The unexpected wielder

That night, I stared at the moon like I usually did. The events from a few hours ago replayed endlessly in my head as I tried to device ways of protecting myself from being taken from my solemn spot.

I never felt anykind of anxiety but there was this icky thing within me that greatly resembled it. Perhaps it was impatience or high expectations?

My sharp edges never touched any surface for years so maybe I simply missed that adrenaline.

Still, this DeV co seemed like a very powerful organization. Could they have been after my moon powers?

Ha, they'd only be wasting their time. No one had the ability to wield me until I allowed them to. Maybe it was going to be a perfect time to chuckle at their amusing efforts.


My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of footsteps that seemed to get closer and closer.

Perfect, they were here

Using a bit of the moon's power, I increased my hold in the planet's ground.

A figure slowly approached from the darkness. Its movements were so slow and cautious as if it were avoiding something. After a few minutes, the figure got close enough and was exposed to the moonlight.

'A young boy?', I thought. 'So they sent a young boy to pull me out?'

The boy had magnificent dark skin though those were the only features he showed since he was donned in all-black and had covered his eyes with somekind of advanced glasses that had bands of blue lights shifting from left to right.

"So this is the sword Lykana talked about", the boy pressed an inconspicuous button on his palm and suddenly, a somewhat magical shield engulfed them as he readied himself to pull me out.

Hm, it didn't matter who they sent to pull me out.

Just as the boy grabbed my hilt, I activated my Discover skill and peeked into his memories.


Why in the world was this boy's memory drenched in so much blood!?

So much pain


So many things lost

Just what did he go through-

"Ah, the infamous discover skill", he lightly tapped on his forehead. "Ya done? You can't go further than that can you?"

Who was this person?

Right then, a large heavily amoured vehicle appeared on the grounds. Its roaring sounds immediately threw tension into the air.

'He didn't come alone', I was just about to release an electromagnetic pulse when I noticed the frown on the boy's face.

He walked back as the intimidating vehicle let go of its doors, releasing the fumes it withheld as a slender figure moved out and began to move towards us, it seemed to look feminine.

"Heh, seems like I spent too much time checking this thing out", he smirked. "Well, if it's just one person-"

The moment he said that, three metal-coated humanoid figures burst out from within the vehicle and followed closely behind the feminine figure.

A smile of terror crept up on the young boy's face, "you're fucking kidding."

His eyes suddenly widened, "The only ones who own such high tech guard bots are-"

Without letting a second go by, he turned around and grabbed my hilt.

Of course, it was going to be a futile but I was proved dead wrong!

It didn't even take a sweat for him to effortlessly pull me out from the ground. I felt my energy nullify at that exact moment.

'How is this possible!?', I raged.

"Heh, surprised?", the boy smirked.

'You can hear me!?'

[Biological signs detected]

[Mission details gives permission to exterminate intruders]

[Shall we attack?]

Awkward monotone voices came from the metal humans as the figure who walked ahead of them came into the moonlight.

She was extremely intimidating at first sight. I could feel her crimson eyes pierce into the moon realm as she towered over us with an intoxicating aura. Her long braids gently danced in the still but moving wind and her dark skinned glowed in perfect sync with the moon's wavelength.

In addition to that, she was donned in a red metal suit that had red lights travelling through tiny gaps located at her joints and a snake-like symbol on her chest.

"The snake's eye mecha suit", the boy muttered, cold sweat running down the side of his face. "And why does one of DeV co's strongest forces find interest in this place?"

"Give me the blade", she demanded in a rather low tone.

The young man backed away, "And what if I decline-"

"Kill him", the lady didn't even waste her breath."


With an astounding amount of force, the three metal soldiers blasted towards us.

"W- W- Wait!"


The ground split open as the first attacker smacked it with its fists. Luckily, it missed.

"Whew, jeez", he blinked countless times. "Hm."

The other bots made their move but this boy was faster than I had percieved. His god-like reflexes propelled him to weave through the attackers as if he were a stream of water.

"Completely vulnerable", he smirked evilly, setting the intimidating lady as his next target.

Odd sounds began to emanate from his feet as he pressed them onto the ground.

'What are those?', I thought.

Tiny wheel-like structures spun rapidly on his shoes, all of a sudden boosting him towards his target.

'Will he make it!?'

The three metal soldiers sped before their master, ready to send the incoming projectile back to where it came from.

There was literally no way this boy could stop at the speed he was moving!

"Pfft", he laughed, instantly performing a clean somersault over his 'supposed' target.

'He... never aimed at them in the first place', I muttered inwardly as I stared in shock.

"Hup", he softly landed behind the four figures. "And boom."


An ear-piercing sound swept throughout the area, followed by an intense light that left everything drenched in white.