
"... General Senam.", Dela was about to take action before the woman reffered to as general stopped her.

"Let him run... He'll foolishly come back.", General Senam spoke. The only source of light was the moon's which came through the windows. The blinking lights from the individual mech suits gave out their wearer's body outline.

"...Tch... Sek, you should've just died.", Lykana clenched her teeth.

The silence died after General Senam clapped her hands,"Okay! That was some good action!! Even if it was the first stage, we were able to see a Celladonian show his lunar wolf power!! We haven't lost everything!"

"... I... just want to return to hq.", Lykana sighed.

"We shall leave... after bringing the power back.... Nyuitɔr, you've been quiet.", the general spoke in a low tone.

"... I recommend his death as soon as possible.", the cold, dark voice from the man in the blue mecha suit voiced out.

"Is that... the first thing coming out of your mouth? ... really... ", Lykana spoke up as if she had been reminded of killing after she had forgotten about it.

"If his power can completely shut down the energy from the Neo shards... which no other Celladonian can do, he'll pose a great threat to our goal.", Nyuitɔr calmly said.

There was a space of silence after he has said that. Making the realization very clear to the others.


The sound of an angry stomach dominated. General Senam sighed, "I can't think on an empty stomach... Let's do the thinking back at hq."

"Yes Ma'am", the three soldiers firmly replied.

At the time Sek had unleashed the huge amount of energy, even I couldn't see and was shocked when I realized where I was after a few hours had passed.

"...S-Sek's car?", I thought to myself and noticed a familiar figure fidgeting with her hands as the vehicle moved on its own through a tunnel.

"Shyza?", I called out.

"Eeek!", she jumped and moved back further. "D-D-D-Don't do that to me ever again!", she slowly moved closer. "What would have happened if I wasn't around, huh!?", she stared at me with a look of worry on her face.

"W-Where's Sek?", I asked the moment I remembered that he had passed out. Shyza pointed behind me. I looked back and saw Sek, sitting with his head bent still unconscious. "Sek!"

"...I don't think you should shout his name...", Shyza's voice trembled.

"O-Okay... but, how did you know where we were?", I asked curiously.

"Huh? ... Oh, hehe... I saw the girl you came with to my dad's company and entered the car in camouflage mode so I could give Sek a wack.", She slightly grinned.

"....O-Oh.", I wasn't surprised for some reason.

"...Those people... where from DeV co., right?", Shyza's tone lowered.

"Yes...", I said after hesitating.

Shyza sniffled then grabbed me, tears running down her face and her crying voice causing vibrations on my scabbard. She shook me back and forth," Waaah, I ended up saving their targeeet!!! N-N-Now they'll want to kill me tooo!!!"

"But... I-It's not my fault.", I tried to talk her down but she kept throwing tantrum.

"It iiiis!!! because-", she instantly stopped and a look of fright slightly drew on her face. "S-Sek!!"

I noticed Sek reaching for the screen before us. "L... Lyka... na.", he struggled greatly before touching it. "Auto... drive... last... lo...", he fell unconscious once again.

"Sek!", Shyza was about to tend to him when Dzilaiza spoke.


"Liber- We're leaving the city!?", Shyza's eyes widened. "I-I can't leave!!", a strong force pulled Shyza to her seat before she could reach the door.


"N-Nooo!!!", Shyza began to throw a tantrum again.

"S-Shyza, calm-"

"Nooo!!! I have to please dad with the legendary sword!!!", she struggled with all her might to break free but it was futile,"WAAAAAAAH!!!!"

We soon left the city through the tunnel and got into a forest. Even though the moonlight shone, all the energy had been taken out of me by Sek making my vision extremely poor... the only way I knew we were in the forest was because of the outlines of the trees.

"...Sek.... that power, it allowed him to absorb mine?...", this thought kept still in my mind as we travelled for some time before reaching a clearing. Shyza had calmed down not too long ago and was extremely quiet.

"... A safe house?", she sniffed.

I saw the outline of a small house on my right as the car parked at the left.

"-DESTINATION REACHED-", Dzilaiza's voice sounded throughout the entire car. The force pulling Shyza into her seat left, making her free.

"Sek! We have to help him now!", I urged for Shyza to get him into the building.

"...Meanie... Sek is too heavy...", her voice was very low.

"But we can't leave him like this!", I insisted.

Shyza hesitated, "... Then, will you allow me to take you to father?"

"Yes!", I lied, knowing very well that if I said no she'd decline.

"Really!?, okaaaay.", she summoned back her energy and got out to the other side and supported Sek by placing his hand around her arm. "Heeaave-Ho!", shyza lifted Sek and walked into the building... leaving me in the car.

"Well... I can at least absorb the moon's energy through this wide glass...", I said to myself. Just then, I remembered something very important, "...That's right... I allowed him to wield me because he knew sonething about reincarnation. Will he be willing to tell me after what happened though?", I kept asking myself the same question while finding a way to go around similar situations like what happened recently. That night was filled with worry and troubles... but there was something about the light from the moon that... made me feel hope.

"That's right... I'm Dzinu... the legendary moon sword. But... this is simply for now. Surely, definitely... I will die and return to you, my mistress."