
(Unknown planet – Daytime)

(Olivia's POV)

Useless, frail, you're nothing but a trouble maker, why are you still living in the first place? You don't deserve it. Just drop dead already.

Drop dead

Drop dead

Drop dead…

Why? Why was I thinking this way all of a sudden? 

My eyes refused to allow themselves open as a constant blur was the only thing it could perceive. Tiny spark-like sounds rang in my ear as numerous particles collided with my weakening skin shield.

Where did this sandstorm come from?

My footsteps abruptly came to a halt, but it was difficult as several push and pulls tried to knock me off my feet; I was barely able to keep myself standing.

"E- Even my skin shield is weakening", my lips moved under heavy reluctance. "… And I'm no different."

Last night wasn't pleasant; alien plants had burst up from the ground and if it weren't for the fact that there was an opening where their vines couldn't reach, I would've-

A huge shadow towered above me and my feet began to shift as the sand moved ever so violently. What was it?

I turned around to get a good look at what the shadow's source could've been, but before I could even react, an enormous mass of sand pounded heavily on my body.

The next thing I realized; I was on the ground. I immediately tried to get back up but my lower torso was trapped in a dense sheet of sand… I was too weak to pull myself out.

Of course

Maybe the best thing to do would've been to leave it be

Who needed me around anyway?

I had it in the back of my mind; my parents were the kind who could easily replace me so it didn't really matter anyways…

Yes, I was simply going to let go

If God and heaven exist then maybe… maybe I could live better after I die?

[Initializing. Current scenario absorbed. Activation complete]

It wasn't too clear or bright beneath the sands but faint parts of light seemed to make their way through the tiny spaces between the dust particles, barely reaching my eyes. 

Something was near

Just then, a large gust of wind sent all the sand flying into the air. It felt as if a large weight was suddenly lifted off my entire body.

"What's happening?", my eyelids widened, ignoring the glaring stare of the sun. "This-"

My right palm went forward, touching some kind of hard, invisible surface. It didn't take me long to notice what it was, a force field. 

But, where did it come from?

Confusion seemed to set in even more as the incredible mass of sand moved turbulently around, a few metres away from me.


A similar-sounding mechanical voice promptly echoed within the field. My head turned towards the source of the sound, causing my palms to tighten into fists.

"How is this possible? I didn't-"

The source of the sound was nothing but a small bot. Tiny vents were opened on its spherical body and it looked like the source of the winds controlling the sands. 

The bot immediately turned to my direction, locking its line of sight with mine.

I felt my heart sink, my body remained stiff. What was I supposed to do? I hadn't turned Blitz on yet!

But then, from the way things looked, it didn't seem as violent as it was before.

[Blitz: Energy increasing…]

The vast amounts of the rotating sand began to slow down and right then, an incredible amount of light burst out from within the tech gear. All the sand was then blasted towards the horizon in all directions.

Since when did Blitz control natural conditions? 

No, how did it self-activate in the first place?

The force field dissipated and Blitz slowly hovered right before me.

[Blitz: In order to protect my host, I have undergone the necessary self-activation procedures]


[Blitz: Affirmative. Triggers arise from continuous danger risks placed upon my host]

I placed my light fist onto my chest. My heart raced and my lips had opened up a small gap into my mouth in response to my earlier lack of air.

Of course, I didn't notice any of it.

"So…", my eyelids lowered. "You self-activated because of my weakness."

[Blitz: Indeed. It is the human weakness that inspires our existence]

Both Blitz and I stood there, in the empty yet daunting silence of the scorching desert. It was incredible though; the entire area was being ravaged by a relentless sandstorm less than ten minutes ago. 

The clouds seemed frozen in the dull, almost pale sky and my skin began to itch as sweat formed all over my body.

"What am I going to do now?", I stared deep into the firmament, briefly taking a glimpse at the red sun. "I can't survive on my own."

Blitz suddenly beeped

[Blitz: Planet-wide surface scan detects three other biological lifeforms. The closest is approximately 4 km away. Shall I activate linear tracking?]

"Linear tracking? I thought this mission didn't have to involve working together, did it?", my fingers gripped the edges of my skirt. "Also, how come there are three other lifeforms on the surface? Was I included into the scan?"

[Blitz: Negative]

Huh? Then… who else was on this deserted planet except Shyza, Seksulfur and I?

[Blitz: Shall I activate linear tracking?]

The floating robot's eyes flashed a violent red. Was it growing impatient or something? I didn't remember it having such an attitude before.

I nodded, not quite sure as to whether I knew what I was doing.

Blitz stared straight ahead and then gently hovered a few centimetres away from me.

[Blitz: Closest target is locked. Location locked. Ready for descent]

"Descent?", my eyebrows furrowed for a moment.

The robot faced downwards and before I could open my mouth to question it, an intense beam of light shot from its eyes and into the sand right beneath my feet.

My legs began to shake as the ground seemed to somehow fall apart.

"Wait, why did you-"


The ground beneath me completely broke down and the next thing I noticed, a shocking sensation gripped my butt as I fell on an exceptionally hard floor.

"Ow ow ow", I rubbed my butt cheek and then slowly looked up at the light that came from the hole above. "An underground chamber?"

[Blitz: Operation success. We are currently 100m below the ground. Target is 20 centimetres away from us]

My tech gear looked in the direction right behind me.

Just then, the sound of breathing grabbed my attention. My body froze as a stream of thoughts flooded my mind.

Who was it!?

"Big Sis?"

I flinched once I heard the tiny voice, slowly turning around, "Shyza?"

The little girl stood there, the light from above partly illuminated the emotion in her eyes and her suit seemed to be covered in dirt.

Tears began to well up in her eyes, "Big Sis!"

She ran to me, hugging me tight as she silently sobbed.

Something didn't feel right.