Chapter Thirty-Four: The Real World Comes First

Clarke and I started to get ready for the day once we finally managed to enter the real world once again. We showered, we ended up showering together, but there was nothing sexual about it, just us being touchy and lovey, and happy to see each other again and be able to be so close. It was weird, knowing there was something real there between us. Maybe there always had been. I mean, not in the beginning though, that was all raw and just sex, but once we started to get to know each other, maybe something had started to form because we knew each other better and realised we had more in common than we both thought.

I could already tell things were different than they were with Isaac. There was love there, with both, but this was different. Isaac demanded a lot, he liked to demand I do certain things, like be careful what I say in front of his friends or not dress to sexy for a party. Clarke didn't want me to change or be something I wasn't, he liked me for me...he even needed the person I was.

I scrapped together some breakfast, nothing fancy, just toast, cereal and juice, basically all there was in the kitchen. Clarke was already on his phone as he sat at the dining table. He was preparing for the press conference, it had now been announced so Clarke couldn't back out. He had to go to the office first, get the statement that had been prepared. I could tell he was nervous but I could also tell he was determined to get through this. He had to do it for the company.

"I hope it's not too much to ask if you come with me today," Clarke said as he finally put his phone down.

"I...I wasn't sure you wanted me there," I said slowly. He hadn't mentioned me coming earlier so I figured maybe he didn't.

"I need you there," Clarke said honestly. "I'm not sure I can do this as it is. There's no way I can do this without you."

"I will be there whenever you need me," I promised, standing up to walk over to him.

"I appreciate it, I really do," Clarke said as I got close to him putting my hand on his shoulder. "Wait, shit, what about college, it's Tuesday?"

"Don't worry about it, I can miss a class here and there. Our exams are done anyway, it just classes wrapping it all. I literally finish in like two weeks," I told him.

"Right," Clarke nodded, "and you hear back from law schools soon?"

"Should be this week," I nodded, "but it doesn't matter right now, Clarke."

Suddenly Clarke moved his chair back and moved to grab me around the waist and pull me onto his lap. I was surprised by the sudden movement but liked the affection at the same time. I wrapped my arms around his neck to hold myself onto him.

"You, see, Rory, it's important to me. You're future and you're happiness is important to me," Clarke told me. "This, what is happened right now, it's important. I realised something though. As sad as it is my father died a year ago, I've grieved and for a moment I felt like I was grieving it all over again. Then I realised it doesn't change that, just the circumstances. I can't let it pull me into the black hole I went into when he passed away, because I'm useless like that, and I stop living. I want nothing more than to find who did this, but life has to continue while we work it out."

"I...I know what you mean about the grieving thing," I nodded. "For a second, it felt like he passed away all over again. So I get what you're trying to say, and I love that you care about my future, but right now, whilst I'm still waiting to hear back, it doesn't matter. Next week it can."

"Okay," Clarke nodded slowly. "So I do this press conference for now. Do you need something to wear? We can drop by your place first?"

"I will...but do we have time for that? We haven't exactly been moving at a decent pace this morning," I pointed out, knowing it was getting towards ten. "Is Parker coming? I'm sure he's with Ava. Tell her to come and she can just bring something for me to wear. She'll know what to grab. We need to get you to the office. You've only just like two hours to prepare."

Clarke sighed, brushing his hand over my cheek. "I hate how often you are right."

I shrugged with a small smile. "It's part of my charm."

He merely kissed me in response.

The car came literally ten minutes after we ended the conversation. It wasn't Trevor today, and I was slightly glad it wasn't because I didn't know what to say. Trevor would ask how it went and what would I say? I didn't know what Clarke and I were yet, even if we were anything. I mean, we had to be something, but what?

The office was crazy once we got there, kind of crazy, like the day I left. It was a different type of crazy though like everyone didn't know what to do. Clarke held my hand as went to his office, and it was weird holding hands but comforting. As we got near his office I saw Karen sitting at the front desk. Oh no, what was I going to tell Karen?

"I've got to meet Malcom in the conference room," Clarke explained. "Wait here, and I'll back soon. Parker and Ava are on their way. They'll probably get to you before me. Ava is bringing you something to wear."

"Okay," I nodded calmly. "I'll be fine, just stay focused on what you've got to do."

"I'll be fine also," Clarke promised, cuffing my face. "I'll see you soon."

I smiled and nodded and he made sure to kiss me before he walked away.

I stood there for a moment once Clarke had walked away knowing that Karen had definitely seen us kiss. I turned around to look at her and she was standing there smiling at me.

"I can explain," I told Karen walking over to her.

