She goes solo

(Crux Coelestis ship - Embalming chamber)

(Dzinu's POV)-----------------------

"So, she ended up falling for you?", I curiously asked.

"Mm", Sek responded with a nod. "But, she misunderstood what she felt."


"She-", he paused abruptly and chuckled. "What am I saying? How can I tell how she felt if I don't even have a stable grip on myself?"


He stood before the same pod every morning, staring at the girl inside and sometimes talking to himself. Fraisia, that was what Sek called her and for some reason, he'd switch moods easily whenever he spoke.

I didn't see it as something awkward. He was probably feeling guilty for something he failed to do, something that could've changed him or the girl. What I did fear, was that he'd take a wrong turn because of the blame placed on himself.


A tiny sound interrupted my thoughts as a holographic window appeared in front of Sek, displaying some words.

"Hm", he closed his eyes.

"Is there something wrong?"

"No, Sir. William called us to the mission chamber", he swiped his hand over the window, causing it to disappear. "Well, today is the last rest day."

"So, we're going to be assigned a mission beforehand?"

"Probably", he turned around and walked towards the door, suddenly stopping. "Dzinu."


"I want to tell you my plans, the reason why I joined Crux Coelestis", he lifted me. "But, I can't."

Sek might've thought that we had to know about each other's dark interests since we were linked but, that didn't matter.

"You have the problems you want to fix and I have mine", I responded. "I don't think you need to tell me as long as we both benefit from our link."

Sek smiled slightly, "Heh, sure." Then walked out of the chamber.

(Mission Chamber - Sir. William's POV)----

"Jeez, Willy. Your case is still being discussed here. It's pretty boring having to be called every single time with the others to this meeting", a woman wearing a bright uniform sat in her office with legs crossed, communicating through the holo comm with a weary expression.

"You need not worry", I smirked after taking a sip of my tea. "I'm almost done."

She remained hesitant, "If you say so. Remember, return to HQ once you're ready." Her face turned stern, "Things aren't going to be smooth."

Several thoughts ran through my head as I replied calmly, "I know."

"I shall end the link then", the holographic image disappeared.


"We're still having problems with her huh", the image of a little girl flashed across my mind as I closed my eyes.

I summoned both Seksulfur and Shyza to the mission chamber. Certain things needed to be done fast else the Council would've taken rather drastic measures in finding the long lost daughter of out Great father.

The aroma from my rare Danchroma tea filled the entire Mission chamber, embracing it with a soothing aura. Danchroma was a rare tea plant that grew in deep, unreachable areas on the planet of Faunaria.

I sat back on my seat, automatically adjusting it to fit my position. The huge screen before me was turned off, allowing me to see the door behind me.

Just then, it slid open. Revealing Seksulfur who walked in alone, looking quite down for some reason.

"Let's hope he agrees", I thought to myself as I turned around. "Ah, Seksulfur. You made it here first."

He looked around for a bit, "And I thought I'd be late."

The hot tea graced my taste buds, slightly creating a thin mist over my glasses. "There are a few things we're going to discuss but first of all, Good morning."

"Uh-", he flinched, probably feeling bad for not greeting first. "Good morning."

The door slid open again, this time it was Sedem who came in with a look of exhaustion on his face.

"Mornin'", he greeted lazily as he slowly stood beside Seksulfur.

"Good morning, Sedem", I responded with a smile. "Hmm, that leaves one more person."

The moment I said that, Shyza walked in. It seemed like our visitor had found its target. The baby slitheryon around her neck kept rubbing its head on her cheeks and clearly, she looked like she almost had enough of it.

As if trying to hide her suffering, she plastered a happy expression on her face, "Good morning everyone."

"Morning", I happily sipped my tea once more. "How are you, Shyza?"

"Haha", she looked away for a second. "I'm doing good, just slept perfect with this little guy here, kept secreting slime all over my body."

"Uh, slime? All night?", Sedem shook his laziness away.

"Yeah", she grinned. "It's great!"

"Oh?", I expressed a bit of worry while I thought, "The poor girl must be dying inside."

"Slitheryons live in aquatic environments", Seksulfur explained. "Either it's doing it to stay moisturized or its preparing to eat you."

"H-Huh!?", sudden terror filled Shyza's face. "Waaah! I don't wanna be snake food!!"

"Pfft, I doubt that it would try to eat you", Sedem let out a weak chuckle. "You are its Mama after all."

"O-Oh but, I don't wanna be a Mama!!", she retorted, folding her hands with a pout.

Their argument was brought to a halt after I let out a little laughter. All of them stood silent.

"Pardon me", I placed my cup of tea on a hovering platform. "It's nice to see people get along."

"Sorry, we got lost and forgot about why we were here", Seksulfur apologised on everyone's behalf.

"No need for apologies", I waved my palm. "Now, let's get to the reason why we're here."

