Chapter Twenty-Seven: Plane Clothes

"I can't believe your luck lately," Ava said, as she stood at my door. "First, a free trip to Paris, and now a free trip to LA with Alicia Moore."

"And Clarke," I reminded her, as I packed my bag.

"Eh, yeah and him," Ava scoffed.

"I'm starting to get the impression you don't like Clarke very much," I glanced at her as I opened my draws looking for clothes.

Ava sighed. "It's not that I don't like him, I just don' him, I guess. I mean, how long are you two going to do this thing? It can't go on forever."

"I know that," I agreed with a nod, "and it won't, but right now things are good and I'm still stressed out about school, and he's still stressed about the company. So things are the way they are."

"So...when you finish college is that what you're saying?" Ava frowned slightly.

"Maybe, I don't know," I told Ava. Gosh maybe going to LA would give me time to stop hearing all this. "I thought you'd be telling me to go to LA."

"And I am," Ava promised. "I just want you to be careful. I don't want you to get hurt. You're not just...mucking around anymore. You guys are friends now, I can see it. I can see you care about him now, and what he's doing with that company... and I know, I know, he's trying but I'm just worried he'll let you down somehow."

"Ava, no one has their guard up more than me, I promise," I told her calmly. "So, are you going to just stand there or help me pack? Cause I literally have to leave in half an hour and I have no clue what I need."

Ava sighed. "What would you do without me?"

Ava helped me pack and with that I was ready on time. A car came around to pick me up to take me to the airport as I was meeting Clarke and Alicia there. When I got there they were waiting in the first class lounge as promised. Clarke looked tired, but sometimes he was just was tired, that came with the job. Alicia on the other hand looked extremely upbeat, although she seemed to always radiate happiness. Or maybe she was just happy not to be stuck with Clarke alone for the next four days.

The flight was just over five hours long and other than watching a movie there was not much to do. Clarke seemed to be on his phone the whole flight, probably setting up meetings for LA. The past weeks before we had left Clarke had been working around the clock to ensure people would know he was coming and he would know who to talk to and who would be most willing to do a deal. I made sure to go over to his place just to get him off that damn phone. As for Alicia she sat curled up on the chair, passed out, apparently she was just really good at sleeping on planes.

When we landed it was late, getting towards midnight so I was tired, but I was also kind of excited to see the city. I had always wanted to go to LA but just honestly never really tried to go. I needed sleep though and that was evident when I got in the back of the car and started to fall asleep on Clarke. I think Clarke thought it was funny though because he just let my head rest on his shoulder the whole drive to his place.

When we pulled up to his house, I woke up long enough to see where we were and Clarke was not kidding about how big the house was. We were up in the hills, overlooking LA, where most of the rich people lived. The house was long and white with many window covering the front, but also a security fence around the house. When we stepped inside I heard our footsteps echo as they hit the marble of the floor. The ceiling was huge, the walls were white and the rooms long. Each item places in the house looked expensive, but also like this place hadn't been touched since the nineties, and it probably hadn't been. The best part though was outside.

I walked through the beautiful black and white marble kitchen to the doors that led outside and once I was out there I just stood there for a minute. There was a huge pool the stretched along the back end of the house leading out to a cliff, and this cliff completely overlooked the city. I could see the skyline and the lights and it was gorgeous. I thought the penthouse in New York was impressive, this was another level.

"Do you like it?"

Clarke came up behind me, putting his arms around my waist and talking into my ear. It didn't feel sexual, more playful, so I smiled.

"Henry always talked about this place, and the view and that he loved having his family here, but I never pictured this is what it looked like," I admitted. "It's amazing."

I felt Clarke breathe but I could see him smiling in the corner of my eye. "I have great memories here with my Dad, some of the best actually. He still worked when he brought us here, but he really made an effort to make it feel like a vacation. I could never let this place go because of it."

It made me smile, to think of little Clarke running around this place. I wanted to carry on the conversation but found myself yawning.

I heard Clarke chuckle. "Come on, I'll show you where we're sleeping."

Clarke guided me around the pool and to a sliding glass door that over looked pool but was at the end of the house. As we stepped inside I realised the room was big, and contained a large modern bed that had my bag and Clarke's bag on it. There was small tables next to and with lamps on it and a bookshelf with a chair and one wardrobe. I could see another room just off it which I guessed was the bathroom, and another door just to right of it.

I frowned. "Did you say we? Like we're sharing a room?"

I turned around to look at Clarke who had turned on the lights and was now shutting the door and drawing the curtains.

"Yeah," he shrugged slightly. "The other rooms aren't as nice and big and Alicia has the only other nice one right now, and then I'd have to get the staff to set them up... and this room has the best view."

"The best view? I suppose if you count the pool as a view-."

