Chapter Thirty-Seven: Alert the Media!

A few weeks of everything being completely normal went by, and it was weirdly insane. Like my life for at least three weeks was completely normal and it for it to be normal felt weird, which didn't make sense, because it should just feel normal, but I was so used to it being crazy, that it just didn't. I kept expecting something to happen that would ruin the peace, but so far it hadn't happened.

Clarke and I had been able to progress our relationship, and it was going well. I mean, we still couldn't be seen in public but so far we had found a way around that. Like the one time I went over to Clarke's place to find he had a set up a complete romantic dinner for us, which was amazing and was like one of those typical dates we both wanted...expect Clarke didn't exactly drop me home after.

On top of that, college was finally over. Four long years of classes, just to get into law school, had finally ended. Graduation was a great day too. I got to celebrate with everyone and Kieran was more joyful then me, getting quite drunk too. It was a completely normal day, a completely normal experience too. With that over though, it meant law school was approaching and Clarke and I hadn't mentioned it much lately but Clarke had mentioned apartment hunting once or twice. I realised we'd almost be living together, well only weekends but it was a big step, but it felt right.

Our relationship felt like it was moving forward and fast, and I had no control either. I wanted to take it slow, I really did, but it just wasn't happening. Since we had opened up and accepted our feelings for each other they had been taking over. I suppose we were together for months beforehand so that probably helped.

I suppose there was a little weirdness in the fact that now I had no classes and I didn't have a job at the moment, so I had nowhere to be. Expect maybe spending time with Clarke before I couldn't spend much with him. It was kind of horrible, I had turned into one of those girlfriends that liked being with her boyfriend too much. So I agreed to spend the day with Ava instead.

"I agreed to hang with you, but not go shopping," I groaned as Ava dragged me around shops in New York.

"Oh come on. Getting a new wardrobe for law school is a great idea," Ava insisted as she rang her hand through a rack of clothes.

"I don't need a new one, we've been through this," I groaned. "I like my clothes."

"Yes, but you also have rich boyfriend's credit card now," Ava shrugged.

"No, I don't. You know I won't use Clarke's money for my personal gain," I told her.

Ava sighed. "Yeah, I know. Fine, if we go to the one shop where you buy all your clothes, can you buy one thing?"

"If we go to the one I like, then sure," I shrugged sweetly.

"Fine, let's go."

Ava and I started to make our way out the door of the store we were in, when something completely strange happened. As we stepped outside there was suddenly a bunch of flashing lights and clicking. It took me a moment to realise what is actually was, but apparently Ava realised and dragged me back into the store, going between the racks to hide us.

"Was that what I think it was?" I asked Ava as we moved through the store in case we were being followed.

"A bunch of paparazzi trying to get your photo?" Ava asked slightly sarcastically. "I'm pretty sure yeah."

"What? How? Why?" I stuttered out.

"I don't know," Ava said checking behind us, but then turning back. "Might have something to do with your phone ringing."

Just before she said it, my phone had indeed started ringing. I scrambled through my bag to find my phone, and saw it was Clarke. Perfect timing.

"Okay, what is going on?" I asked Clarke as I answered the phone.

"Oh God, they're already gotten to you, haven't they?" Clarke sounded worried.

"If by them, you mean the paparazzi then yes," I hissed down the phone. "How did this happen?"

"I don't know, Rory. Somehow there's a photo of us together, nothing serious, just us holding hands, but they did their research and they know you worked for me, so made this whole idea up," Clarke scrambled to explain. "I mean obviously it's not all true, not even close, but it's enough..."

"For them to believe we're together," I finished for him. "I get it, great. Okay, what do I do? I'm trapped in a store in the middle of the city right now."

"Text me where you are, get out the back door and I will have someone come get you and bring you to the office," Clarke promised.

"I'm supposed to just walk out the fire exit?" I asked like it was stupid.

"Tell the staff why, they'll help you. It's New York."

Sure enough Clarke was right, and telling the staff why was enough for someone to help up us out the back, and there was the car waiting for us as promised. Once Ava and I had scrambled into the car I pulled out my phone to find the article Clarke was talking about.

"Oh God, he wasn't kidding, look at this," I said, handing it to Ava. "We were so careful not be seen together. That's just us leaving the police station the other day."

"You're holding hands, I guess it's enough," Ava sighed. "Oh, I like this. 'Who is the mystery girl Clarke Watson is suddenly dating? Well look no further than his staff as it appears she has history with them.' This person went all out from one photo."

"I know the tabloids are crazy but this is stupid. I could easily be a friend holding his hand," I pointed out.

"Maybe but they'll spin it how they want. They want a scandal of Clarke being in a relationship, they'll do it," Ava shrugged. "I'm sure Clarke's PR team can damage control this, make it go away."