The large screen behind me lit up, displaying the symbol of the Crux Coelestis organization. It was a golden cross with a blood-red colour running from its sides into the middle, similar to Heaven's Cross, the most powerful weapon used by the first Knight.

"I've decided to give out the next mission before tomorrow so you can use today to prepare for it", the screen changed, now showing the legendary moon sword. "And also about some problems the legendary blade can give you."

Seksulfur tightened his grip on the sword, "What do you mean?"

"Through the link you've established with it, you're able to pull the fine blade out even without having clan blood", I explained. "Naturally, the toll on you will be higher."

"Every single one of the legendary swords has the same pattern in which they distribute their power."

The screen switched again, showing the cycle between the wielder and the weapon.

"The blade serves as an intermediary to its realm. Within that realm, resides a soul or spirit and that entity is the powerhouse of the sword. Without it, you're using a normal sword, an extremely old one in this era."

"When you pull out the sword, there's an energy flow that keeps the link between you two stable. The entity within the blade pours out its power into the wielder and at the same time, the wielder exchanges his life force for it. This all happens when you hold it in your hands."

Surprised, he looked down at the sword.

"That would've been normal if you had the blood of its successors but, you only control it through your link and that automatically creates an imbalance"

The cycle on the screen switched to an uneven pattern.

"Instead of sending equal power to each other, you're sending more life force and receiving less energy from the sword. Sadly, I can't do anything about it. It's something you figure out on your own or limit the use of the weapon."

"Tch", Seksulfur didn't look too happy. "I understand."

"Great then", I smiled and casually took another sip from my teacup. "I don't want to end up losing a knight."

"Knight? I thought I was yet to complete the requirements", he said.

"That's the other aspect connected to the mission I'm about to assign", I placed the cup back and adjusted my glasses. "HQ has already approved of you, so there's no need for you to fill any more requirements. You're now a full member of the organization."

Slight relief washed over him, it seemed like he was worried about something.

"I see", he looked down.

"But", there was expectant silence in the room. "Shyza will have to take a mission just like you did."

His head lifted after hearing me, "What?"

"She'll be assigned a mission as a requirement before she'll be recognized as a member and, she'll be doing it alone."

"Ohohoho, Candy girl gets a solo mission", Sedem glanced at Shyza who had a difficult expression on her face.

"Alone?", she muttered and then hesitated, "Alright then! I'll do it!!"

"Ssss", her little snake hissed in acknowledgement.

"Good, I expected this from her but", my glance caught Seksulfur. "The problem might be him."

"No", Seksulfur coldly said. "I'm not allowing her to go alone."


"I feared you'd say that", I sighed. "You must've formed a tight bond with Shyza but, do you want to take her freedom away from her?"

"You don't get it", he growled, his canines getting longer and sharper.

There was a brief silence. Maybe, I had to dismiss them so they could both decide on things.

"Fine then, I'll leave you both to agree but, it must be done before sunset", the screen behind me turned off after giving out the command.

With that, Seksulfur stormed out of the chamber with Shyza following behind him.

"The poor child faces conflictions", the doors slid closed, leaving Sedem and me alone.

"Heh, I noticed it", he smirked as a large figure with metal-sounding steps loomed behind him. "The dude's mentally disorganized."

My eyes closed, "That's why we're here, all of us. To help each other."

(Hallway - Shyza's POV)---------------


"Damn it!", he slammed his fist into the wall. "It's just the same thing happening from the start. You all say you're going alone, only never to return."

I hesitated, "Sekky, I don't know much about you but just because it happened long ago doesn't mean it'll happen again, right?"

"I mean, we have Crux Coelestis with us."

"You're not a member yet", he turned away.

"I know you're afraid for me, but that doesn't mean you have to decide everything for me."

Sekky chuckled, "Of course. Seems like I lost it today."

I couldn't help but think that something was eating him inside, leaving him confused so that it could drive him away and feast more.

"Dzinu, why don't you speak?", he asked.

"Huh? Oh, it's just-"

"Nevermind", he interrupted. "Alright then, I'm not going to restrict you Shyza. Heh, you might be doing this to stay close."

"Hmph, took you long enough", I pouted.

"Today's a bit too gloomy, I'll go check up on my car", he said as he walked away.

Just then, something zoomed into my mind. It was a question that maybe could help him have a firm grip on himself.

"Sekky! Wouldn't it be better to have more friends? You might not trust Ed and Sir. William but, Dzinu and I alone might not be-", the atmosphere suddenly dropped as Sekky glanced back with a horrifying glow in his eyes.

"I need no one else, they're all useless to me", he turned away. "Stepping stones for my ascension."

The menacing air around him left as he got out of sight.

"Sss", the Slitheryon began to shake violently, expressing its complete terror.

There was something about Sekky that didn't seem right. It was as if every instinct in my body pulsed in me, telling me to run as far as I could.

"There There", I patted the snake on its head, calming it down. "Hm, you need a name."