Before I could continue to make my smart-ass comment Clarke had moved to the wall at the end of room and pressed a button. A small buzzing sound started and then the black blind slowly started to rise and revealed the view outside, the city.

I sighed. "You knew I'd like that."

"You have never said anything bad about a view before," Clarke shrugged. "If you want another room, I can sort it out for you. It's not like I expected, you know-."

"No, it's okay, I know," I said quickly. "I know that's not why you put me here. It does make it easier though."

Clarke laughed a little as he made his way back over to me in. The last couple of weeks we hadn't been together that often, and it mostly due to time. I tried to get more study done so I could actually take a break for a bit, and Clarke had been buried in his work to make sure everything was ready for this trip and it would be success. I had seen him, only once or twice though I definitely missed it.

So when Clarke advanced on me I didn't stop him at all. Clarke wrapped his arms around my waist and basically scooped me up. I wrapped my arms around his neck and made sure to connect with his lips. We had gotten so used to kissing that we were good at it not matter what and it always felt good. Clarke didn't stay on my lips for every long though and he moved his lips down my cheek and to down to my neck. I felt my body quiver a little, as the feeling of his lips went down my body. I was enjoying it and it definitely felt good but at the same time, I couldn't feel the tiredness and I yawned.

I felt Clarke laugh against my neck and move his lips back up to my mouth and kissed me once more, a little peck on the lips and smiled. He moved my hair from my face and kissed my forehead.

"Come on, you really need to get bed," Clarke informed me.

"No, I can stay awake," I groaned, as Clarke turned me to walk towards the bed.

"I know you can, doesn't mean you should," Clarke told me as he let go of me.

I let myself flop on the bed and stretch out as he moved the bags, allowing me to get into the bed.

"Are you not even going to change?" Clarke asked, watching me.

"Hmmm, no," I muttered, pushing my head into the pillow. "I can sleep in these. They're my plane clothes."

Clarke laughed. "Plane clothes... you're funny."

"Hilarious," I agreed.

I didn't know if Clarke spoke again because I felt myself completely drifting off. I was pretty sure he was still in the room, unpacking his bag or doing work. I felt completely comfortable right now and completely safe. For all those doubts I had about coming away, I felt them melting away right now. He had made an effort for me, made me feel good. I was pretty sure I felt him come to bed though. I was so far gone though it was hard to tell, but it felt like his lips had pressed against my forehead and then I scooted myself over into him arms. We hadn't cuddled since that night at my place because over the past couple of weeks I hadn't stayed the night, so our first night back together we were cuddling again.

I woke up to the sound of an alarm and some light slowly pouring into the room. I groaned and rolled myself over, but felt a body in my way. I opened my eyes a little to see Clarke leaning over to one of the tables on his phone. When I rolled voer I hit his body, but I realised one of his arms was still wrapped around me. We had slept in each other's arms then.

"No, you don't have to wake up," Clarke turned around to look at me when he felt me roll onto him.

"Then why do you have an alarm?" I groaned, rubbing my eyes.

"I tried to tell you last night but you fell asleep," Clarke told me. "I have a meeting this morning before the event tonight. So I have to go."

"Oh, right, the event is tonight," I nodded slightly, lying myself back. "Going to make connections beforehand?"

"Yep, that's the plan," Clarke nodded. "Also, do you have a dress for tonight, or is it going to be like Paris again?"

"I feel like you know the answer to that question," I muttered. "My clothes don't cost a lot."

I saw Clarke roll his eyes as he made his way around the room to get ready. "Well, Alicia will take you to get one today."

"Alicia?" I frowned, turning so I could see him getting changed.

I didn't always stare at Clarke's body and I felt like I should more often because he had a good body, and he should do too, I had to schedule the gym in a couple of times a week for him. He had abs, well kinda. They were small but they were forming, and his arms were tight and strong and his chest...oh god, I liked his pecks.

"Yes, is there a problem with that?" Clarke as he pulled his pants on.

"No, it's just weird, to think I'll be shopping with a super model," I muttered, shaking my head. "There will probably be paparazzi around."

Clarke pulled his shirt on and before buttoning it up walked over to me. "I know, and I'm sorry. I promised I'd keep you from all that but it's going to be completely impossible to completely keep you from it. There will be paps tonight and you may or may not end up in a photo, but you will be nothing more than my assistant in those photos. I promise, no scandal."

"Clarke, I know. When I said that, I literally only meant no scandalous photos like last time," I smiled slightly. "My God, you don't want my father on the phone if he saw a scandalous photo in the papers. He would flip."

Clarke chuckled a little. "I will keep that in mind. Anyway, go back to sleep, I'm going to go now. I'll see you later tonight."

"Hmm, okay, sounds good," I said immediately curling myself back up in the bed, I was ready to sleep for a lot longer.

