The wolf tamer

"Seems like I was pretty careless. haha", Shyza chuckled.

"S-Shyza!! Are you okay!!?? I-"

"There's no need to panic", she interrupted. "Besides, it's only a matter of time until-"


The sound of bones twisting voiced out as Shyza's entire body began to force itself back into perfect shape. In a minute, she had fully recovered and looked even healthier than before.

Shyza held her waist, "I did tell you, didn't I? We faunarians have incredible healing capabilities since we get them from plants... well, not directly from plants." She picked me up with her right hand and kept the serpent egg in her left arm.

"So... you gain your abilities indirectly?", I inquired, still left in awe.

"Haha... yes. The alien animals on the planet are the only beings that possess the right juices to digest the plants they eat. So...", she paused.

"The plant's healing powers get to your body after they have been taken from the animals in their simplified form.", I continued and a sudden thought came to mind. "H-How did I know all that?"

"Wow... That was shocking. You already knew?", her eyes widened a bit.

"I-I'm surprised myself.", I replied. "But putting that aside, we have to get back to the house before the sun sets else we might lose our way."

"Oh, right! Let's-"


A sudden loud sound stopped Shyza in her tracks and she began to shake.

"Shyza?", I called out.

"M-My tummy...", she sniffled.

"Your.... what?", I asked trying to get what she said. A brief silence enveloped the area and the only sounds that could be heard were the loud chorus of the insects in the forest.

"JEEZ!! We came here hoping to get something to eat but... but... WE COULDN'T EVEN FIND A SINGLE FRUIT!! NOW-", Shyza suddenly calmed down. "Let's go back."

"Hmm? ...", I was preparing to bear another season of her useless yells but, "Oh... okay then. I left traces of my aura around so we should be able to get back safely."

"Great!", she kicked her scythe into the air and it returned to its cubic size as it disappeared. Right after, she ran out of the area.

After a few minutes, we had managed to return just before the sun completely set.

"Perfect!", Shyza rushed into the building and instantly stopped. "What happened here?"

Before us was the room that wasn't the same before we left. All the furniture had been displaced and there were several scratch marks on the walls, carpets and chairs. The sound of something breaking apart caught our attention and it seemed to be coming from the kitchen.

"Shyza, be careful.", I cautioned as she began to move closer.

"Don't worry about it.", she replied and swiftly hid behind the kitchen door.

"DAMN IT!!!", a very familiar voice raged.

"Sek!?", both of us looked at each other. Shyza proceeded to enter the room with caution and it was completely messed up.

"Why Lykana!!?? Why!!?? I-I don't get it at all!! W-Weren't we supposed to get married after the mission!!!??", Sek punched his fist into the wall, causing it to breakdown further.

Sek had finally woken up but not in the state at which I expected. His face was just miserable with tears flooding down his cheeks. There was blood on the floor and walls probably because he kept smashing his fist into the wall. Apart from that... his canines seemed longer and sharper.

"Sek! What are you doing!?", I cried out.

"Get the HELL OUTTA MY SIGHT!", He raised his head and revealed his menacing blue gleaming eyes. "I have no use for meaningless fools like you!!"

Shyza shook a bit.

"WHAT ARE YOU STI-", without having anymore time to talk, Shyza smashed Sek's head into the wall, dropping the serpent's egg on the ground.

"Shut up!!", She raged. "Blame yourself for your own stupid actions!!! You blindly believed that 'Lykana' person and she let you down, bigtime!!", she kept pressing his head into the wall.

I tried to stop her by shouting her name but she didn't.

"Who cares if you're mad!? Oh you can go out and start slamming your fists into rocks and stuff but don't you dare speak to us like we're nothing but trash!!!", she slowly began to calm down. "Many people have abandoned me... left me... hurt me... and yet still I haven't uttered a word. Look at you, even way older than me... you should be ashamed of yourself.", she let go of him and grabbed the egg.

"Humph.", she turned away and there was nothing but silence in the room. All I did was witness this shockingly odd scene.

"I-", Sek slowly pulled his bleeding head out of the wall. "I'm...", he sniffed. "I'm sorry.", he sat on a nearby seat and began to calm down. "Thank you... Shyza but I'm not going to give up on Lykana.", he looked up with a serious look on his face this time. "I'll make her realize that what she's doing is wrong... and that I will assure you."

"Sure... but how are you going to do that?", Shyza stared at him blankly.

"I have Dzinu... and your fighting skills as well. As for where to find her.", he smirked. "We'll head for the Eastern Space terminal."

"Oooooooh... Wow...", she smiled sarcastically. "DO YOU THINK MY FIGHTING SKILLS ARE FREE!!??", she puffed her cheeks. "Plus... You're my enemy... EST(Eastern Space Terminal) is where my father's producing factories are... I'll turn you in then."

"I don't mind.", Sek shrugged.

"Good- wait what?", Shyza was puzzled as she was expecting a refusal.

Sek pointed to himself, "I'll go to your dad... That is, if he canget his hands on good ol' Big bro."

"W-W-W-Wah?", Shyza's face flushed.


"WAAAAAAAAAH!!", She broke into sudden tears.

"You haven't eaten yet?", Sek questioned while staring at her unsurprised.

Suddenly, Shyza stopped and look down.

"Shyza? W-What's wrong?", I inquired since it looked as though she was staring at me. Her face turned like a mad person as she bagan to drool. "Let's fwy this wittle eggy."


"Imma eat you, Imma eat you, Imma eat you, Imma eat you~", Shyza danced.

"Crazy girl. Do you even know how to fry it in the first place?", Sek crushed her mood.




"YOU MEANIE!! MAD MAN!! USELESS DOG!!", Shyza began to throw harsh words at Sek.


This continued forever.

"Sek... you don't plan to show your wolf power again... do you?, I thought to myself as the two continued to roast each other.