
"You morons! What are you standing there for!?", the fat guy seemed a bit shaken as his voice had a slight tremble with each word he spoke.

"B-Boss! Our arms!!", one of his subordinates held his arm in pain.

"Idiots!! You have mechanical arms!!!", their boss stomped.

"Oh, yeah.", both men realized and twisted their arms back to normal.

"Heh, coming for more?", I gestured for them to come, if they dared.

One of them lunged foward, throwing jabs that missed. I took a left dodge, noticing the great heat that came with that attack, "So much power.", I thought to myself as I made a back flip, successfully evading one final attack from the enemy.

"Tch bastard! Stay still!", he wiped his forehead.

I cleared the sweat off my nose, "Hm, why should I?"

"Trust me, I'd be better if you did so.", a deep voice sounded right behind me, "Now DIE!!", the other fighter brought in a direct fist strike from behind, aiming for my head.

I managed to block it in time but the force that came with it sent me flying onto the ground, "Damn it.", I muttered and wiped the blood off my mouth as I stood back up. The two lunged foward this time, both preparing for a double strike. With swift movements, I evaded them like a free flowing stream of water and got behind them. Thus leaving them both to crash into the wall head first.

"... Pfft.", a little voice sounded in the brief silence.

"HAHAHAHAAA!!", a few people in the crowd burst into laughter as the two men got up, rubbing their heads.

"I've had enough!", the one who managed to brush off the pain displayed eyes of killer-intent. With some kind of new power, he burst at me and began throwing full speed jabs.

"Kekeke.", the ugly fat guy sat down relaxed as he wolfed down his piece of meat that he had thrown on the floor, "Those arms aren't just for show!"

His attacks got faster every second and soon, I had no choice but to try to block it with my arms. The man suddenly grounded himself for some reason and clenched his right fist tight. "What's he-", I put my arms together, forming a shield.


The destructive force from that punch sent a shock wave and electric charges flying all over.

"Woooooooaaaaaahhh!!", the tension in the crowd skyrocketed.

"KAKAKAHAHAHAAA!!", the fat man slammed his hands on a random person multiple times as he laughed like a mad man, eventually choking on his meat and promptly drinking some water, "There's no way you'd survive from all that force pumped into your body!!!"


There was a wave of suspense that washed over everyone. Well, almost everyone since the two fighters and their boss thought I was done for.

"Oi", I raised my head and glared at the man with blood-thirsty eyes, "that f*cking itches.", I took in some air and then slammed his fists down.

With the force gathered in my fist and the other bringing his arms and head down, I delivered a deadly uppercut to his jaw that instantly cut off his tongue and pulled away most of his teeth, leaving only three. His life temporarily left him as he fell to the floor unconscious with a great THUD! The blood oozed from his cut tongue.

"Eh? How, HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE!!?", their boss stared at his subordinate's defeated body in total shock.

The crowd was also left in silence, until...

"Mister!! Behind you!!!", a little boy's voice immediately alerted me of the incoming attack.

"You really love attacking from behind, don't you?", I ducked and powerfully elbowed his abdomen, forcing him to spit out blood. "Take a nap as well.", without even leaving a second to waltz away, I kicked him in the balls.

"Ooooooooooooof!!!", the crowed shared his pain, especially the men.

"Damn!!", Someone yelled out in the end.

"Heh.", I gave a smug look as I also, naturally shared in his pain. "I'll help you get rid of your pain. Temprarily though. I slammed his head with a leg jab, throwing him all the way to the far end of the room.

There was silence yet again ...

"He won, right?", that same boy's voice asked in a cute voice.


"BALLS SLAMMA!!!", a voice dominated, leaving total silence. The crowd split open, revealing the speaker... a woman who had a child in her arms.

All the men stared at her with eyes wide open.

"Wut? Y'all ain't heard good cheerin' before?", she held her waist with one hand.

"Umm, no no, yeah, no, haha, uuhhh.", was every single man's response.

"Hmph, this yo mama's gonna teach y'all how to spit out some might fine tunes then. Now BRING IN THAT CHORUS!"

"HOORAY!! BALLS SLAMMA!! TONGUE KRAKA!! D*CK MASHER!!", the whole crowd sang, changing the mood of this boring town a bit.

"Ah, music to my ears.", the woman closed her eyes.

"Heh, thanks everyone.", I smiled and then turned towards the fat ugly bastard, "Now..."

"Tch! F*ck you assh*les!! I'm not giving out a single neurus!!!", he tried to escape but some of the people blocked his path.

"Hmm?", I slammed my fist into the wall, causing the bastard to flinch.

"Eeeeeeeek!!", he squealed as he closed his eyes.

"What were you saying?"

"S-S-S-SORRY! I'll pay now!!", a screen appeared before him and I watched as he inserted the digits, "1,000Ne. Loc: All weakling systems."

Just then, there was a ping sound in the hall then another and another until there were ping sounds everywhere. Everyone's floating panels lit up, displaying the digits. They all looked at each other and replied, "W-We're really grateful! Master balls slamma!!"

"No problem but, don't call me that", I smugged. "Now scram!", I kicked the man out and threw the two unconscious men out as well.

"That does it.", I dusted my hands then took a while before looking back at where Fraisia and I sat. She was still sitting there in the same position as I left her, "Hmph."

"Well then, I'll be going to bed now!", I waved at the friendly crowd as I walked towards the exit.

"GOODNIGHT AND THANKS AGAIN!!", they waved back, except Fraisia who still sat in that position.

I stared at my palms after leaving the hall, "Good thing the skin shield was activated else I'd be a mashed human by now."

Every person had the opportunity to purchase any kind of defensive mechanism that could shield them from any harm. Of course, without money that would mean no protection at all.

Skin shields were the most used defense mechanisms. They functioned like some sort of force field, forming a thin but powerful layer of energy above the skin. The energy would bounce any physical damage right off the skin or reduce the impact if the force travelling with the attack surpasses the limits of the shield.

Some advanced skin shields even had the power to heal wounds faster than any normal being. Probably due to the fact that regenerative cell tech is embedded into the shield's programming, easily replacing those that have been destroyed by any physical contact.

It wasn't always safe though, as charged beams and concentrated energy blasts could easily shatter the protective layer and injure the individual.

Damn, I was lucky to listen to my instincts and activate it just before I approached them.

"Shyza, Dzinu", I looked up.

I almost completely let them slip out of my mind.

Tch!", without wasting anymore time, I walked back to my room through the lonely hallways.

Even though the lights brightened the path, darkness still had its crude grip on its walls. Stifling me, rendering me numb as the sounds of my footsteps faded into the distance.