Chapter 10

Lorenzo Pov

I sat at the corner of my room with a drink in my hand. With a clean fresh suit. I stared at her unmoving body on my bed, she looks so small on it. The doctor came and checked her body, she had bruised all over her body, a small concussion and her ribs were bruised. Veronica might have gone overboard this time. He cleaned her cuts and left a ton of medicine she has to take for the pain. He also attached a drip to her cause she was dehydrated.

I cleaned her with wet towels and changed her filthy clothes. I was so thankful she didn't wake up, I didn't know how she would react to me seeing her naked. I noticed small cuts and scars on her upper thigh. She also had old ligature marks on her wrists. Something happened to her and I was going to find out what.

I put her in one of my shirts and let her sleep. I had to change into a new suit, my other one was covered in her blood. And I was meant to be at a party very soon. I had to make sure every gun and anything that can be used as a weapon was taken out of my room, I don't want her hurting anyone or me. And I know when she wakes up, she is going to want to kill me. I don't know what to do with her now and I couldn't let her go, she's seen too much.

I looked away from her when I hear the door opening, it was Aria. I know she has a lot to say. She was dressed up as well.

"Is she going to be okay?" she asks closing the door behind her.

"Yes, she just needs to wake up," I tell her putting my drink down

I watch as she walked over to the bed, quietly. "She's very beautiful". She whispers smiling at me

"I know" she was very beautiful

"What's her name?"

"Maya," I tell her

"That's a nice name. We are leaving now, that's what I came to tell you"

I didn't reply, I don't want to leave Maya in case she wakes up. I know what she's capable of doing. But this party was important, as capo has to be there.

"You can just say you had business to take care off" she knew I was hesitant   "Or I can stay and watch her"

"No, let's go," I said getting up. There's no way in hell I can leave Aria her alone with her, she might hurt her.

I pull her away from the bed, she was still staring at her. I know when she wakes up Aria is going to want to be her friend, I wasn't sure how Maya might take that. I don't think she was a friendly type.

I closed the door behind us and looked at Raffael. I called him so he could watch and guard her. He was one of my guards so I trust him with her.

"I will be calling to check with you once a while, don't forget to stay alert. And don't open the door even is she does wake up." I warn him. He knows she capable of as well.

I pulled Aria who was looking at me like I had two heads. "Why does he need to stay alert" she's asks baffled "that girl looked like she can't hurt a fly," she says laughing softly

I laughed as she said that, only if she knew  "Aria, she already killed 4 of my men in a day" I told her and her eyes widen.


I got home in the middle of the night, the party was still going on but I left early. I wasn't even sure what the purpose of the party was, but it was the Russians. And since my aunt, Aria mother is married to their capo I had to go for our Alliance. I don't need another war right now.

Maya was still sleeping. Thank god, the more she rested the faster she injures will heal. Her chest rises and falls as she slept, I took off my suit placing it on the couch. I know I couldn't sleep in my bed tonight; unless I wanted to sign my death.

So I made the couch into a makeshift bed. I could see her directly if she wakes up and wants to kill me. I didn't have my gun with me cause I don't want to hurt her or her hurt me. It was best left in my office. Being a light sleeper also helps, I would wake up if I heard her footsteps.

I sat down and open my laptop, I might as well get so work done. My businesses in Italy didn't run their self.

I heard screaming and I jumped up looking for my gun. Shit! I left it in my office. I look around the dark room looking for the intruder but I realised it was Maya who screamed. I could hear her mumbling to her self. Was she dreaming?

I walked to the bed and saw her eyes closed. "Maya?" I called her but she didn't answer.

"No, please I'm sorry" I hear her say "I won't do it again sir!" She yells

"Fuck" I moved to sit in the bed. I didn't know what to do. I don't want to wake her but I also don't want her to keep having this nightmare.

"Hey" I whispered brushing her hair "your dreaming, no one will hurt you again. I promise" I tell her softly meaning every word. I won't hurt her anymore.

