Chapter 38

The next morning, Gian and Marquis Frederick are having their breakfast together. Though the only thing that can be heard in the dining area is the sound of their cutleries, the atmosphere around them is not awkward. After eating their breakfast, Marquis Frederick stays for a while to drink a cup of hibiscus tea while Gian is drinking a cup of cold honey lemon tea.

Yesterday, Gian gave the recipe for their new products with its procedure to the head chef. He told them to make all the things listed on the paper and carefully follow its procedure. Because they all have the ingredients in their kitchen and the procedures written on the paper were all easy to do, they only took an hour to finished their young master's new products. After that, they all serve it to Gian for him to have a taste.

Gian tried all of it and he took a special liking on the lavender cookies. This cookie has a soft and chewy texture. Maybe because they used honey instead of sugar, but the taste of it is not too sweet. After taste testing it all, he gave the rest of these treats to the servants of their mansion so they can also have a taste of it.

Since he already confirmed that the taste of their cold drinks and new pastries will definitely sell in the market, the next thing Gian needs to do is to visit the two tea shops he owned. That is why he was a bit nervous right now. He wanted to ask for his father's permission to go out.

For some families, it was unnecessary for their child to ask their parents if they can go out of their mansion. But the Cres Val family is different from them. Ever since he was a child, Gian cannot go outside of their mansion to play with the kids who have the same as him or to attend social gatherings and banquets. If will really go outside, it would not them an hour before the servants urged him to go back inside and rest.

"Stop drumming your fingers before you can drill a hole on the table." Marquis Frederick finally breaks the silence between them.


Gian removes his hand on the table and put it on his thigh. Drumming his fingers on a flat surface is one of his habits while thinking of something.

"What is it, Gian? Speak now if you want to say something to me."

"Well... I am just going to ask if I can visit the town to personally see the tea shops."

"Oh. So you have chosen the tea shops to make an improvement in your sales."

"That is right. I am not that knowledgeable when it comes to clothes and fashion trends so I cannot make any other changes for the dress shops under my name. As for the pawnshop, I am still thinking of some strategies to make a huge profit and it may take me some time before I can come up with a good business plan for it. So the only option for me is the tea shops."

"I heard from Madam Finna that you asked the head chef to make some new recipes. Are you going to put it on the menu of your tea shops?"

"Yes, I am planning to remove the delicacies and drinks that were rarely ordered by the customers and change it with the cold drinks and snacks that are suitable to eat in this hot weather."

"Cold drinks and snacks?"

Gian asked a maid to bring the extra snack they made yesterday and serve it to his father. After a few moments, the maid comes with a small plate that has cookies and bread on it. The things Marquis Frederick first noticed are the sweet aroma coming from the bread and petals of lavender placed on top of the cookies as a design. When Gian asked his father to have a taste of it, the marquis took the honey bread first and taste it.

The marquis can feel the soft and fluffy texture of the bread inside his mouth. He can also taste a bit of sweetness that comes from the honey. For the lavender cookies, it was chewy and it easily melted inside his mouth. Unlike the honey bread, the cookies are not that sweet and perfect for the ladies who were on a diet."

"It's good." Marquis Frederick said. "How did you made this?"

"About that..."


"It's just a coincidence." Gian vaguely replied.

Gian gently stirs the honey lemon tea and avoid his father's eyes. As a father, Marquis Frederick knows his son very well.

"You do not have to tell me the on how did you come up with these ideas. The most important thing is you are the one who created it."

"No, that..."

Marquis Frederick was correct. Whether it was unintentional or not, Gian still remembered when people are praising the wrong person for creating the honey and tea bags a few months ago. Of course, Marquis Frederick is guilty about it. If only he told them the truth at that time...

"Well, about my trip for today..."

"Alright. You can go."

"Of course you will not agree... Wait, what?"

Gian quickly looks at his father to see if he is trying to fool him or not. He heard it right. Right? His father clearly said that he can go outside today.

"Why are you looking at me like that? I already gave you my permission." The marquis said. He does not know whether he will cry or laugh when he saw the doubtful expression on Gian's face.

"You should bring Butler Del with you so he can assist you when you visit the tea shops."

"I will."

"If that is all you wanted to ask, then I will go first. His Majesty is asking for my presence in the Royal Palace."

"The King? Why do they need your presence in the Royal Palace?"

He does not know why, but the marquis can hear a hint of aggressiveness in Gian's tone of voice when he asked this question. He also noticed that Gian stressed out the word 'King' just now. But when he looks at Gian, his expression was calm and collected. Maybe he was just hallucinating.

"His Majesty just wants to have a chat with me. He complained to me last time that I am not visiting him these past few weeks."

"...I see."

"You should go to your room first and change your clothes. I will ask the coachman to prepare your carriage and assign some knights to go with you."

"Alright. Then I will be going now."

Gian stands up from his seat. He stares at the marquis for a while before he goes to his room. When Gian finally left the dining room, Marquis Frederick calls for Butler Del. He instructs the old butler to come with Gian on his trip today.

"I understand, Marquis Frederick." Butler Del said. "Are you now going to the Royal Palace?"

"Yes. It seems like they are really eager to remove me from my position."

Though his words are full of jest, Marquis Frederick has a cold expression on his face. When he told Gian that the King was asking for his presence, that was totally a lie. It was not the King who was calling him in the Royal Palace, but it was Duke Ermintel, the current Prime Minister of this kingdom. He received an urgent summon from the Royal Palace last night and he cannot disregard it.

Up until now, the Aristocratic Party is still trying to push a huge crime on him. If the Marquis was proven as guilty of this crime, not only his reputation will be destroyed, but also the whole Cres Val family. But up until now, the Aristocratic Party cannot find solid proof of this so-called crime. But it does not mean they cannot make a summon for him in the Royal Palace.

The high society is still treating them with respect, but because of the summons he received in the Royal Palace, it is inevitable for rumors to spread. And this is the goal of the Aristocratic Party. If they cannot remove the Cres Val family in the political war in a quick and precise movement, then their second-best option for them is to slowly destroy their clean reputation in the society. They will keep on creating a lot of nasty and disturbing rumors about them until they can create a discord between the Cres Val family and the King.

"Are you going to be alright, marquis?" Butler Del asked in concern.

"You are worrying too much, Butler Del. Those fooling dogs cannot do anything to me. They can only bark at me, but has no courage to bite me." Marquis Frederick sneered. "Butler Del, do not let Gian hear any rumors about our family."

"Of course, marquis. It is my duty to protect the young lord." Butler Del respectfully said. "But I am quite surprised that you let him go outside today."

"What can I do? Gian is not a kid anymore."

"That is right. He's already turning seventeen next month."

"Butler Del, I changed my mind. We should not keep him anymore. I hope you will protect him all the time."

"You do not have to ask me that. I promised the lady that I will protect her child at all costs."

Marquis Frederick let out a deep sigh. He looks at the vacant chair where Gian was sitting earlier. Because he does not plan to hide Gian anymore, then he cannot change those things that will happen next. After his seventeenth birthday, Gian will surely play a huge part in this political war.