Chapter 42

"Bro, what do you think the reason why that little girl can hear me?"

"Even if you ask me that question, I cannot give you a proper explanation."

"But you heard the little girl too, right? She clearly called my name! And in a cute and adorable way too!" Russel said. "Do you think Femora also changed her fate?"

"Instead of asking me, why don't you directly ask the goddess that question?"

Up until now, the question of why the little princess can also hear Russel is still a big question for them. That little girl clearly called Russel's name twice so it was impossible for them to misheard her. Gian thought that he was the only one who can hear and talk with Russel. Unexpectedly, a little girl can also hear Russel's voice.

When they got home earlier, Gian asked Aaron to hold the pen. When Gian asked him if he can hear anything after touching the pen, Aaron said no. Gian also did the same thing with Butler Del but the answer he got was the same as Aaron.

"Have you forgotten that I am still being punished? That means I cannot call Femora anytime I want."

Gian clicked his tongue when he heard Russel's answer.

"Hey! What's with that attitude? Do not forget that I am still not forgiving you for leaving me behind earlier!"

"Stop being so fussy. I already gave you the right to make a name for my tea shops as an apology."

Russel is really holding a small grudge to Gian. He cannot forget how Gian turned his back earlier and forgot about the pen in the little girl's hand. If that little princess did not return him to Gian, Russel did not know what will happen to him in the future. That ungrateful ancient guy did not even bother to properly apologize to him but instead gave him the right to give a name to his tea shops.

"Tch. You should be grateful that I am the most forgiving guardian that you will ever meet."

"...Then thank you for that."

"Yeah, sure. You're welcome." Russel said. "By the way, is it really true that Princess Cielo died in your past life?"

"Yes." Gian simply answered.

If Gian's calculations were right, today was the same day where the young princess from their neighboring country will be kidnapped. That young princess is the only child of the King and Queen of the Sildeza Kingdom. Their queen, Queen Barinella, is the younger sister of His Majesty.

According to the stories spreading in their kingdom, the young princess of Sildeza Kingdom went lost right after they arrived here in the Fresiala Kingdom. It is said that there was a huge possibility that she was abducted by a human trafficker.

His Majesty send all of his troops to find his niece but after a whole week of searching, they still cannot find the lost princess. It was after a month that they finally found the young princess. But unfortunately, she was already dead and her small body was full of green and purple bruises. It was said that the young princess died due to the abuse and harsh treatment she received from her kidnappers.

Because the young princess died in this land, the Sildeza Kingdom declared to forget their friendly alliance with the Fresiala Kingdom. Queen Barinella also cut her ties with His Majesty. Afterward, the Sildeza Kingdom became hostile and declared a war against the Fresiala Kingdom.

The Fresiala Kingdom lose a lot from this tragic event. Many of their soldiers died in the war. Queen Barinella closed the trading market between the two kingdoms, making a huge problem to their economic status. The most affected of this event are the commoners.

Many stores were forced to shut down because they cannot afford to pay their taxes anymore. A lot of workers lose their jobs and the people living in the slums were starving and died in hunger. The crime rate in the Fresiala Kingdom also increased and most of the victims are children.

In the end, the people blamed His Majesty. They accused him of being a useless ruler. He is the King, but he cannot even do anything to save his dying people. This tragic event became first seed of hate in the people's hearts towards the current King.

"It is a good thing that you were the one who found the little princess first. Or else, there is a huge chance that she will meet the same fate she received in your past life." Russel said.

"I did not found her. She was the one who stuck on me while calling me her papa." Gian calmly replied as he writes the things he noticed on his trip today in a journal.

"Oh! Speaking of that, I really thought she was your daughter. You have no idea how much I wanted to curse you for abusing your power and deceiving a young woman. Then after using her, you just threw her away like trash. The worst part of it, she was pregnant and gave birth in a desolated place after a few months. Afterward, she was doing a lot of part-time jobs all day and night just to buy milk for her poor daughter."

Gian stops himself from writing and looks at the pen in his hands.

