Cell City Pursuit

"One of the pursuers approach on your right!"

"Got it!"

Master Seksulfur immediately blocked that path, preventing the cycle from coming closer. I had received my first command from the master and that was to carefully study the movements of the pursuit cycles. We had managed to get far but with every minute, they only got rougher. That was not the only problem since, we were the only vehicles moving at such a high speed, we had to be careful of the other vehicles that moved a bit slower than us.

"We won't progress if we stay on the highway! We'll have to move to a narrow road!"

Seksulfur made a direct turn onto a path on the right that lead away from the wider path. The pursuers where better than I had expected, they made the same decision without hesitation and with such precision. We were moving so fast that all the buildings on both sides looked surreal.

"They are extremely brain efficient."

"Huh!?", Master laughed a bit. "They're bots."

"I have never heard of such a clan."

"You really need a huge update", soon we found ourselves on a road that was a bit narrow than the previous one. Vehicles seemed to move really slow.

"Scan area for incoming cars ahead", Seksulfur began to speak to himself which gave me worry.

"-SCAN COMPLETE-", an odd sounding voice replied from the cycle.

"Who was that?", I decided to keep it in my head in order to give Master Seksulfur the concentration he needed.



"Stop analysis. We'll have to use the heavy vehicle then."

Our speed increased and the strange digits also did so in perfect sync with our velocity. "280mph -> 282mph -> 285mph ->"

"Could that be some kind of speed calculator?"

"Legendary sword!! Are you keeping an eye on them!?", the master's words slapped my attention back to our pursuers and I was surprised when I saw one of the cycles just inches away.

"One of them is extremely close!!"

"Good", he smirked and greatly reduced his speed leaving the pursuing vehicle with no choice but to slow down as well. The moment Seksulfur noticed this, he increased his speed once again and crossed before a heavy-looking vehicle blocked their path. The next thing that followed was the sound of a crash.

"Yes!! we got them!!"

"Master, I don't mean to dwindle your enthusiasm but don't you think it's a little to early to jubilate?". Suddenly, one of the cycles we thought we got rid of appeared from a path on our right and attempted to block us. Seksulfur almost lost his balance until he immediately commanded the cycle.


The cycle became stabilised and just then, we were side to side with the pursuit cycle travelling at the exact same speed, "295mph".

"Damn it!! One of them went round to catch up to us!!"

"Master!!", the pursuer moved closer to us, trying to push us towards the path of the oncoming vehicles. An odd beeping sound suddenly began to play from the cycle.


"Shit!!", the master cursed as he lost absolute control over his vehicle. "We'll have to go through that alley before we crash into an oncoming vehicle!", he forced his weight to steer his cycle to the left, sending us into an alley right before a vehicle passed by.

"The cycle is still on our tail!"

"We're done for! There's a wall right in front of us!"

"A wall?", I thought to myself. "Perfect! I should be able to use my power without his help since it wouldn't work anyway", the wall got into view and no matter how much Seksulfur tried, the cycle just didn't stop. "Master!! What's behind that wall!?"

"What!?", he hesitated for a while,"The highway we came from! It should be behind that wall!"

"Good! Keep moving!"

"It's not like I'm in control here!"

Seksulfur braced himself for an impact that was never going to occur. With my ability, "Transparent" we could pass through any solid object. Faster and faster the cycle accelerated and the more Seksulfur braced.

"Release skill: Transparent!"

Within the blink of an eye, we passed through the wall hearing the crash of the final pursuer. We landed on the wide pathway safely and the beeping sounds from the cycle caused Seksulfur to open his eyes.


"Huh?", Seksulfur couldn't believe he was alive.

"I am a legendary sword master, so please do not look so surprised."

"Umm... S-Sure."

Seksulfur took control and began to accelerate, "That was amazing. I mean-", a familiar vehicle appeared out of nowhere and crashed into us before he could even finish his sentence.