Chapter 13

It's been four days since they started turning Gian's plan into action. Everyone in the residence is very busy. Marquis Cres Val is managing the number of remaining stocks of sugar and teas in their storage houses. Not only that, he is also busy with reporting to the King about the progress of their work.

When the Marquis sends a letter to the Royal Palace informing him their of plans, the King asked for Marquis Cres Val to go to the Royal Palace and explain the details in person. Frederick explained that they will make a temporary substitution of their regular tea and sugar in the country until the drought disappears. After a thinking about it, the King gave his approval to do their plan.

Viel is also busy these days. Viel and his knights are responsible for safeguarding the storage houses in their territory. It is to make sure that no one will dare to steal the remaining stocks of sugar and tea inside the storage houses. Aside from leading the knights to make sure they are doing their job properly, Viel is also responsible for supervising the delivery procedure of honey and hibiscus flowers after its harvesting process.

Lastly, Gian is the responsible for doing all the process of making their new products. Russel gives the instruction while Gian is following his orders. The process of making these goods are actually not good for Gian's body. With his current sixteen-year-old body, any hard labor will make his body tired easily. When Marquis Cres Val noticed it, he quickly sends a servant to help his son with his work.

"Aaron, bring these boxes of jars in the storage room near the attic. You should handle the box with care so the jars will not break."


"After that, bring this document to my father's office later. Tell him to double-check the details written on it. After that, you can have an hour to take a break."

"I understand, Young Master Gian."

Gian looks at the timid, young boy who is diligently doing all the things he asked for him to do. After taking a look at the list of their servant's name, his father sent this young boy to Gian yesterday to serve him as an errand boy. Aaron is a twelve-year-old orphan who arrived in the Cres Val mansion last week to work for them as a kitchen cleaner. When Gian saw him, his eyes widen in surprise.

Gian personally knew this kid from his past life. He is the footboy who brought him outside the Cres Val mansion on the day when his whole family was executed. He was also the one who stayed on his side until he regained consciousness. Aaron sincerely helped Gian without asking for anything aside from his fast recovery.

Aaron treated him very well. He never judged him or treated him badly. Instead, Aaron still treated him with respect. Gian was grateful to him and planned to pay his kindness someday. But unfortunately, Aaron was killed while he was working in town.

A few people recognized Aaron and reported him to the patrolling knights at that time. Since he was a former employee of the Cres Val family, he was also brutally killed. Gian can't understand why the knights still had to killed Aaron. He was just a simple servant of his family. He was never a close relative of their family so they should at least spared his life.

"Buddy! Bee-doo! Bee-doo! Gian to Earth! Yuhoo!"

Gian blinks his eyes twice before looking at the pen placed on his chest pocket.

"What are you thinking right now? You are in dazed just now."

"It's nothing." Gian said in a low voice. It's not good for him to think about the past again.

"If you say so~!" Russel said in a singsong way.

"So what should we do next?" Gian asked.

Gian just finished designing the jar where they will store the harvested honey. The design of it is all based on Russel's idea. The body of the jar is made of glass. It has a round shape body that can fit a child's fist inside. Then the cover of it is made of thin aluminum metal. It is to ensure the freshness of the honey and to avoid spoilage.

According to Russel, honey can also turn into a crystal-like candy when stored in a cool and dry place for a period of time. This crystallized honey can be used as a sweetener for teas and milk. It can also be used in bread making and flavor enhancer for meat and chicken.

"We should start thinking about how to make the tea bags we need to use for the tea." Russel said. "In my world, we use filter paper as teabags. I will assume there is no filter paper in this world yet. Sighs. You know, I miss the presence of science and technology sometimes."

Gian remains silent as he listens to Russel's rambling. While he listens to the foreign words Russel often used, Gian is wondering what kind of environment did Russel grew up. Russel seems like a very knowledgeable person. Not only that. Because of Russel's carefree attitude, he always gives Gian a vibe that he can always give a solution to every problem.

"How about silk?" Russel asked. "Is it too expensive if we used silk as tea bags?"

"Yes. Usually, only the rich and nobles can afford to buy silk. If we will use it, then we may not be able to sell the tea for a cheaper price."

"Hmm. Tell me, Gian. Do you know any cloth that we can use as a teabag? It should be a cloth that can soak in water without spilling its content."

"How about cheesecloth?"


"Yes. This type of cloth is cheap and it can soak in water too." Gian suggested.

"Hmm... If we cut it into small pieces and sew the sides of it tightly, we can produce a smaller bag from it." Russel murmurs to himself. After that, he becomes silent for a long time.

As Gian patiently waits for Russel to talk again, Aaron silently grabs the papers he needs to deliver on his desk. He plans to quietly leave the room and not to disturb his young master as he thinks of some important things. But unfortunately, Aaron meets Gian's gaze.

"I will bring these documents to the Marquis." Aaron informed Gian in a timid voice.


Aaron holds the documents in his hands. He is careful not to crumple the documents or dirtied it with his clothes. Aaron is about to leave the room when Gian suddenly calls him again.


"Do you need something, Young Master Gian?"

"Come here." Gian said.

Gian opens the small drawer from the desk and gets something from it. Gian walks toward Aaron and grabs his hand and give him one big silver coin. Aaron's eyes widen and quickly look at Gian.

"Buy something good to eat on your day off." Gian said. "I'm afraid your arms will break one day while carrying the heavy boxes in this room."

This is really surprising for Aaron. As a kitchen cleaner and a newcomer on top of that, his salary for a whole month is only five small bronze coins. But it's only his first day working as an errand boy for this young master, and yet he is already giving him a big silver coin. This amount is enough to buy a big basket full of freshly baked bread and a small pail of cow's milk.

"But, Young Master Gian—"

"Just accept it. It's your reward for completing your tasks today without making any complaints." Gian said. "Now go. Father is waiting for those documents in his office."

When Aaron is still not moving, Gian sighs loudly and gently pushes Aaron until he is out of this room.

"Bro, you're too kind. Do you still need a brother? I am willing to be your brother for life!" Russel said in a high voice. "But you should pay me a huge sum of money, okay?"

"Even if I give you a money, a pen-like you will never be able to spend it." Gian said as he returns to his seat.

"Ouch! That hurts my feeling, bro. Even if I'm only a pen, I still have the right to speak whatever I want!"

"Apologies." Gian said with a flat tone. "So have you thought of a good idea on how to make the tea bags?"

When Gian deliberately ignores his childishness, Russel sighs loudly before he answers Gian with a simple yes.