Saviours of the great mass part 1 - Dela's P.O.V

-Day of the barrier breakage... 10th day in the starfire month-

"Well well, look who came in late.", Lykana already in her yellow lightning mecha suit turned back.

I walked into the huge spherical arena, hiding the slight headache I secretly endured, "I'm a minute early.", I glared at her.

"Hmph, didn't mean to agitate you sheesh.", she smirked.

"Enough, we're moving.", the blue ice, Nyuitor immediately silenced us and walked to the centre of the arena with arms crossed.

The centre had the emblem of DeV co beneath our feet.

"Wow... in a team with two grumpy people.", Lykana complained as she also walked to the centre. "What are you standing there for?"

"What does COMS want with us?", I thought to myself, walking to the centre.

Lykana narrowed her eyes, "I'll kill you if I get demoted."

Lights glowed around the emblem beneath us and began to ascend, enclosing us in a cylindrical-shaped glass tube. We elevated through the transport tunnel towards the very top of the tower.

"Dela, how was the mech suit implantation?", Nyuitor asked.

I turned the other way while leaning on the glass and calmly lied, "Perfect, sync rate is 93.3%"

"Woah, you're really improving everytime huh.", Lykana clapped.

Nyuitor closed his eyes, "If a disconnection were to happen abruptly, you could die."

"Wow, never knew you cared.", Lykana's eyes widened.

"I don't care about Dela but the suit. It's a prototype and currently she's the only one compatible. If she dies, research will be brought to a halt.", Nyuitor opened his eyes and glared at me with his hate-filled brown eyes. "Also... a test subject is still a test subject."

"Woosh! Damn, you're rude.", Lykana covered her mouth and took a look at me.

I didn't pay attention to them at hall. I knew I was paying for the sins I had commited in the past. Even though it seemed unpleasant to others, all that was happening to me was a blessing in my eyes.

"Also Lykana, why do you still care about that Celladonian wimp?", Nyuitor directed his attention to Lykana.

"W-What?", Lykana folded her arms.

Nyuitor simply kept his eyes on her, clearly telling her that he knew whatever she was up to.

"You... YOU READ MY MIND WHILE I SLEPT!?", She raged.

"It was necessary to find out and now that we know, I suggest you erase him from your memory.", he looked away. "Or else you'll be wiped off by the committee."

Lykana was frustrated, "COMS!? Who gives a f*ck about them!? and who says my thoughts about Sek's related to my feelings!!??"

"Confirmed. I never spoke about something as trivial as feelings... forget that useless fool before you end up aiding him in the fut-"


Everything happened in a blinding speed, Lykana's electron dagger fell to the ground and a part of Nyuitor's mecha suit which protected his neck reverted.

"Trying to kill me won't change the fact.", he tried pushing her away but she grabbed his arm.

"Shut the f*ck up.", Lykana growled.


The elevator had reached the top of the tower and the door before us slid open, revealing the long hallway that led to a huge door.

"You're arguing again?", a woman sighed.

Right after hearing her voice, Lykana let go of Nyuitor's hand and walked out, "tch."

"General.", Nyuitor saluted.

"Hmph, shameless brat.", I thought to myself and also walked out. Sure, I'd accept any kind of maltreatment but I wouldn't stand around and allow others to get insulted before me.

Nyuitor walked out, finally allowing the elevator to return to ground level.

General Senam held her waists, she seemed to be wearing her official black and grey uniform this time,"So then, when are you two going to show us that you can also be as disciplined as Dela?"

"My apologies, Ma'am.", Nyuitor bowed.

She then turned to Lykana also expecting an apology but there was none. Lykana was way too upset to even respect the General's presence.

"Hmm... you're lucky I raised you all since childhood else you'd be dead by now.", the General sighed and walked ahead of us. "Let's go, COMS won't tolerate lateness."

We followed after her and got to the huge door. On the centre was a symbol consisting of red, yellow and green crystals connected by three lines that met at a point in the centre. The entire symbol seemed to form a triangle of some sort.

COMS, The Circle Of Master Scientists was a comittee set up by an unknown leader. It's members were unknown and I had very little info about them. All I knew was that they provided the resources, tools and materials that DeV co used to create their tech. No one had ever been taking into their meeting hall and ond thing was certain, for us to be called by them meant that there was something big going to happen.

General Senam was scanned and immediately, the doors opened slowly showing what was in there.

"This...", I stared in awe.

The entire hall looked as if we were standing in the cosmos. Five people sat high above us, two on each side and one on an even higher seat in the middle. They all wore masks, making it clear that their identity were to be kept secret.

"I have brought them as you ordered Lord Lenrol.", the general went down on one knee and bowed her head.

Not knowing what to do, we also followed.

"... Do you know why you've been summoned mech users? ...", an extremely deep voice spoke.

"Yes Lord.", Nyuitor immediately talked. "You've called to boost our power."


There was brief silence.

"Greed... Selfishness... He'll take control of Xera. He has no future at all and will be bound to die first out of the three.", the voice commanded.

"Yes my Lord.", a female responded.

"Pfft.", Lykana chuckled.

Nyuitor clenched his fists in rage as he gritted his teeth,"tch."

"Is that all you strive for? Power only?", the deep voice asked again.

"You just want to use us as test subjects, like you always do.", Lykana stood up and looked up at them. "Sorry, but I won't let you weirdos mess with my body like you do with Dela here."

"Arrogance... it surely will lead to death, but that same power will give us the needed boost in our goal. You, probably useless child will take control of Yana. See to it that it is done."

"Yes, my Lord.", a dark toned male voice responded.

Lykana suddenly snapped, "Who the hell are you calling useless!? All you pieces of sh*t do is sit down and watch us suffer. F*ck, technology's meant to help but look at what you're doing to our bodies! Yo-"

"Down on your knees Shyza! else you'll be grinded to dust!", General Senam commanded.

Lykana knew what that meant and she didn't want anything like that happening to her. She shut her mouth immediately and got down on her knees again.

"Snake's eye... do you also have an unimportant contribution to make?", the voice finally got to me.

"Change.", I replied.

"Huh?", Lykana glanced at me in confusion.

"...", Nyuitor's anger had silenced him.

"Three people with great faults within them... a person with unstable sync rates when merging with alien DNA, a Celladonian who can't even summon a howl or bring about her abilities and an ice cold person born without a single emotion except anger.", I paused for a bit. "You want to use us to change those with faults by giving us power over abilities that also have faults... my idea of your change might be wrong but what you are planning is what you believe to be beneficial to every single organism in this universe."

Brief silence...

"Indeed. With this, the search for the ultimate leader ends. She shall command Aeros. See to it that it comes to fruition, do not disappoint.", the man's voice seemed deeper but his hidden excitement found no way out of my grasp.

"Perfect Dela.", the general smiled with eyes closed.


Out of nowhere, the emergency alarms were set off covering the entire hall in total red.

"We're being attacked?", the general whispered.


A tremor shook the tower as it tilted to the left, causing us to stand. The roofing began to fall apart as a huge sharp pointed object crashed into the hall.

"G-Glass!?", the thought zapped my mind as we moved back from the falling debris.

"Set up shields.", the voice commanded. Just then, a huge force field engulfed Cell City.

"My lord, neighbouring cities are facing the same problem! It's the entire Northern and Southern areas!!", one of the Scientists spoke up.

"We have to do something!", Lykana tried to jump down the tower but General Senam stopped her.

Her voice became stern, "No... wait."

"Prepare the Neon Mecha for battle as well as their pilots.", the person who had the deep voice with a dragon mask stood up from his seat on the right. "Commence first COMS mission."