Official Knights

(Crux Coelestis ship - Bridge)

(Dzinu's P.O.V)

An awkward tension filled the room as we all stood in Sir. William's presence. He had a smile on his face but it still didn't calm everyone's nerves.

"Your performance was abysmal", he calmly said.

Sweat began to run down the sides of everyone's face except Sek who simply tightened his grip on me.

"However...", sir William's glasses gleamed under the soft lights. "We still have menergy traces even though a bit of it has already been used."

Sedem suddenly looked away while letting out light whistles.

"Since that's the case, Olivia, Sek and Shyza... you're all official Knights of the Order of Crux Coelestis", his smile got softer. "As such, I expect you all to work on your skills as you recover from the mission."

Sir William paused, sipping his tea with a casual composure.

"You're all dismissed."

Everyone respectfully nodded, except Sedem who gave a graceful bow.

Seemed like there were other things to learn huh.

The mechanical doors hummed open as we left the area into the hallway.

"Aight then, you heard em'", Sedem folded his arms. "There are lots of stuff you guys gotta know. Sek might know a little since he started earlier but you'll all have to meet me in front of the sacred chamber tomorrow morning."

"What happened with the black wolves?", Olivia hesitantly asked.

Sed started to walk away, "Sent them to a safe galaxy in one of our mini ships. Hopefully, they'll survive."


"Big Sis Big Sis!", Shyza grabbed Olivia by the hand. "Let's go get a shower! I smell like lab fluid!"

Confusion spread all over Olivia's face, "L- Lab fluid??!"

"C'mooon!", filled with energy, the little girl forcefully pulled the poor lady away.

Sek stood there in silence as he kept thinking about something.

I even had questions of my own.

"Dzinu...", he began.

"I have question's too", my voice interrupted.

A smirk showed up on his lips, "hm."

(Stargaze balcony)

The stargaze balcony was an area located on the ship's exterior. A glass material, well it looked like glass but I couldn't really tell. The material protected us from the coldness of outer space while giving us an astounding view of it.

It soon grew to be one of my most favourite places on the ship.

Just then, I spotted quite a large object floating ever so slowly right above Celladonia.

"What kind of object is that? Another planet?", my curiousity finally had the better of me.

"Nope", Sek replied, leaning on the rails of the circular structure. "It's one of Celladonia's four moons."


I never imagined that they'd be that big!

Also, he mentioned that it was one of the planet's four moons!

Did it mean that all other planets had moons!?


Hold on, something felt off.

For a moment, it felt as if there were deep loopholes in my early memory. What planet was I on before I reincarnated?

The Great mass' dull environment was way different compared to the planet I found myself on when I was human.

And I never remembered being sent to the Great mass...

"Dzinu", Sek called out to me. "There's something sinister going on."

"You also noticed it?", I asked with some level of confusion.

"It started the instant we broke through the barrier that was set up around cell city", he began. "Are you the one who set that up?"


I never set up any barrier around that city. It was completely awkward too. That city was completely foreign to me and I didn't remember sleeping through civilisations.

"I mean, we've synced lots of times and now that I think of it, being close to that barrier felt the same as being in that state", Sek's eyes darkened.

"I don't recall bringing up that barrier", I assured Sek. "We even had to cast a spell to brrak it down, remember? I'm sure I would've been able to break it down if I put it up myself. Unless..."

A deadly glare erupted in his sharp eyes, "Lykana."




(Unknown location - Paladin of Faith's P.O.V)


A voice sounded from behind the large wooden door.

My eyes trailed off for a bit and then returned to my floating holographic screen. Volumes upon volumes of data flooded the screen.

Being one of the most powerful knights of the order wasn't an easy task as I had to make daily reports of the factions I was appointed to.

"What is it?", I responded with a high level of firmness.

"Sir. William has selected his maximum number of knights", the voice relayed.


Why was he being so impatient?

Sigh, I would've felt better just to have heard from him were it not for the conversation we had earlier.

"Understood", my attention strolled to a picture frame on the wall to my left. "You may leave."

I got up from my seat and stood before the picture. It was a portrait to be precise and on it was a handsome young man who had a beautiful little girl in his hands.

The last person on that portrait was a lady with a partial smile on her face.

"You've changed William", I muttered. "Ever since we lost our daughter."

Just then, a shining object gleamed in the corner of my eye. I turned towards my desk and noticed my emblem lying down with a radiant aura around it. The sun rays from the large window behind my seat bounced off the metallic sheen, causing a stunning reflection.

"We both became paladins and yet, I feel even more distant", my eyes moved over to the cross above the window. "Only you know how the human heart works, great creator."

*Beep Beep*

My earcomm beeped to life as an incomming message began to mechanically voice out.

[All available paladins are to move to the sacred grounds. All available paladins are to move to the sacred grounds]

"Hmm?", I leaned on my desk. "What is it now?"




(Stargaze balcony - Dzinu's P.O.V)


Why did he mentiom her name all of a sudden? that to with a visible surge of rage.

"What's wrong, Sek?", I hesitantly asked.

"Now that I think back, Lykana is the only one who knew everything about you."


"Yes, your location, that spell, she wasn't even that surprised when you spoke", a look of guilt took over his expression. "Heh, I was foolish not to have realised it earlier."

Lykana knew that much about me?

Not just that, I had realized that very few people knew about my existence however I remebered being known across kingdoms and empires all over the world!

If Lykana indeed knew so much then-

A bubbling realization crept up in my chest! It meant somethinh extremely important!

"Dzinu, do you know what this means?", Sek left the rails. "It means that DeV co being linked to her, must've provided such info. If there's anyone who can answer all the plot holes here, it's them."

I paused for a bit before speaking, "My chances of leaving this prison just increased."

Sek smirked, "Coincidentally, I have a grudge against them. We also have Crux Coelestis backing us up."

So our objectives weren't going to split us into different directions.


I forgot to ask him.

"Sek, have you come across a large blue wolf?"

That wolf from back then. It had the same aura as Sek. I didn't know whether to treat it as an enemy or not but hopefully, I'd get my answer.

"You saw it?", he looked quite puzzled. "How?"

"It infiltrated the moon realm once but disappeared later", I answered. "I don't know but I still feel its presence."

"Hm. That wolf appeared to me at certain situations but then my memory of it gets clouded after those instances", he held his chin. "Come to think of it, I met an old man who claimed to be the creater of the moon sword."

Huh!? My memory was immediately plunged into a series of searches until I found something similar to what Sek had just said.

"Yes, I know of such a person one of my wielders killed him"

"What?", Sek staggered a bit. "Hmm"

There was a long silence between us as the confusion only seemed to deepen with each passing moment.

"Sek", my voice broke the silence. "If we want to progress then we'd have to understand ourselves even more."

A look of concern filled Sek's eyes but it disappeared as soon as it had appeared.

"I'll make sure I-", he suddenly paused. "No, we'll help each other. Right bud?"


As in a close companion? Did that mean he was ready to take all the recoils that came with our poor compatibility?

I smiled inwardly.
