Chapter Twelve: Tonight in Paris

We sat in the car as far from each other as we could get in complete silence. I knew he wouldn't be happy about what I said, even if it did help. To him I had over stepped the mark. It was supposed to be about him impressing them, but me, and I may have stolen his limelight, and I don't think my recovery saved it either.

We still refused to speak as we stood in the elevator on the way up the penthouse. In this moment I hated the fact that we were sharing the hotel room, I should've insisted on my own separate room, even if it was tiny and crap, it would be better than this.

Stepping into penthouse, Clarke started to undo his suit. He took his bow-tie off and threw it on the lounge and then his jacket too and undid his cuff-links and then took his shoes off, which I knew made him feel uncomfortable all night long. I watched him, still standing near the door and I knew I had to say something, otherwise we'd be stuck in this tortuous moment forever. As I opened my mouth to speak though, Clarke stopped me.

"Don't," he said immediately. "I can't-."

"Can't what?" I frowned, stepping down. "Can't hear what I have to say?"

"You humiliated me," Clarke muttered.

"Oh, please, you were doing that all by yourself," I rolled my eyes. Well, there goes his chance of getting an apology. "You had no idea what she was talking about. You were standing there with your mouth open til I piped up."

"I would've figured it out, Rory," he said, still through his teeth.

"You wouldn't have," I argued. "You haven't opened the files she was talking about."

"How do you know that?" he said looking up at me.

"Because it was one of the last things your father worked and you still refuse to look at any of that," I reminded him.

He paused, I saw him grit his teeth together. I had learned his father was a sensitive subject but it couldn't be ignored.

"You think it's easy for me, don't you?" he asked me, standing up straight. "You think I really didn't care, you think I don't care about his legacy. You think I don't care what my father left behind?"

"Sometimes I do," I told him strongly. "I was with him for a while and I never met you, once, because you never came around, you had nothing in the company and you only do now because he's gone. I want to protect his work."

"Is that why you spoke up then?" Clarke asked. "You want to carry on his work and you think I can't."

"Maybe," I admitted.

Clarke shook his head slowly. "I can't believe you sometimes. You still think I'm not trying."

"Well after last night, yes, the doubt it still there."

"Do you think I would've asked you here if I wasn't trying?" Clarke said, suddenly with more rage than before, also stepping closer to me. "Do you think I would've come if I wasn't trying? I admitted going out last night was stupid but I was nervous and stressed, I needed something. I care, I cared about my father, and I loved him. All I'm doing is trying and you try and shut me down."

"You think I did that to hurt you?" I was almost yelling too. "I give you crap because I know you can do this, you try but not enough."

"Oh, so you're hard on me because you care?!" Clarke was yelling at me now, standing very close to me.

"Yes! Okay, yes! I don't want you to fail. I did it because I care! I got angry about you going out last night because I care! I thought we at least didn't hate each other for the minute and I genuinely wanted to help you because I care."

There was a moment of silence, but it wasn't like the silence from before, it was silence of realisation for both of us. Clarke didn't function the way I thought. He did care, and he knew I cared, even if I still felt hatred for him, but truthfully I didn't. I titled my head to look into his eyes and I realised he was just staring at me, and the moment our eyes met he sprung at me.

Without a split second for me to realise what was going on his lips were suddenly on mine, strong and urgent. I wasn't sure how I was going to react at first, but I felt my whole body collapse into it. I felt tingles up my spine and I felt my head spin, as he broke away for brief moment of air and I felt a sound come from my throat like I didn't want to go away from me.

We kissed more, now desperately clinging to each other. It was fueled by passion and rage and wasn't exactly about romance but more about pent-up-anger, but there was real passion behind it. He put his hands to my waist, gripping tightly and he started to guide me as pushed me to walk. I barely realised though and I desperately clung to his lips. I wanted him so bad and I didn't even know why.

Before I realised it, we were in his bedroom. He pushed me again, this time though I hit the wall of the room. Now, was the first moment our lips parted and I moaned loudly. He didn't waste a second though and as he put his lips on my neck and his hands down the back of my dress. I felt him glide his way around, trying to figure out how to get this dress off, before he realised there was no zip. He then moved his hands up to push the straps of the dress off my shoulders, and the dress being silk immediately fell from my body and to the floor. I wanted his clothes off as badly as he wanted mine off and immediately reached for the buttons on his shirt, undoing them. When I had the last one undone, he moved his lips from my neck so he could stand up straight and help me pull his shirt off.