"You know, I am really amazed by your imagination sometimes." Gian said. "You can easily create a scenario in just a short time."

"Of course I am good at it. I am a famous writer before, you know."

"You are a writer?" Gian asked. "I thought you are a guardian?"

"...I am a writer and at the same time a guardian."



"You are hiding something from me." Gian stated as he gives an intense stare to the pen he was holding.

"Are you interrogating me now? Hah! I did not know that you are that kind of person, Gian. You really are destined to hurt my fragile and soft heart." Russel said in a lonely voice. "Oh my beautiful and sexy goddess Femora, please forgive this lowly human for being a judgmental person."


"Oh! Can you feel that? My goddess already gives her forgiveness for your sins. You are forgiven twice today, Gian." Russel said. Gian can even hear the haughtiness in his voice.

Nevermind. Gian feels like a fool for thinking that he can get a normal conversation with Russel today. Gian was already used with Russel's personality after having him on his side.


A woman wearing a black cape slaps the face of the knight standing in front of her. The ring she is wearing on her hand creates a thin but long scratch on the knight's right cheek. But still, the knight did not show any reaction and maintain his blank face. He is the same knight who was accompanying the little princess together with her nanny earlier in the marketplace.

"I only gave you an easy task but you still failed to do it. You are such a lousy and useless knight!" The woman in black cape screamed on his face.

"I apologize for my incompetence, Your Highness—"

Before the knight can finish his words, the woman gave her another slap on his face.

"I did not allow you to enter the knighthood for nothing, Milton. Always remember that."

Milton, the knight standing in front of the woman, did not say anything. Right now, he is talking to the Queen of the Fresiala Kingdom, Queen Merille von Fresiala. There are currently talking in the passage near the entrance in secret. The queen is wearing a simple dress with a black hooded cape that covers half of her face so no one can recognize her from afar.

Earlier, Queen Merille gave an order to her knight. She ordered Milton to separate the little princess of Sildeza from her nanny and maids in the marketplace. If possible, she wanted Princess Cielo to be fetched by a trafficker so she can never return to the palace. In short, Queen Merille wanted her to disappear.

Queen Merille thought that she will never see that little girl again. Queen Merille even prepared her acting once she received the news that the little princess was missing. But unfortunately for the queen, her plans failed. Princess Cielo came back unharmed in the Royal Palace and she is currently staying with His Majesty.

"Tell me what happened, Milton. How come Princess Cielo came back safely from her trip to the marketplace?"

Milton tells the queen all the details that happened earlier. While Merina was busy paying for the things they bought in front of a shop, Milton gently pushed the little princess playing behind her nanny towards the busy crowd. The little princess is naturally curious about her surroundings and eventually followed the flow of the busy line of people in the marketplace. Milton also thought that he will never see the little princess again.

But after half an hour of searching in the crowd, Milton saw the little princess again. She was still safe and smiling as usual. A young nobleman was accompanying the princess and delivered her safely back to her nanny Merina.

"You really are useless!" Queen Merille hissed. "Who is that young man who ruined our plan?"

"The young man introduced himself as the second son of Marquis Cres Val. His name is Gian Cres Val." Milton answered.

"The second son of Marquis Cres Val? I thought he was dying in sickness according to the rumors?"

"He does not look like a sick person to me, Your Highness." Milton said. "In fact, he is the embodiment of a healthy young noble."

"Tch. Even those sons of Marquis Cres Val are interfering with our plans."

Milton only listens to Queen Merille without interfering with her. The blood coming from his fresh and stinging wound on his right cheek is now dripping on his uniform. But he is still not showing any emotion or reaction.

"Go to my father's residence tonight. Tell him to write a letter to my son informing him about our current situation. I cannot show His Majesty any suspicious action for now especially that the King and Queen of Sildeza Kingdom are here."

"I understand, Your Highness."

"Good. You may go now."

Milton gives Her Highness a salute before leaving and blending himself in the darkness. Queen Merille turns around to go back to her room and act as if their secret meeting never happened.