Going cuckoo

Szzzzz... Szzzzz ...

Song Yue gently dropped the marinated chicken pieces into the frying oil. The chicken pieces covered in potato starch started sizzling and an enchanting aroma wafted out.

"Wow... Hurry up, dear! How long are you going to make this old man wait ?!"

Smiling silently, she deep-fried the pieces until they were golden brown.

Hou Signan was one of the regular and frequent customers of Song Yue. The old man was a bit sickly and ate healthier fresh fruits and vegetables for the rest of the week. This was his day of indulgence.

His personal assistant was patiently waiting next to him.

Hmm... It does smell good.

But this old man can literally go eat anywhere.. any 5-star restaurant.. even have meals delivered to him from 5-star restaurants.. and shit the cooks in this old master's house were better than those in 5-star restaurants.

Why would he leave all those and come here every Friday to eat some random crap? This is ridiculous. We Yin, the personal assistant was not a fan of Song Yue's dirty little stall.

Song Yue carefully removed the sparkling pieces of fried chicken from the deep pan and gently placed them in a bowl lined with an oil absorbent sheet.

She then lined a thin warm corn tortilla with fresh green lettuce, added the crispy juicy chicken pieces, drizzled her specially blended tangy sauce, and smoothly made it into a wrap.

The whole thing looked extremely enticing and smelled delicious.

Old man Huo literally grabbed it from her and immediately took a big bite out of it. "Ahh.. The good stuff... Thank you, dear."

He sat there, in the old bench in front of the stall and slowly enjoyed his delicious treat. It was smelling so appetizing that even the uptight assistant was drooling a bit.

After taking the last bite, the old man gently patted his stomach and stood up with a blissful look on his face.

With a huge smile on his face, he then paid Yue generously. "Keep the change, my dear. See you next Friday."

"Take care grandpa." Song Yue pleasantly waved him goodbye. This old man always brightened up Song Yue's day.

It is always nice to see a familiar face, kind, and affectionate.

She had never met her grandparents or any other relatives. Maybe her own grandpa would also be like this...

Oh well... Who knows... It is useless to dwell on these things...

Especially today...

Song Yue had things planned for tonight... Some extremely insane plans... But she had no other choice. She had to do this...

After that first night, when she had that gory horrible nightmare, with the twins being harmed, she barely got a good night's sleep to date. And it has been two weeks already damn it!

At first, she put the lunatic thoughts aside and convinced herself not to worry about some random shitty dream. But every night ?!

She couldn't ignore it anymore. Maybe it was completely and totally random for like 99%. But what if, it was really going to happen or already happened? There was still that 1% chance. Nothing is completely impossible.

Yes, she was going crazy. One way or another, she needed to figure something out.

But, she had nothing to go on. She didn't know the license plate numbers. She vaguely remembered the car make or model. So what was she supposed to do now...

After thinking about it for a while, she came up with this insane plan for tonight.

Human beings are very much creatures of habit. Especially the workaholic ones ... And also Song Yue had a gut feeling about this plan. Some weird baseless confidence that it would definitely work out.

On that rainy night, when she had that dream, she had closed shop early and left for home at around 1 am in the night.

So she decided to do the same tonight... Yes, an insane plan with almost a zero chance of success.

She closed the shop at around 12.30 in the night and went to the same street, by which the black Maserati passed by.

She stood near the street lamp post, next to the pedestrian crossing markings. And patiently waited for any approaching vehicles.

It was not the main street and it was late in the night. So not many cars used that road. She maybe saw a vehicle once in like 3 minutes or so.

And they all had to slow down near the pedestrian crossing. This gave her time to check out the make and model of the car and also if there were any cute chubbies in the back, like the other day.

And thus began the craziness...

Song Yue silently stood next to the lamp post and observed the passing vehicles for a whole 30 minutes. By every passing minute, she felt more and more like some creepy stalker.

Maybe this was not such a good idea ...

Another 30 minutes slithered away...

She was also feeling pretty drained and tired. The entire day's work combined with insomnia really took a toll on her. She was even drooping and nodding off every other minute.

Yawning loudly, she decided to put an end to this madness and walk back home.

In her drowsiness, she tripped on a small stone by the sidewalk, almost stumbled and fell down on the main road.


A black Maserati came down to a sudden halt breaking right behind her.