I was immediately attracted to his bare chest. I was right about how he looked with no shirt off, he had clear muscles, pecks and abs, and I felt my body tingle again just looking at him. I moved my lips to his body, over his neck and his chest, all whilst getting to the belt of his pants. He helped me again, getting his pants off quickly. Once they were off I stood back up straight to immediately to be met by his lips. I moaned against his lips and I felt him respond with his tongue. It was all so quickly I didn't have time to think about what I was really doing because all I knew was I wanted him.

Still up against the wall he moved his hands to my mine, slowly taking both of them and then pulled them over the top of my head, pinning them against the wall. I stretched my body out, arched me towards him, and I wanted to get as close to him as possible. I had never felt a sex drive as strong as this, it was like our bodies were connected like magnets. He used his body to grind against him. I felt his package, something I never expected to and felt my body tingle again. I wanted him badly.

I felt literal sparks with each touch. Heat as I glided my fingers along his body, I had never felt anything like it. He was being forceful with me, strong and forthcoming, but I could be the same. I curved my body so our bare stomachs touched. I kept my arms wrapped around his neck and t started guide him to turn him around so his back hit the wall. He seemed to react strongly to this, gripping tightly to my waist and pulling me up on him as we continued to kiss.

I however now broke away from his lips and moved them down his neck, then down his collar bone as I slowly started to trace my way down his stomach. I came to his boxers, the only item of clothing on him, and they may have been lose fitting, but I should see him hard beneath them. I curled my fingers around the top of them and I heard him breathe in sharply. I pulled them all the down until they were off, leaving him totally exposed.

I glide my fingers over member and I see his whole body react to my touch, so it's no surprise when he makes a very audible sound as I start to use my mouth. I go slowly at first, using my tongue to wrap around, and tease at the tip. His legs slightly buckle and he moves one of his hands to my hair, only slightly winding his fingers in it. I speed up as I feel him start to pulse more, I knew the sensation was driving him crazy and I knew he could cum soon if I kept going, so I stopped. The moment I pulled out I heard him groan as he now used his hand to bring me back up to his face. He probably wasn't happy that I teased his orgasms but he seemed to have a plan to change that.

He immediately started kissing me again, more passionate then before, but he didn't just do that. He also put his hands back on my waist and pushed me towards the bed. My legs buckled as I felt the bed and I went down on it and Clarke followed. We started to crawl and push our way back so we were both fully on the bed whilst making sure to never let our lips part somehow. Once here I realised I still have my heels on, which felt sexy before but now felt weird. I used my forcefulness around to make Clarke and roll over so now I was no on top and straddling him. I broke our lips apart to sit up and that way I could reach for my shoes. Clarke watched as I threw them on the floor. He then sat because what this moment allowed Clarke to do was to undo my strapless bar Marie had insisted I wear. Clarke immediately moved his mouth to my breasts, taking each one, and sucking and licking, it was tantalising.

I moaned and Clarke took hold of me and rolled me back over. I moved underneath him put parted my legs to get his body between mine. I felt him come down slowly as he moved to my lips again, something we couldn't get enough of. I moved my hands down his body, using my fingers to tease him slightly again and touching him softly as his reaction always made me feel good, maybe even a little powerful with him for once.

With only one item of clothing between us left being my underwear, Clarke moved his body down to get to them. He teased me with his fingers as he reached them, circling my entrance ever so slightly, and then he used his teeth to pull them off and then throwing them aside. He then kissed up my legs and up my thighs. Now he decided to tease me with his mouth the same way I had teased him with my mine. I felt his tongue circle around and go in, but he also brought up his hand and started circling my clit. A moan escaped my lips as I felt my body grow with warmth and I grabbed down at me him to pull him back up to me. He came up immediately, his lips back on mine.

From here on out, it got more and more intense which I didn't think was possible, but somehow it was. We didn't waste any more time and I didn't want to because I just wanted him. Our hips came together after he lined himself up and entered me slowly and while it started out as a slow rhythm, my next moan, spurred Clarke on. It became hard, fast and intense very quickly but in a good way. I felt my body built up in pressure and the tingles increase. I could never hold it inside though, I let out sounds and moans and even his name and also made sure to get to his lips. He wasn't quiet either. He groaned and even muttered my name a few times, and at the climax, he was louder than me.

The combination of the night had me exhausted. I had never done anything so intense before my body had never felt so relaxed, and after the long day and night I had had, I felt myself drift off the sleep immediately. The odd thing was now I wasn't sure if it had been real or a dream. It all felt so surreal and out of character for me, so how could it be real. A dream felt like something more plausible. So when I woke up the next more morning I felt completely confused. For a moment I couldn't remember it. I was in that small moment of bliss where I was still asleep but awake, where it could've been a dream or it could've been real and I honestly didn't know the difference. As I opened my eyes though, I started to realise the dream I thought I had dreamt was actually a reality.