Chapter 34

Viel, who was busy for the past few days came back early today. It's been days since Gian last saw Viel in their mansion. He heard from his father that Viel was busy training his troops every day. Gian did not think too much about it. When it is time for them to eat their dinner, Viel announces something important to them.

"The Red Tigers and The Black Pythons will be marching tomorrow afternoon towards the Eastern region."

"To fight the rebels?" Gian asked in surprise.

But the marquis and his older brother were more surprised with his question.

"How did you know that there are rebels in the Eastern region?"

Marquis Frederick and Viel decided not to informed Gian about it since he was not involved with any political affairs of this kingdom. So how come Gian knew about the rebels who are creating troubles in the Eastern region?

"...I accidentally heard the knights talking about the rebels earlier." Gian timidly said while avoiding Viel's eyes.

The marquis and Viel exchanged looks before looking at Gian again. Viel clicked his tongue while thinking what kind of punishment he will do to discipline those talkative knights of his. It seems like he is getting lenient with his knights lately.

"So you are marching to the Eastern region to stop the rebels?"

"That is right. But do not worry too much, little brother. The rebels are just stealing some resources there." Viel reassured Gian. "Arresting them is just an easy task."


Gian is aware that Viel is trying to fool him again. He knows that the rebels are not staying in the Eastern region just to steal some food and other resources. The rebels are planning to make the Eastern region as their own hideout. Gian knew all of these because it also happened in his past life.

In the past, the Red Tigers and the Black Pythons was given an order from the King to siege the Eastern region and arrest the rebels. The King cannot ignore his people in the Eastern region asking for help that is why he sent two of his trusted knights to end the problem. The fight between the knights and the rebels lasted for almost half a year. Viel missed Gian's seventeenth birthday at that time that is why he only celebrated it in their mansion together with the marquis. In the seventh month, they all came back as victorious heroes.

Viel's reputation as a young general rose up again and was given a separate land and a chest brimming with gold coins by the King as a reward. But on the other side, the General of the Black Pythons was killed on their last battle with the rebels. It was said that the leader of the rebel shot a poisoned arrow straight to the general's heart. The whole kingdom mourned for losing a brave general.

Thinking about it, the events that occurred in the past are still accurately happening in his second life. Looking at his older brother, Gian has nothing to worried about for now. If Gian can remember correctly, the misfortunes of his family will start when the second prince will fight for his right on the throne. Gian still has one and a half years to prepare.

"You will even come back as a hero anyway." Gian murmured to himself. But because Viel was sitting beside him, he clearly heard what Gian had said.

"I knew it! You are my number one fan, aren't you?!" Viel exclaimed in happiness. "You even believe that I will become a hero when I come back from the Eastern region."


Gian is not in the mood to fight with his brother, so he intentionally ignores him. But of course, Viel will never let it end just like this.

"By the way, I want to congratulate you on your engagement with Lady Shannen. As your brother, I am so proud of you. You grew up as a gentleman ready to save his lady from her evil stepmother."


"Then two years from now, you will be married and will have your own family and children. But don't worry! I will become a great uncle to my future nieces and nephews. Ah... My baby brother who I raised since he was a cute, little baby."

"Can you shut up? You are ruining the taste of my food."

This is clearly an insult, but Viel ignores it and continued.

"But what should I do? I do not want my brother to leave me. Hmm... Oh, I know! Dissolved your engagement with the lady and accompany me for the rest of our life."

"Stop it! You are so disgusting and annoying!"

The hell with his ideas? Even if Gian wants his brother to live for a long time, it does not mean he wants to stay with him for the rest of his life. By just imagining it gives a goosebump on Gian's skin.

Seeing the familiar irritated expression on Gian's face, Viel is finally satisfied. He merrily laughs when he succeeded in teasing his brother. As for the marquis, he only gives them a quick look before he continues eating his meal. That is right. This just a normal scenario for them.


After their dinner, Gian returns to his room, but he suddenly becomes restless. He keeps on walking back and forth with his left hand touching his chin. He has been doing it for exactly ten minutes. And a certain pen cannot keep his mouth shut anymore.

"Dude, stop it! Will you?" caterwauled Russel. "If you are thinking of something, just sit on a chair!"

Gian stops from walking and takes a quick glance at the pen placed on his chest pocket. Letting out a sigh, he follows Russel and sits on his chair. He fished out the pen in his pocket and holds it firmly. His gazes towards the pen are too focused that even Russel feels uncomfortable.


"Tell me." Gian said slowly. "Is it really okay for us to interfere with life and death?"

"Huh? What's with this sudden topic?"

"You told me that you are acquainted with a goddess named Femora, right?"

"Well, yes. What about it?"

"Then it only means that you are not a human-like me." Gian concluded.


"Can I interfere with someone knowing he will die in the future?" Gian seriously asked.

"Is it a common sense to save someone from dying especially if you have the capability to do it?"

"...You are right."

Gian is actually thinking if it is possible to save the General of the Black Pythons from his cruel death. Gian did not know him personally. In fact, he does not even know his face. But he heard from his father that the said general is a loyal knight of the previous Queen and a great friend of his mother.

"You are acting very strange tonight. Hmm..." observed Russel. "Tell me. Did you remember something from your past life?"

Gian inspects the pen he was holding for a while. He is wondering how is it possible for a smart person like Russel to become a non-living thing that can be easily destroyed. Gian is the type of person who will directly ask if there is something that he cannot understand. To make it easier, Gian asks this question to the talking pen.

"Before that, can you tell me what kind of sin your friend did to deserved this kind of punishment?"


"Are you playing dumb on me? You told me that it was originally your friend who committed a sin and you just took his punishment."

"...Ah. Of course."

"Did you forgot about it?"

"...Of course not. I just don't want to think about it. But thanks to you, I remember it again."

'Ah. My dark history.'

"Well... My fellow guardian 'accidentally' harassed a young goddess. I think he was drunk at that time and he failed to recognize the young goddess and thought he was 'talking' with a servant at that time. When he woke up, my goddess Femora was so enraged that she planned to cut his limbs into pieces. It was a good thing that I am too kind that I suddenly took his punishment. And because goddess Femora adore me so much, she can't force herself to kill me. Did I mention before that my goddess almost cries her eyes out if I did not comfort her? Ah! Because I am a true gentleman, I will never let my beautiful goddess be that miserable because of me. So yeah! Here I am, your reliable and trustworthy pen."




Both of them suddenly feel embarrassed for each other secretly. Gian is feeling embarrassed for Russel's lively and heartfelt story-telling just now. Russel is embarrassed for being too shameless in front of Gian. Not only that, but Russel is also secretly wishing that Femora is not listening to him for spouting nonsense tonight.

"So... What happened in your past life?" Better to change the topic real quick.

"Ah, that. Well... General Bishop will die while fighting with the rebels."

Sir Lewis Bishop. The general of the Black Pythons. He just turned 32 years old last month. Thinking about it, Gian feels a little sympathy for that general who died in his past life. He heard that General Bishop was alone and has no other relatives.

"I guess I will try to save his life this time." Gian muttered to himself. "But it will be hard to do that."

Since Gian saved Lady Shannen from her cruel fate, then it would not be too hassle saving one more person.