Clarke smiled back at me as he lent down closer to me. "You are ridiculously adorable when you're tired, you know that?"

"No," I told him as I reached up and grabbed his chin, "and you look a little weird when you haven't shaved."

"Hey, I was thinking of growing a beard," Clarke protected himself.

"Hmm, no a beard won't look good on you, not yet, maybe when you're older," I told Clarke.

"Right, okay, I will remember that," Clarke promised as he lent down to kiss me slightly.

I held myself there and was surprised by his affection.

"Right, I actually have to go," Clarke said, pulling away from my grip, but I could see him slow and hesitant to do so. "Have fun shopping."

I fell asleep not long after Clarke left, and I found myself a little confused by his kiss. We were super close lately and I found it weird, expect I was happy right now, I was really happy now. I decided to ignore that weird feeling I felt and enjoy the happiness, because that was important I don't think I had been happy for a year and I was finally in a good place.

When I finally got up, Alicia was already waiting for me with Clarke's credit card in hand. We didn't take long before we went out because we didn't have a lot of time before the event and getting ready. We had a car drive us into the city, and I wasn't so sure what this shopping trip would be like.

"Just a word of warning, the paparazzi know I'm here, they'll be looking for me," Alicia warned me whilst we were still in the car and I was looking around out the window.

"Oh, I know, Clarke told me," I said to her. "Its fine, they won't care about who I am anyway."

"That might not be true, a pretty girl like you, someone will wonder," Alicia shrugged.

I rolled my eyes a little. "So are you buying a dress too?"

"No, already got one from a designer," Alicia told me. "See, they pay me a lot of money to wear something of theirs to an event so when I get asked who I'm wearing, I saw their name. I haven't had to pick my own dress out in years...and I miss it. I'm honestly excited to pick out yours."

"Oh," I mouthed. "The modelling life isn't all great then?"

"Oh, hell no," Alicia said quickly. "Do not get me wrong, I love it, because I love fashion and I love showing it off, but it is not for everyone. It could eat you up and spit you back out. It's hard, but it's what I love."

"I get it," I nodded slowly.

"Oh, this store is good. Let's try here first. Driver, pull up here, please."

Alicia brought me into a store that was definitely one I would never walk into myself due to the price but everything looked so pretty. As we had gotten out of the car though and made our way into the store I noticed something.

"That guy wasn't just looking for something in his bag, was he?" I asked Alicia once inside.

"Nah, definitely paparazzi," Alicia nodded. "Don't know why he was bothering to be so secretive about it though, not like I'm up to anything shady. Just remember there will probably be a bunch when we leave, because he'll tip the rest off, so be ready. Oh, that dress would look nice on you. I'm sure Clarke would like it."

I frowned as Alicia started to get some dresses for me to try on. I couldn't wrap my head around this girl, how she could actually be so nice.

"I don't understand," I said to her as I stood near the dressing room. "How you can be so cool about this whole me and Clarke thing?"

"What is there not to be cool about?" Alicia shrugged. "You think I could judge you for something like that? I understand, don't worry. Seriously, you don't think I've just had a guy I could see without any strings attached? In my profession sometimes that's easier. To be honest, it's only human really."

"Human, right," I muttered. "I just...thought all of us here together, would be weird."

"I thought so at first too honestly, but then I decided it would only be weird if we made it weird," Alicia shrugged. "Clarke...he seems different lately. When Henry passed I was worried about him, because even though he hasn't always been the most emotional person he just shut down, wouldn't talk. I knew he wasn't in a position to run any type of company but he wouldn't listen to anyone. Then...after Paris I noticed a change in him, and I thought it was because he got a deal there but it was more than just being happy with work. There was real happiness in him and I didn't know why. Then he told me about you, and I started to understand. He's been judged his whole life, and people just give up on him, and you didn't, and you're helping him when he needed it the most. Maybe it's not the most conventional way to help someone, but it works. Clarke will always be my friend, and I'm just happy with whatever makes him happy."

I couldn't help but smile. There was something about approval from friend that felt even better, and something about her honesty that I felt. I mean, I knew Clarke was struggling when Henry passed, even he couldn't hide that, and to know that I was helping him feel better felt good.

"He helped me too," I said to Alicia. "Before...all this I think I was just...stuck on autopilot. Just doing what I thought I needed to and nothing else, no risks, no fun...nothing. It didn't feel weird at the time, but I'm twenty-two, autopilot is no way to live."

Alicia smiled at me. "People have this perception of Clarke because of the tabloids, but he's actually a really nice guy."

"Yeah, I think I've realised that now," I nodded.

"Okay, enough talk, you need to try these on now, before we somehow end up being late for tonight."

I nodded Alicia quickly, jumping into the changing room, feeling oddly at peace at that moment.