack your bags and make sure I don't find you at home," he ordered and entered the limousine. I watched in horror as the car drove off.

'Did my father just kick me out?' I thought and felt my head circuit.

Rihanna helped me to balance myself and led me to her car.


The ride was soundless.

I stared at the sky. The sun was bright and smiling down on me.

It contrasted my mood. One decision cost me this?


I stare at my empty room with my bag in hand. How did this happen to me? Only a few weeks ago, I was happy but now...

'I can't believe Father is doing this to me. I knew he was old-fashioned and hated disobedience but..."

"Done packing slut," said Reina. She leaned against the door and looked at me up and down. "I thought this day would never come. You should have gotten yourself impregnated long ago. Would have saved us the trouble," she said with a smirk.

When I didn't reply, she gave me one last glance and left.

Reina was always good with her insults. This time, I had no words back.

I looked around my surroundings, trying to etch it into my memory. It was my room. The room where I have slept for 19 years. The room where I spent time with my mother. I pushed back the tears that were threatening to escape.

I closed the door and watched as the sight of my room disappeared.

I entered a cab and looked at the mansion one last time. My father was not home. He didn't want to even see me.

I watched at the mansion as it was more and more distant.

Gone was the rich girl, the confident girl, the girl everyone loved. Gone was daddy's girl.

I sighed and looked straight ahead. At least I had Rihanna and Leo.

Or at least I thought…