Chapter 7

When they arrived in his room, Gian make sure that his door is locked. He doesn't want anyone to disturb him while having a serious conversation. And then, Gian gently put the mysterious pen on his bed.

"Cool! Your bed is like a fluffy cloud! Being rich is really good, huh. Even your bed sheets are so soft!"

Even if Russel has no physical human body, he can still feel the softness of Gian's bed. The cottony feeling that wraps the smooth surface of his tube-like body is so comfortable. If he will stay on this soft material everyday, Russel will be assured that he will not get any marks or dents on his tube-like body.

"Forget my bed sheet. Speak. Why do you know me?" Gian cut the chase and asked Russel the most important question.

"Well... Will you believe me if I tell you that a goddess send me to guide and give you some useful advises?"

"What?" Gian asked. It's obvious that he became confused when he heard this question. "Be specific! Explain it to me in full details."

Leaving his no choice, Russel tells Gian his conversation with Femora. Russel even put some details that he made up just now to make his stories interesting. Russel didn't tell the truth to Gian that he died and was reincarnated as a pen with the help of Femora.

What Russel told Gian was he was originally a powerful guardian who was acquainted with the goddess named Femora. But because he committed a sin in order to save his fellow guardian, he took the punishment that was meant for his friend. As a punishment, the goddess turned him into a mysterious pen and ordered him to help Gian accomplished his mission.

"And so here I am! You found me because we're destined to be friends!"

Gian become silent for a while. He's pondering about the story that Russel told him. The nobles also have a church to give their prayers and ask for blessings from the gods and goddesses. But this is the first time Gian heard a goddess named Femora.

"If what you've said is true, then what will happen in case you finished your task?" Gian inquired.

"Then I'll become a powerful guardian once again. Heh. You'll be surprised if you know how powerful I am."

Gian shut his mouth again. To be honest, Russel feels a little guilty for lying at Gian. This guy is obviously asking for the truth, but what Russel gave was a story he created just now. He even speaks with full of pride while conveying the story to Gian.

But Russel will never let Gian to know the truth where he was originally died in a car accident and was forced to be a pen just because Femora wanted it. His pride will never let him to be pitied by others. It would be better if Gian will see him as an extraordinary creature just like how he described himself in his story.

"You're telling me the truth, right?" Gian asked. It's obvious that he's still suspicious of him.

"Nah. Believe me or not, we can't change the fact that we're now together in this situation." Russel said. "Your turn. Why did Femora want me to help you?"


"Gian, can we talk for a bit?"

Gian glares at the door where someone is currently knocking on it. It is no other than his brother, Viel. He looks at the pen lying on his bed before standing up to open the door.

"What do you need?" Gian asked the moment he opens the door. "Be quick. I have to finish the book I'm reading today."

"So fierce." Viel said as he hugs himself and shivers a little. "Kids these days doesn't know how to respect their elder siblings."

"You don't look like you need my respect." Gian said. Before Viel can refute him, he continued. "So what do you need from me? If you'll just tease me, then I'll close this door in instant."

"Relax. I'm serious this time. Really serious."


Gian doesn't believe him, but he chooses to give him a benefit of the doubt.

"...Fine. What is it?"

"Father asked me to tell you that you can't attend the academy this year."

When Gian heard it, he can't help but to furrowed his eyebrows.


"He had a conversation with your doctor earlier. The doctor said that you're not healthy enough to attend the academy. The weather this year will be colder and your body may not handle it if you'll be exposed in an open area. Remember when you got sick because your body can't handle the hot weather last year?"

When Viel reminded him about it, that's when he remembered that his body is really weak and fragile. After returning back in time, Gian always forget this important detail. He can only remember it when his family and their servants reminded him to always take good care of his health.

"I also bring the additional medicine that the doctor prescribed for you." Viel said as he shows a bottle full of white pills in front of Gian's face. "Drink one pill after eating your meals everyday."

"I'll talk with father."

"Not possible." Viel said as he crosses his arms on his chest and lean his back on the door frame. "Father just left the mansion to go to our territory in the north. He'll stay there for one week to finish his inspection there."

Gian is disappointed with this result. He really wanted to attend the academy. Although Gian diligently drinks his medicine everyday, he still feel like he'll not be sick for the time being. It's because he was used to live in a place where the environment is not good in his past life and he can't rely to others aside from himself. Even though his body is weak, maybe his strong mentality is what kept him to survive in the past.

"By the way, who are you talking with earlier?" Viel suddenly asked Gian. "I can hear your voice a while ago, before you open the door."

Before Gian can answer his older brother, Viel slips inside his room and look around it. Gian's room is still the same. The smell of ink and books are lingering around his room. Everything is normal and nothing is amiss.

"What kind of question is that? It's obvious that I'm alone in my room."

"But I hear you talking with someone." Viel said. As a knight, his senses were always sensitive, so he's confident that he heard Gian's voice earlier.

"...I'm talking with myself. I'm currently writing some part of my story and I'm reading the words I wrote out loud."

"Oh. I see." Viel said. Then he shrugs his shoulder. "Your chosen profession is making you a little weird."

Gian didn't say anything after that. It's better for Viel to think that he is getting weirder than telling him that he is actually talking with a pen. He's pretty sure that Viel will laugh at him and tease him for being childish and crazy.

"If you have nothing more to say, leave—"

"Oh! What's this?"

Before Gian can stop his older brother, Viel is already holding the mysterious pen on his bed.

"What's this? Did you make it?" Viel asked as he inspects the pen in his hand.

"Give me that!"

"Wait for a bit. I'm still looking at it."

"Stop it, brother. It's mine—"


The both of them stops from moving when Viel let out a surprised sound while holding the pen. Gian is afraid to let his brother discover the secret of that thing. Gian is still not sure what to do with that pen and now Viel may discover its secret right now. After a while, he slowly looks at Gian with inquiring eyes.

"Gian, tell me. You..."