"Might not be a good idea though, because later when they find out we're actually together, it will look terrible," I told her.

"Ah, didn't think of that," Ava muttered.

We arrived at the office and went through the car park section to make sure we weren't spotted. Stepping into the office this time had a really weird feeling. Everyone was still nice to me, and said hello, like I was the girl who worked here, but it was clear they had also read the article too. I could feel them judging me.

I walked to Clarke's office and expected to just be confronted by Karen, but instead I was extremely confused. Karen wasn't sitting at the desk at all. Instead there was girl, young, but maybe older than me, with blonde hair and she was very petite. I also realised Clarke was waiting there as well.

"Oh good, you're here," Clarke breathed out, walking over to me and hugging me quickly. "Did the paparazzi see you?"

"After the store, no. What is happening?" I asked him, but I was also still looking at the girl. Was she my replacement?

"Looks like they got sick of writing about my father. I guess they're going to make up what they want," Clarke shrugged. "I'm sorry."

"Sorry? We knew this would happen," I reminded him.

"Yes, but I was supposed to announce it. Tell our truth, not something someone made up," Clarke sighed.

"Well, the best defence is doing that, yeah?" Ava asked from behind us.

"The PR thinks so at least," Clarke said, straightening up. "I'm not sure there's any other choice really. If we lie and say we aren't together and then we are, they'll spin that a lot worse. If do nothing they'll continue to lay siege on us. We tell the truth then at least it's out there. Alicia's already offered to help to soften the backlash."

"We'll that's something I suppose," I shrugged with a sigh.

"Why don't we go talk in my office?" Clarke suggested.

"Yeah, I need to sit down," I told him.

"I think I'm going to go wait in reception. Give you two a minute. I think you need it," Ava said, pointing back to where we came.

I gave her a small smile and then followed Clarke into his office. I sighed and sat down in one of the chairs in front of his desk and he just lent on the desk in front of me.

"Well..." Clarke breathed out.

"Who's the girl?" I asked him.

"What?" he frowned.

"The girl, sitting at the desk," I said like it was obvious.

"Oh, Lucy? She's on trial for the job," Clarke shrugged it off, but then noticed my discomfort to it. "Oh come on, you've been gone for over a month, Rory. Karen can't do five days a week forever. She helped me pick her out. We've been trailing her to make sure though. Are you jealous?"

"Jealous? Why would I be jealous?" I asked quickly.

"Because she has your job," Clarke shrugged. "And you past."

I bit my lip slightly. "I do. Well, unless you're telling me I shouldn't trust you."

"Not at all. I really need to re-hire soon, Karen and I were struggling. You have nothing to worry about," Clarke confirmed.

"No, I just have to worry that the paparazzi are onto us," I sighed.

I lent back in the chair, and Clarke lent forward. I didn't know what he was going to do at first but then to my surprise he put his lips to mine. Considering I wasn't expecting it I kissed him back pretty quickly.

"Maybe we have less to worry then we thought?" Clarke suggested, barely moving away from me. "I don't know about you but these past weeks have been great. I don't plan on ending this anytime soon. Maybe this was a blessing in disguise. We don't have to decide when we let everyone know, we just tell the truth now."

"Aren't you worried about what the truth might do to your reputation though?" I asked him. "I mean, obviously not the whole truth, but they'll know we worked together."

"You don't anymore, so we should be able to work around that," Clarke shrugged. "They might try to spin it but my PR time are good, it should be fine."

I huffed slightly. "I don't want to ruin anything for you."

Clarke sighed and kissed my forehead. "Listen to me now, you couldn't ruin anything for me. You're my girlfriend, and I want people to know that, okay?"

I felt myself just nod at him and I looked into his eyes. I felt extremely attracted to Clarke when he spoke to me like that. When he supported me, liked me for me, and wasn't ashamed of me. I put my hands to his cheeks and started to kiss him.

At first it was only supposed to be a small kiss, but the moment our lips met I felt the passion there. Maybe it was the fact that we didn't have to hide anything anymore, and now our relationship was truly official, I felt like that was another step for us.

We kept kissing, as it seemed neither of us wanted to stop. I felt Clarke's move his hand towards my neck. I felt him start to guide me so I could stand up and he didn't have to lean forward anymore. Slowly I stood up and had to go on my toes a little to keep near Clarke. He seemed to notice straight away and he moved me around I was now leaning on the desk, but in a one swift movement, he had picked me up on put me on the desk too.

I knew that last time I was here, in his office in this situation, I told him off for getting to hands-on, but this time we weren't trying to hide our relationship. In fact, I kind of really like the idea of it now. My boyfriend was a big boss, and we were getting intimate his office.

