Sudden imposing

(Crux Coelestis Ship - Bridge)

Tensions began to rise as the silence between the floating bot and big sis seemed to go on forever.

[Blitz: Understood]


The tiny robot had broken the silence and moved towards big sis.

[Blitz: All current objectives have been cancelled. Beginning shut down-]

"Wait!", big sis suddenly interrupted. "Before you do that, could you please tell me... tell me the reason why I gave out those commands?"

There was a slight pause before the bot responded.

[Blitz: It was your deepest desire. The desire to take the whole world down with you. Beginning shut down]

A mechanical buzz reverberated as it went into a temporary stand by and then complete shut down.

The now motionless Blitz fell to the floor with a metallic thud.

That was my chance!

I ran to big sis' side, "Big Sis! Are you- Big sis?"

Tears began to stream down her cheeks while she stared at the ceiling.

It looked like she could no longer hide them as they fell without any sign of stopping.

"H- How could I have been so selfish?", she clenched her fists. "I put you all in trouble. I'm always a burden and can't even help when I want to. I get scared so easily! Tell me, what else can I do to be useful!? No matter how hard I try... I-"

My hands grabbed hers as I stared at her with an expression of pure blankness.

Really! I was getting tired of these mental ups and downs!


"Big Sis, I thought I told you something back at that prison!", my grip on her hands tightened.

Her eyes widened, "I-"

Big sis didn't even get the chance to recall as the sound of someone clapping interrupted. Everyone's direction was directed towards the source of the sound.

"Splendid!", Sir William grinned lightly. "Sedem, fix Olivia's tech gear and prepare to complete the process."

Sedem hesitated, taking a look at big sis before standing in a straight position and placing his palm on his chest respectfully. A strange expression appeared on his face once he stared into tea man's eyes however, it had disappeared just as it had appeared.

"Y- Yes Lord William", he responded with a stern expression.

Lord William!?

What was with the sudden change in annoying toy's composure!?

"Hm?", Sekky walked foward. "I don't like what's going on."

"Since you've all been selected as official knights and have witnessed the initiation process regardless of whether you were accepted or not...", Annoying toy faced Sekky. "You are to put aside all informalities and be ready to execute every order without any complaint."

"Huh?", I blinked. "Then what'll be the difference between us and blitz?"

Annoying toy looked away, avoiding my question.

"Tch", Sekky couldn't say much either.

Tea man then stood up, "I honestly didn't want to impose these restrictions immediately however I've thought about certain circumstances and have come to a realization."

A look of confusion crept up on Sekky's face, "Realization?"

"There's no time to explain at this point and as such, your training will have to begin immediately", tea man's expression reduced to a stern look. "We'll be setting course for the galaxy in the east but before that, your ability to survive alone will be tested in one of the exoplanets along the way."

Ability to survive alone!?

Aww c'mon! We recently came back from all that ruckus on Sekky's home planet and barely got enough rest.

Why was he suddenly pushing us into training?

And what did he mean by saying that we had no time?

"Umm, tea- I mean lord William", I called out. "What about big sis? I can go ahead with the training but-"

"All three of you will be involved", he interrupted. "Seksulfur, Shyza and Olivia. Sedem will deal with the ship's maintenance. Fret not, it will take approximately three days to reach that planet after the space warp."

I looked down

If that was the case then...

Sadness engulfed me as I looked back at big sis. Her tears had long dried up but the look in her eyes were of pure despair. Maybe she needed time alone at that point.

"If all is understood then you're all dismissed", Tea man returned to his seat.




(Crux Coelestis ship - Males' washroom)

(Sedem's P.O.V)


I slammed my fists into the mirror I was facing, causing it to shatter as blood slowly dripped down.

There was no reaction.


Why did Sir William suddenly switch sides at such a moment?

Flashes of horrifying scenes from years ago made me shiver.

Whenever he went into such a phase, he wouldn't care less of the species you belonged to.

You'd simply be one of his tools again.

He was able to suppress it before, but that was because his wife would always be there to help him deal with it.

Sir William was more of a demon than a holy knight at that stage.


Only a great amount of excitement could cause that character within him to surface.

What was it?

"It couldn't be", I muttered as I stared at my disfigured reflection.

Did he realize something in Olivia?

The information we stole from Crux Coelestis told us that she was a key element in the Celestial cross' resurrection.

I took that piece of info with a pinch of salt because I didn't there would be any human key.

If Olivia is truly an essential key and Sir William's excitement has spiked so suddenly, it only means one thing.

The true Olivia was slowly awakening, the human key and Sir. William was planning to speed it up by placing her in a life or death situation.

My eyes narrowed, "You're planning to obtain something before the order can, aren't you?"

Hopefully, he wouldn't go overboard. If he did then I wouldn't hesitate to call for help from the order.

His desires led him down a path of bloodshed years ago.

I shuddered as the memories got intense.

The promise I made to the Paladin Of Faith could also not be overlooked.

It was for his own good.