"Oh, you don't need to," Karen promised with a smile. "If you think that I didn't know something had been going on for a while then you don't realise how observant I am. I am a great secretary."

I laughed slightly. "Yeah, I was stupid to think I could hide anything from you. I'm... just worried how it could look."

"Because of your job?" Karen guessed. "I wouldn't worry. I don't think anyone in this office would care. Especially since you don't work here anymore."

"Yeah I forgot about that one," I nodded slowly. "I didn't quit because of that though. We were having a kind of fight, and now we're not, I still don't think I should come back."

Karen nodded at me. "I understand, and that's okay. I can still find your replacement, even if Clarke is reluctant to. He's literally turned down every option I've given him. I'm pretty sure he's convinced himself nothing lives up to you."

I rolled my eyes slightly, it sounded like Clarke.

I sat in the spare chair of my old office space, and it felt kind of weird to think I really was never going to be here again, that this wasn't mine anymore, but it also felt kind of right, especially considering how things were changing with Clarke and I.

"Oh, there you are, Rory."

Karen and I had been talking about what I missed from working here when a voice turned out attention away. I moved and saw Ava and Parker walking into the office. Ava walked up to me and then hugged me quickly.

"God, what is this hug for?" I frowned, realising how tight she hugged me.

"You didn't come home last night and I wasn't sure what happened. Then Clarke rang and asked for clothes you could wear," Ava told me. "I just...didn't know what to think."

"Well, you can think only good things, okay?" I promised Ava. "I will explain it all later. I need to get changed, there's only like half an hour before this conference."

"Wait, good things?" Ava asked, grabbing my wrist before I could walk away. " made up?"

"Oh, they more than made up," Karen injected.

"Karen," I snapped slightly.

She laughed and Ava smiled. "You are telling me everything later."

I got changed in Clarke's office with all the blinds shut, obviously. It was weird to be in his office again, especially alone, I had never been in here alone. I moved around to his desk, running my hand across it and then sat myself down in his chair. If things continued we together right? Boyfriend and girlfriend? It was the normal response now, but what did that mean? I wanted to go to Yale, and that meant moving away from New York, and moving away from Clarke. He couldn't move. It would have to be long distant, and I would be dating a high profile person. It wouldn't be like dating anyone else, but I wanted Clarke...I wanted him no matter how hard it was.

"Sitting in the bosses chair whilst he isn't looking?"

I spun around in the chair to see Clarke had entered his office. He was dressed up too now, in a nice suit, straight and clean and I was pretty sure someone had done his hair. He was smiling at me and I couldn't help but smile back. I couldn't walk away from Clarke, even if it got complicated.

"You're not my boss anymore," I reminded him, as he slowly walked towards me.

"No, I suppose that's true," Clarke nodded, as he got close to me. "Is it going to stay that way?"

"I think so," I told him. "I couldn't stay here much longer anyway. Besides, it was much easier just sleeping with my boss, dating him, I'm not so sure."

"Did you just use the words, dating me?"

Clarke lent over the chair to get himself closer to me. He put his head near mine and I lifted up my hands to hold his head.

"Well I hope so," I admitted. "I know it's super complicated, especially since you just broke up with Alicia. I don't want the public to know straight away anyway because we have a lot to work out because it's different now..."

Clarke started to laugh at me a little.

"What?" I frowned.

"Nothing, I just like that you're thinking all these things," Clarke told me. "I want to date you, I want that too... in fact I may have already mentioned it to the PR team and that they'll have to prepare for it."

"You did?" I asked surprised.

"Yeah. Alicia is down here too, and she thought it was a good idea. Actually she was rather thrilled when I told her," Clarke explained.

"Alicia is here?"

"She wanted to make sure I was okay, because she thought I was alone. So I told her I wasn't," Clarke shrugged.

I bit my lip slightly. "It's been a day, this is already getting serious. We're telling people."

Clarke smiled, nuzzling his head closer to mine. "Is that okay?"

"Yes," I whispered back. "If it means I get to be with you, then yes."

"It means I get to be with you."

Clarke didn't hesitate to kiss me then and I tightened my arms around him. This, telling him my feelings was happening so much easier than I thought it would. I guess it helped that he had returned them just as strongly. We only kissed for a moment or too. It was strange just kissing him for the sake of kissing him, and not just for the purpose of sex. It was already starting to feel like a relationship.

The press conference was being held in the building just on a different level. I stayed with Clarke as we made our way down with Ava and Parker who were going to hang out in the back. We made our way into this room full of people running around, people I think I recognised from the PR team, and it didn't take a second for Clarke to be pulled aside by one them.