I had no idea how far we'd go. I mean, we had started to move our hands up and down each other, and our kissing had become more intense, our tongues dancing together a lot. It easily could've gotten pretty intense and I honestly don't know if I would've stopped him, but I would never find out as Clarke's phone started to ring.

We broke apart and Clarke sighed heavily as he looked straight at me. I could see him contemplating not answering the phone.

"Sorry, it's probably important, almost everyone knows I'm at the office now, so if they're calling my cell then it's probably important," Clarke said eventually.

"It's fine, answer it," I told him. "We can pick this up later, but your phone is ringing right now."

Clarke gave me a weak smile and quickly kissed my forehead before answering his phone and then pacing around the room. I couldn't tell who he was talking to but I realised pretty quickly the conversation was intense. I saw him frown deeply, I didn't want to eavesdrop but I also knew he'd probably just tell me, he told me everything.

"Wow, that was the detective," Clarke immediately said when he hung up. "They...caught the fake doctor."

"The doctor? They arrested him, here?" I asked surprised, jumping off his desk.

Clarke shook his head. "No, the FBI found him, got him locked up somewhere else now, but the detective said the DA is going down there to see if he can get a plea deal and get the guy to confess who hired him. The doctor isn't the killer after all, only helped hide it."

"Someone had to poison him," I nodded. "Well, this is great, isn't it?"

"No, it's great, it is," Clarke still said kind of emotionless walking to one of the lounge chairs off the side of the room and sitting down.

"Then what's wrong?" I frowned, walking up to him. "Because you don't seem very happy about it."

I reached Clarke and knelt down in front as he sighed heavily. I could see something about it was bothering him. I reached up and grabbed his hands and he tightened his grip on mine.

"I just...I almost didn't think this would happen. I was content with my father not getting justice. I know that sounds stupid," Clarke shook his head. "I didn't want it to get in the way of what was happening in my life with work and with you, I just...moved on. Now, they could really get everyone involved."

"That's okay, Clarke," I assured him. "It's not stupid at all, I get it. Without sounding...horrible, Henry left us a year ago. You've made what peace you could with it and this doesn't change that, just..."

"Complicates it?" Clarke suggests.

"Slightly," I agreed. "You don't have to be overjoyed or anything."

"I am...glad. I'm glad they've caught this guy. He could do this to someone else, and now he can't," Clarke shrugged. "Now, there's the next part...who helped him."

"You don't really think it could be someone here, do you?" I frowned.

"I don't know," Clarke sighed. "I've quickly realised other than you I'm not sure I can trust anyone here."

"What about Malcom? He's helped you a lot," I pointed out.

"Yeah, but he also has to. He's put a lot of money into this company and time. He'd lose a lot if I failed," Clarke told me. "Eh, I hate this. I hate doubting the people I work with."

"I know, it's okay," I assured him.

Clarke tightened his grip on my hands again and gave me a small smile. I knew once upon a time Clarke would've never opened up to me like this. It just showed how far we had come. I could never have imagined this is how I would feel about Clarke, and now I couldn't imagine it any other way.

"Shit, there's no way I can deal with the PR tonight," Clarke said, realising my hands but helping me stand up first as he then stood up. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be," I told him. "Its fine, it's too much for today. I get it."

"Eh, I want to tell the world about you, I do," Clarke assured me, pacing around again. "I just want a clear head when I do."

"It's okay, Clarke. You don't have to explain anything to me," I said again. "It can wait until tomorrow."

"Tomorrow, that's a good idea," Clarke agreed. "I'm going to go down there quickly, get them to release a statement for now, to keep the press at bay. Then we can go...well we can go to mine if you want?"

"I definitely feel like your place is more equip for dealing with keeping away the press," I breathed out, "and I want to be with you tonight."

"Good, me too," Clarke smiled as he came over to me and then kissed me quickly. "I'll be right back, okay?"

I knew being with Clarke wouldn't be so simple. I mean, we had already been found out by the press and it hadn't even been that long. The thought of this life had bothered me at first, the thought of this life, but when I thought that I didn't know what it would feel like truly being with Clarke. I mean, I knew what it was like to just be with him. He was a good lover, I knew that from the beginning, but just sex really wasn't as good as it got with him. Really being together was something else. I thought I knew what it was like being in a relationship, it wasn't like this was my first, but this was different.

I had never felt so comfortable before, like it didn't matter how I looked at every moment, or what my opinion might be the wrong, he just supported me and I supported him. I wanted to too, I didn't care what it was, and I wanted to be there for him through it all. I had never fallen this hard for someone and so quickly.

I wasn't sure if I was in love with him, but the only reason I wasn't sure was because I had never felt this way so quickly. It scared me a little especially since I knew we'd have to be apart soon. I didn't want to say it. I didn't want to admit I had been scared if things didn't work out. I knew my heart, and with all my heart...I was in love with Clarke Watson.