Knights of the cross - Part 2

(Celestial Migration - The year 2999)

(Migratory fleet A23 - Francis' POV)-------

"Sir! We're ready to go flash speed in two minutes!!", a voice spoke out in the large control room as personnel rushed towards their stations.

"Begin the charge"

"Yes Sir!"

"Uploading neo crystal!!"

We were able to travel lightyears away from our galaxy in just a matter of two years thanks to the strange energy source that came in the form of neo crystals. Their energy's immense and thus, aided with 'Flash speed'.

The skill allowed our ships to travel several lightyears into space in a mere matter of seconds. Even after discovering such an advantage in just two years, we still failed to find any habitable planets for years until...

"Engaging in 5!"






Every key was turned, switching on the powered reactors and shooting us forward deeper and deeper into space. The mesmerizing sight of the galaxies blurring past us never got old.

"Success!!", the ship came to a steady motion.

"Sir, there are no damages or side effects", the commander saluted.

"Good job", I waved my hand, signalling him to leave. "These crystals drastically increase the lifespan of humans and keeps their appearance young, if only you were here to see this Enny."

"S-Sir!!", a frantic cry echoed throughout the control room.


"Sir!", the young man could barely breathe. "There's, we found a solar system! And its planets contain just enough oxygen to support life!!"

...There was a brief silence in the control room.

"Show us the visuals", my hidden excitement surged.

A large screen showed up before the entire crew, revealing the four planets orbiting a red sun with each of their oxygen stats in percentages.

First planet - Oxygen (76%)

Second planet - Oxygen (80%)

Third planet - Oxygen (82%)

Fourth planet - Oxygen (69%)

"Splendid work", a rare smile popped up on my face.

"Sir, the third planet already has an extensive area of forestry and there seem to be signs of alien life", his smile slowly turned into a frown. "But, we know nothing of these biological beings. We may face danger once we set foot on it."

That planet was completely green with little patches of blue water. Indeed, it looked tempting but, this force within me opted for the second planet.

"We'll move to the second planet", I stared at the large mass, having few green portions with some adequate amount of water and large barren areas.

"The biological life there's at a minimum", the young man checked. "We won't be able to have everyone live there."

"Only a few will live there while the others wait for complete colonization", I commanded. "Surround the sun first, we'll manipulate its power."

"Uh, Y-Yes Sir!", he saluted and headed back to work.

It had been long since everyone had slight smiles of hope on their faces, making me wonder how the other fleets were doing. The split-up might not have been a good idea.

I looked back at the mini tank in my hand, "We'll finally settle at a safe place, my child."

(The Great mass - Year 3089)

(Castle Church - Rocky plains)----------

We lost many of our brethren the past few years due to an unknown condition that completely shut down their brains, we called it the Fluff effect.

Only a few remained on the Great mass planet after suits were created to repel the effect until it wore off. Fortunately, the other planets were finally deemed habitable and people began to spread out through the solar system.

"Father", a young boy in advanced Crusader armour knelt behind me as I bowed before the holy sanctuary.

"It's not time yet", I responded.

"Forgive me Father", he bowed his head even further. "But, the people aren't happy with the church's existence probably because-"

"Humanity would soon see no importance in religion, it's already happening", I interrupted. "Not only that, they're not happy because we left them to fall back on earth."


Silence reigned as I stood up, "I think I've hesitated for far too long."

"Shall I prepare your flight?", the young crusader kindly asked.

I turned to him and nodded with a smile, indirectly answering his question. He stood up and took his leave.

"Enny", the dim lights flowed in through the holes in the ceiling. "I should have started developing our child a long time ago, but it seems like fear has its arms wrapped around me."

"Fear that I may lose another dear one once she inherits the cross", my cloak swayed in the wind as I walked out. "Will the cross ever come back?", I muttered to myself.

"Hm", a slight chuckle flew out of my mouth. "The beliefs you passed down to me may disappear in the stream of humanity's evolution."


"We'll keep it tightly sealed in our hearts", Enny's rosary gleamed as I placed it before the altar.

"And fight for this chance that the Lord has given us"

The lights partially blinded me as I walked out, filling my thoughts with a new sense of hope... a new community of believers.

(The Great mass - Year 4050)

(Unknown Skyship - Dzinu's POV)--------

My vision slowly returned to me along with a realization, "The link with Sek, it seems like whatever happens to him also affects me in some way."

"Dzinu", a voice called out. "You just woke up too?"

"Sek", a certain thought passed through my mind as I mentioned his name. "I haven't felt rest for years."

"Seems like we were saved", he tightened his grip on me. "We're in a medical pod."

"Medical pod?"

"Sekky!!", an adorable voice entered the room.

"Shyza", Sek smiled.

"You woke up! How does the pod feel like!?", she paused. "Haha, that doesn't matter now."

She ran outside shouting on top of her voice, "Weird people with oddly nice smelling perfumes!! Sekky's awake!!"

"What?", sudden confusion washed over me.

"I didn't think they'd pick me up", Sek tapped the pod, instantly opening it. "I'm sure you can feel lots of things you haven't felt in a long time", he rubbed his head.

"Uh, yeah", I could see and feel human reactions from inside the moon realm.

"Heh, nice", a smirk appeared on his face.

"Seems like you've finally recovered", a man who seemed to be in his early thirties came in, his glasses shone with an honourable gleam as his suit showed some form of royalty.

"Ha! So the new recruit actually survived!", an energetic voice followed as a teenage boy walked in with headsets, a yellow sweater and a pair of jeans that gave him a flashy appearance. "Heh, welcome dude."

"Sekky! Sekky!" Shyza hugged Sek tight. "These people helped us when you fell unconscious, I still don't know anything about them though."

A confident emotion flowed into me, it came from Sek. It was quite odd since, in addition to knowing how he felt, part of his tech knowledge entered my head.

"We'll tell you now that Sek's here", the energetic boy folded his arms.

"We're the Knights of the cross", the man adjusted his glasses with a calm smirk.

(The Great mass - The Year 4037)

(Supreme Castle - Francis' POV)---------

"Papa! Papa!", the little girl made her way down the hallway and into my throne room.

"Papa look!", a holographic figure appeared before her. "I made an advanced holographic assistant!"

"Why are you here?", I asked coldly. "You're only an abomination in my sight. How dare you laugh in my presence."

She flinched as great sorrow engulfed her heart, "I'm sorry, Papa."

"Don't approach me ever, you'll just die as your mother did", I lifted my hand, summoning two crusaders who teleported behind the girl.

"N-No! I don't want to leave yet!", she cried desperately, kneeling in before me.

"Take her away"

"No! No! Leave me alone!", her tiny strength was no match for the soldiers as they easily pulled her away. "Tell me, Papa, what can I do!? What can I do to make Papa happy?!"

Her voice simply irritated me, a useless bug in my sight that needed to be gotten rid of.

"Papa! Please, Papa! Tell me!!"



The huge doors were sealed shut, allowing me to finally rest in the darkness. Enny was wrong, the way she handled everything. Was passing power down to a child necessary?


I regretted what I did...


Justice will be brought down onto humanity... in a different manner.