Her eyes opened, but not fully as it was swollen. "Don't leave me" she begs me grabbing my hands. I think she was still dreaming.

"I'm not going anywhere," I tell her as her eyes closed. She held my hands tight not letting go. Her breathing steady as she fell back asleep. I got in the covers and let her hold my hands.


Maya Pov

My whole body feels like a bunch of elephants walked over me, then a car ran me over. But I could move my hands this time, and I was on something soft. My memories came back, that fucking bitch. I was killing her the next time I see her. I couldn't even open my eyes, my whole body was so sore. Even breathing was hurting me. I long was I asleep for?

I opened my eyes carefully and slowly, wincing a little bit. How much damage did she give me? I touched my head as I moved to sit up. I was in a room on a king-size bed. The room was huge, the interiors were black and grey. There wasn't much colour. The curtains were closed but I need it was nighttime.

As I sat up my ribs were on fire, I almost screamed in the pain but I so a woman walking out a door that I assumed was the bathroom.

"Don't move!" she says rushing to me

I stopped trying to sit up and stay down. The pain wasn't worth it.

"Who are you," I ask her

"I'm Aria, I'm Lorenzo' cousin," she tells me smiling

I looked at her weirdly "where am l?"

"This is Lorenzo rooms, he had to leave to go to a meeting but he gonna be back soon," she says walking to the side table.

I was in his room? He tortured me then take me to his room. What kind of sick bastard was he.

"You have to take these" I look at her and she was holding some medicine "it's for the pain I promise," she says seeing my hesitation.

I took the medicine and drank the watch, I wasn't going to fight her I needed the drugs. I paused when I saw my bandage hands. Did he bandage me up? How very nice of him.

"Do you wanna go back to sleep or should I have food brought up" she was still smiling,

"Erm, I will eat?" I say more like a question. She nodded and walked towards a phone. I wasn't sure if she was part of his plan. Treat he nicely then torture me again. But the more I look at her, I could see she wasn't a fighter. I could easily kill her if I wanted too.

"I can draw a bath for you, while we wait for the food"

I did feel dirty, I don't remember the last time I shower.

I move the covers off me showing her I wanted a bath. She came and held my hands as I got if the bed, my legs felt like jelly. She helps me into a huge bathroom.

The bathtub looked like it could fit two of me. The walls were pure white and a hit a gold. I could live in this bathroom. The whole bathroom was bigger than my apartment back home. There were two huge mirrors on the walls. I could see my reflection through it. I wasn't surprised by what I saw.

"I'll go get some of my clothes that you could wear, I think we are the same size" I hear say before she left.

I was too busy looking at my reflection, my red hair looked so dirty, I had dry blood on my face. And my skin was purple and pink. I have looked worse before but seeing this brought back bad memories. I looked at the shirt I was wearing. This wasn't the shirt I was wearing before. This was a suit shirt. I started unbuttoning it so I could see my body, it was probably worse than my face.

I gasped as it fell to the floor. Tears were forming at my eyes. I looked horrible. My knee almost gave out. My entire upper body was cover in bruises, I couldn't see on a patch that wasn't bruised.

"Maya" I hear his voice behind me. I didn't look away from the mirror. But I heard him walking.

"Why didn't you let her kill me," I ask him

"I'm so sorry Maya"

I looked at him through the mirror, he did look sorry but that wouldn't stop me when I kill him. His eyes were on my naked body, I wasn't even fazed that I was standing naked, I knew he was the one that changed me before.

"Fuck you," I tell him wiping my tears.

"What the fuck Lorenzo, get out! You idiot" I see the girl, I think her name was Aria. He opened his mouth to talk but she pushed him out and closed the door in his face.

"I'm so sorry, he doesn't understand boundaries," she tells me

I was just stunned that she locked herself in here with me. I looked at her and smiled. I wasn't going to use her as revenge, yet. And I liked her so far.