"Rory! I'm so happy to see you."

I was suddenly pulled into a huge hug by a very tall skinny girl. It didn't take me long to realise who it was and I was very happy to see her.

"Alicia, hey," I smiled as we stopped hugging. "I'm surprised you're here."

"I thought it was a good idea because I wasn't sure who was here and he shouldn't be alone. Plus even if we have 'broken up' it looks better if I'm here. He is still my friend after all. The media should see that so they don't write some bullshit story," Alicia shrugged.

I nodded, realising how much it made sense and I was glad Clarke had Alicia has a friend.

"Thank you for being here. He needs you here," I told her.

Alicia shook her head slightly. "Apparently he would've been fine though. He told me about you two. I mean, I kind of knew it after LA. The way he was with you there and he talked about you, I knew he must've felt something. He's an idiot though, doesn't know how to tell people so I wasn't sure he'd ever grow the balls to tell you. I'm glad he did though. Also means we can stay friends."

"You want to be friends, with me?" I frowned.

"Course," Alicia shrugged like it was obvious. "Any girl that can make my friend this happy, is mine too."

"Friends with a super model. What is my life becoming?" I joked slightly.

"Celebrity as a boyfriend?" Alicia also pointed out.

"Possibly, wow," I nodded at her.

I stuck with Alicia as everyone around us continued to work. I knew it was getting close to when Clarke had to talk because Malcom was out in the room with reporters addressing them first. We were told we would go out and literally just stand near Clarke as he spoke, the more support the better, even if no one knew who I was, Clarke knew I was there.

"Okay, I'm nervous," Clarke said making his way over to us.

"Yeah, you aren't the best at speeches," Alicia agreed, with a small smile.

"Thanks, that really helps," Clarke rolled his eyes.

"I'm kidding, obviously," Alicia shrugged. "I was just trying to lighten the mood. I'll...I'll just give you guys a minute maybe."

"Thanks," Clarke sighed

Alicia walked herself away to leave Clarke and me alone and I saw him sigh once more but his whole body still stayed tense. He really was nervous.

"It's okay," I said quickly, grabbing Clarke's hand. "You can do this."

"I just...I have to convince everyone out there the company isn't in danger because of this. I can keep our stock stable if I play this right," Clarke told me, "but it'll be hard. Especially when I mention the deal isn't happening."

"Wait, you're going to announce that now?" I asked surprised.

"Well, yeah. When I didn't do the paperwork it didn't go through, and that'll be public knowledge soon. It might help. Make me look independent, and strong, which I need to be right now," Clarke explained.

"Good thing you are those things," I told him with a smile.

"Yeah, well nearly. Not so sure about the independent stuff, I'm pretty sure I still need you," Clarke smiled back slightly.

I smiled slightly, I couldn't help it. I liked that he was okay being venerable around me now. There was a time when he would've never said anything like that to me. He would want to appear tough and strong for me, but now I think he knew he had be honest if he wanted anything to work for us.

"I'm proud of you, you know?" I said to Clarke, looking into his eyes. "This can't be easy and I know what you just want to run away, and you could, but you're not. You're facing this and being the face of it. They can't kick you out of the company if you're the face."

"I appreciate you saying this, Rory. Truth is I'm ready to face up to whatever happens," Clarke told me, squeezing me hands. "They can never fully kick me out, but maybe they should? Maybe I wasn't ready. Maybe I should let Malcom be in charge for a while and I just observe. I've got so much to learn still."

I nodded slightly. I could understand after what he'd been through. "Maybe just split it up, rather than stop. Definitely wait until this is over."

"I just want to blink and I want this press conference to be over," Clarke sighed.

"It will."

The moment we finished talking someone came and told Clarke it was time. Alicia grabbed onto me so we could stand out there together. Clarke was ahead of us, in between two guys I think were on the board, and I saw Clarke glance at me one last time before he stood up at the podium. There were at least thirty reporters in the room, and there were camera's flashing everywhere. I stood up against the wall, like it might hide myself from the cameras, but I knew I'd be in the background, and I couldn't avoid it.

A guy came up to the podium and told the room to hush as they tried to ask questions. He said Clarke wouldn't be taking questions at this time and he would just make a statement. I felt nervous listening to the statement that had been written for him about his father. It seemed very straight forward though, just that the police would conduct their investigation and the company would run like normal. That wasn't the part that had the room in uproar. Once Clarke announcement the merger wasn't happening everything went crazy. I knew Clarke hadn't changed his mind for me, well just for me anyway, but I knew then he would do anything to fix everything that had happened.